Lambda Telemetry API Event schema reference - Amazon Lambda
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Lambda Telemetry API Event schema reference

Use the Lambda Telemetry API endpoint to subscribe extensions to telemetry streams. You can retrieve the Telemetry API endpoint from the AWS_LAMBDA_RUNTIME_API environment variable. To send an API request, append the API version (2022-07-01/) and telemetry/. For example:


For the OpenAPI Specification (OAS) definition of the subscription responses version 2022-12-13, see the following:

The following table is a summary of all the types of Event objects that the Telemetry API supports.

Category Event type Description Event record schema

Platform event


Function initialization started.

platform.initStart schema

Platform event


Function initialization completed.

platform.initRuntimeDone schema

Platform event


A report of function initialization.

platform.initReport schema

Platform event


Function invocation started.

platform.start schema

Platform event


The runtime finished processing an event with either success or failure.

platform.runtimeDone schema

Platform event

A report of function invocation. schema

Platform event


Runtime restore started.

platform.restoreStart schema

Platform event


Runtime restore completed.

platform.restoreRuntimeDone schema

Platform event


Report of runtime restore.

platform.restoreReport schema

Platform event


The extension subscribed to the Telemetry API.

platform.telemetrySubscription schema

Platform event


Lambda dropped log entries.

platform.logsDropped schema

Function logs


A log line from function code.

function schema

Extension logs


A log line from extension code.

extension schema

Telemetry API Event object types

This section details the types of Event objects that the Lambda Telemetry API supports. In the event descriptions, a question mark (?) indicates that the attribute may not be present in the object.


A platform.initStart event indicates that the function initialization phase has started. A platform.initStart Event object has the following shape:

Event: Object - time: String - type: String = platform.initStart - record: PlatformInitStart

The PlatformInitStart object has the following attributes:

  • functionNameString

  • functionVersionString

  • initializationTypeInitType object

  • instanceId?String

  • instanceMaxMemory?Integer

  • phaseInitPhase object

  • runtimeVersion?String

  • runtimeVersionArn?String

The following is an example Event of type platform.initStart:

{ "time": "2022-10-12T00:00:15.064Z", "type": "platform.initStart", "record": { "initializationType": "on-demand", "phase": "init", "runtimeVersion": "nodejs-14.v3", "runtimeVersionArn": "arn", "functionName": "myFunction", "functionVersion": "$LATEST", "instanceId": "82561ce0-53dd-47d1-90e0-c8f5e063e62e", "instanceMaxMemory": 256 } }


A platform.initRuntimeDone event indicates that the function initialization phase has completed. A platform.initRuntimeDone Event object has the following shape:

Event: Object - time: String - type: String = platform.initRuntimeDone - record: PlatformInitRuntimeDone

The PlatformInitRuntimeDone object has the following attributes:

The following is an example Event of type platform.initRuntimeDone:

{ "time": "2022-10-12T00:01:15.000Z", "type": "platform.initRuntimeDone", "record": { "initializationType": "on-demand" "status": "success", "spans": [ { "name": "someTimeSpan", "start": "2022-06-02T12:02:33.913Z", "durationMs": 70.5 } ] } }


A platform.initReport event contains an overall report of the function initialization phase. A platform.initReport Event object has the following shape:

Event: Object - time: String - type: String = platform.initReport - record: PlatformInitReport

The PlatformInitReport object has the following attributes:

The following is an example Event of type platform.initReport:

{ "time": "2022-10-12T00:01:15.000Z", "type": "platform.initReport", "record": { "initializationType": "on-demand", "status": "success", "phase": "init", "metrics": { "durationMs": 125.33 }, "spans": [ { "name": "someTimeSpan", "start": "2022-06-02T12:02:33.913Z", "durationMs": 90.1 } ] } }


A platform.start event indicates that the function invocation phase has started. A platform.start Event object has the following shape:

Event: Object - time: String - type: String = platform.start - record: PlatformStart

The PlatformStart object has the following attributes:

  • requestIdString

  • version?String

  • tracing?TraceContext

The following is an example Event of type platform.start:

{ "time": "2022-10-12T00:00:15.064Z", "type": "platform.start", "record": { "requestId": "6d68ca91-49c9-448d-89b8-7ca3e6dc66aa", "version": "$LATEST", "tracing": { "spanId": "54565fb41ac79632", "type": "X-Amzn-Trace-Id", "value": "Root=1-62e900b2-710d76f009d6e7785905449a;Parent=0efbd19962d95b05;Sampled=1" } } }


A platform.runtimeDone event indicates that the function invocation phase has completed. A platform.runtimeDone Event object has the following shape:

Event: Object - time: String - type: String = platform.runtimeDone - record: PlatformRuntimeDone

The PlatformRuntimeDone object has the following attributes:

The following is an example Event of type platform.runtimeDone:

{ "time": "2022-10-12T00:01:15.000Z", "type": "platform.runtimeDone", "record": { "requestId": "6d68ca91-49c9-448d-89b8-7ca3e6dc66aa", "status": "success", "tracing": { "spanId": "54565fb41ac79632", "type": "X-Amzn-Trace-Id", "value": "Root=1-62e900b2-710d76f009d6e7785905449a;Parent=0efbd19962d95b05;Sampled=1" }, "spans": [ { "name": "someTimeSpan", "start": "2022-08-02T12:01:23:521Z", "durationMs": 80.0 } ], "metrics": { "durationMs": 140.0, "producedBytes": 16 } } }

A event contains an overall report of the function invoke phase. A Event object has the following shape:

Event: Object - time: String - type: String = - record: PlatformReport

The PlatformReport object has the following attributes:

The following is an example Event of type

{ "time": "2022-10-12T00:01:15.000Z", "type": "", "record": { "metrics": { "billedDurationMs": 694, "durationMs": 693.92, "initDurationMs": 397.68, "maxMemoryUsedMB": 84, "memorySizeMB": 128 }, "requestId": "6d68ca91-49c9-448d-89b8-7ca3e6dc66aa", } }


A platform.restoreStart event indicates that a function environment restoration event started. In an environment restoration event, Lambda creates the environment from a cached snapshot rather than initializing it from scratch. For more information, see Lambda SnapStart. A platform.restoreStart Event object has the following shape:

Event: Object - time: String - type: String = platform.restoreStart - record: PlatformRestoreStart

The PlatformRestoreStart object has the following attributes:

  • functionNameString

  • functionVersionString

  • instanceId?String

  • instanceMaxMemory?String

  • runtimeVersion?String

  • runtimeVersionArn?String

The following is an example Event of type platform.restoreStart:

{ "time": "2022-10-12T00:00:15.064Z", "type": "platform.restoreStart", "record": { "runtimeVersion": "nodejs-14.v3", "runtimeVersionArn": "arn", "functionName": "myFunction", "functionVersion": "$LATEST", "instanceId": "82561ce0-53dd-47d1-90e0-c8f5e063e62e", "instanceMaxMemory": 256 } }


A platform.restoreRuntimeDone event indicates that a function environment restoration event completed. In an environment restoration event, Lambda creates the environment from a cached snapshot rather than initializing it from scratch. For more information, see Lambda SnapStart. A platform.restoreRuntimeDone Event object has the following shape:

Event: Object - time: String - type: String = platform.restoreRuntimeDone - record: PlatformRestoreRuntimeDone

The PlatformRestoreRuntimeDone object has the following attributes:

  • errorType?String

  • spans? – List of Span objects

  • statusStatus object

The following is an example Event of type platform.restoreRuntimeDone:

{ "time": "2022-10-12T00:00:15.064Z", "type": "platform.restoreRuntimeDone", "record": { "status": "success", "spans": [ { "name": "someTimeSpan", "start": "2022-08-02T12:01:23:521Z", "durationMs": 80.0 } ] } }


A platform.restoreReport event contains an overall report of a function restoration event. A platform.restoreReport Event object has the following shape:

Event: Object - time: String - type: String = platform.restoreReport - record: PlatformRestoreReport

The PlatformRestoreReport object has the following attributes:

The following is an example Event of type platform.restoreReport:

{ "time": "2022-10-12T00:00:15.064Z", "type": "platform.restoreReport", "record": { "status": "success", "metrics": { "durationMs": 15.19 }, "spans": [ { "name": "someTimeSpan", "start": "2022-08-02T12:01:23:521Z", "durationMs": 30.0 } ] } }


An extension event contains logs from the extension code. An extension Event object has the following shape:

Event: Object - time: String - type: String = extension - record: {}

The PlatformExtension object has the following attributes:

  • events – List of String

  • nameString

  • stateString

The following is an example Event of type platform.extension:

{ "time": "2022-10-12T00:02:15.000Z", "type": "platform.extension", "record": { "events": [ "INVOKE", "SHUTDOWN" ], "name": "my-telemetry-extension", "state": "Ready" } }


A platform.telemetrySubscription event contains information about an extension subscription. A platform.telemetrySubscription Event object has the following shape:

Event: Object - time: String - type: String = platform.telemetrySubscription - record: PlatformTelemetrySubscription

The PlatformTelemetrySubscription object has the following attributes:

  • nameString

  • stateString

  • types – List of String

The following is an example Event of type platform.telemetrySubscription:

{ "time": "2022-10-12T00:02:35.000Z", "type": "platform.telemetrySubscription", "record": { "name": "my-telemetry-extension", "state": "Subscribed", "types": [ "platform", "function" ] } }


A platform.logsDropped event contains information about dropped events. Lambda emits the platform.logsDropped event when a function outputs logs at too high a rate for Lambda to process them. When Lambda can't send logs to CloudWatch or to the extension subscribed to Telemetry API at the rate the function produces them, it drops logs to prevent the function's execution from slowing down. A platform.logsDropped Event object has the following shape:

Event: Object - time: String - type: String = platform.logsDropped - record: PlatformLogsDropped

The PlatformLogsDropped object has the following attributes:

  • droppedBytesInteger

  • droppedRecordsInteger

  • reasonString

The following is an example Event of type platform.logsDropped:

{ "time": "2022-10-12T00:02:35.000Z", "type": "platform.logsDropped", "record": { "droppedBytes": 12345, "droppedRecords": 123, "reason": "Some logs were dropped because the downstream consumer is slower than the logs production rate" } }


A function event contains logs from the function code. A function Event object has the following shape:

Event: Object - time: String - type: String = function - record: {}

The format of the record field depends on whether your function's logs are formatted in plain text or JSON format. to learn more about log format configuration options, see Configuring JSON and plain text log formats

The following is an example Event of type function where the log format is plain text:

{ "time": "2022-10-12T00:03:50.000Z", "type": "function", "record": "[INFO] Hello world, I am a function!" }

The following is an example Event of type function where the log format is JSON:

{ "time": "2022-10-12T00:03:50.000Z", "type": "function", "record": { "timestamp": "2022-10-12T00:03:50.000Z", "level": "INFO", "requestId": "79b4f56e-95b1-4643-9700-2807f4e68189", "message": "Hello world, I am a function!" } }

If the schema version you're using is older than the 2022-12-13 version, then the "record" is always rendered as a string even when your function's logging format is configured as JSON.


A extension event contains logs from the extension code. A extension Event object has the following shape:

Event: Object - time: String - type: String = extension - record: {}

The format of the record field depends on whether your function's logs are formatted in plain text or JSON format. to learn more about log format configuration options, see Configuring JSON and plain text log formats

The following is an example Event of type extension where the log format is plain text:

{ "time": "2022-10-12T00:03:50.000Z", "type": "extension", "record": "[INFO] Hello world, I am an extension!" }

The following is an example Event of type extension where the log format is JSON:

{ "time": "2022-10-12T00:03:50.000Z", "type": "extension", "record": { "timestamp": "2022-10-12T00:03:50.000Z", "level": "INFO", "requestId": "79b4f56e-95b1-4643-9700-2807f4e68189", "message": "Hello world, I am an extension!" } }

If the schema version you're using is older than the 2022-12-13 version, then the "record" is always rendered as a string even when your function's logging format is configured as JSON.

Shared object types

This section details the types of shared objects that the Lambda Telemetry API supports.


A string enum that describes the phase when the initialization step occurs. In most cases, Lambda runs the function initialization code during the init phase. However, in some error cases, Lambda may re-run the function initialization code during the invoke phase. (This is called a suppressed init.)

  • TypeString

  • Valid valuesinit|invoke|snap-start


An object that contains metrics about an initialization phase.

  • TypeObject

An InitReportMetrics object has the following shape:

InitReportMetrics: Object - durationMs: Double

The following is an example InitReportMetrics object:

{ "durationMs": 247.88 }


A string enum that describes how Lambda initialized the environment.

  • TypeString

  • Valid valueson-demand|provisioned-concurrency


An object that contains metrics about a completed phase.

  • TypeObject

A ReportMetrics object has the following shape:

ReportMetrics: Object - billedDurationMs: Integer - durationMs: Double - initDurationMs?: Double - maxMemoryUsedMB: Integer - memorySizeMB: Integer - restoreDurationMs?: Double

The following is an example ReportMetrics object:

{ "billedDurationMs": 694, "durationMs": 693.92, "initDurationMs": 397.68, "maxMemoryUsedMB": 84, "memorySizeMB": 128 }


An object that contains metrics about a completed restoration phase.

  • TypeObject

A RestoreReportMetrics object has the following shape:

RestoreReportMetrics: Object - durationMs: Double

The following is an example RestoreReportMetrics object:

{ "durationMs": 15.19 }


An object that contains metrics about an invocation phase.

  • TypeObject

A RuntimeDoneMetrics object has the following shape:

RuntimeDoneMetrics: Object - durationMs: Double - producedBytes?: Integer

The following is an example RuntimeDoneMetrics object:

{ "durationMs": 200.0, "producedBytes": 15 }


An object that contains details about a span. A span represents a unit of work or operation in a trace. For more information about spans, see Span on the Tracing API page of the OpenTelemetry Docs website.

Lambda supports the following spans for the platform.RuntimeDone event:

  • The responseLatency span describes how long it took your Lambda function to start sending the response.

  • The responseDuration span describes how long it took your Lambda function to finish sending the entire response.

  • The runtimeOverhead span describes how long it took the Lambda runtime to signal that it is ready to process the next function invoke. This is how long the runtime took to call the next invocation API to get the next event after returning your function response.

The following is an example responseLatency span object:

{ "name": "responseLatency", "start": "2022-08-02T12:01:23.521Z", "durationMs": 23.02 }


An object that describes the status of an initialization or invocation phase. If the status is either failure or error, then the Status object also contains an errorType field describing the error.

  • TypeObject

  • Valid status valuessuccess|failure|error|timeout


An object that describes the properties of a trace.

  • TypeObject

A TraceContext object has the following shape:

TraceContext: Object - spanId?: String - type: TracingType enum - value: String

The following is an example TraceContext object:

{ "spanId": "073a49012f3c312e", "type": "X-Amzn-Trace-Id", "value": "Root=1-62e900b2-710d76f009d6e7785905449a;Parent=0efbd19962d95b05;Sampled=1" }


A string enum that describes the type of tracing in a TraceContext object.

  • TypeString

  • Valid valuesX-Amzn-Trace-Id