Add streaming data sources to Managed Service for Apache Flink - Managed Service for Apache Flink
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Amazon Managed Service for Apache Flink was previously known as Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics for Apache Flink.

Add streaming data sources to Managed Service for Apache Flink

Apache Flink provides connectors for reading from files, sockets, collections, and custom sources. In your application code, you use an Apache Flink source to receive data from a stream. This section describes the sources that are available for Amazon services.

Use Kinesis data streams

The KinesisStreamsSource provides streaming data to your application from an Amazon Kinesis data stream.

Create a KinesisStreamsSource

The following code example demonstrates creating a KinesisStreamsSource:

// Configure the KinesisStreamsSource Configuration sourceConfig = new Configuration(); sourceConfig.set(KinesisSourceConfigOptions.STREAM_INITIAL_POSITION, KinesisSourceConfigOptions.InitialPosition.TRIM_HORIZON); // This is optional, by default connector will read from LATEST // Create a new KinesisStreamsSource to read from specified Kinesis Stream. KinesisStreamsSource<String> kdsSource = KinesisStreamsSource.<String>builder() .setStreamArn("arn:aws:kinesis:us-east-1:123456789012:stream/test-stream") .setSourceConfig(sourceConfig) .setDeserializationSchema(new SimpleStringSchema()) .setKinesisShardAssigner(ShardAssignerFactory.uniformShardAssigner()) // This is optional, by default uniformShardAssigner will be used. .build();

For more information about using a KinesisStreamsSource, see Amazon Kinesis Data Streams Connector in the Apache Flink documentation and our public KinesisConnectors example on Github.

Create a KinesisStreamsSource that uses an EFO consumer

The KinesisStreamsSource now supports Enhanced Fan-Out (EFO).

If a Kinesis consumer uses EFO, the Kinesis Data Streams service gives it its own dedicated bandwidth, rather than having the consumer share the fixed bandwidth of the stream with the other consumers reading from the stream.

For more information about using EFO with the Kinesis consumer, see FLIP-128: Enhanced Fan Out for Amazon Kinesis Consumers.

You enable the EFO consumer by setting the following parameters on the Kinesis consumer:

  • READER_TYPE: Set this parameter to EFO for your application to use an EFO consumer to access the Kinesis Data Stream data.

  • EFO_CONSUMER_NAME: Set this parameter to a string value that is unique among the consumers of this stream. Re-using a consumer name in the same Kinesis Data Stream will cause the previous consumer using that name to be terminated.

To configure a KinesisStreamsSource to use EFO, add the following parameters to the consumer:

sourceConfig.set(KinesisSourceConfigOptions.READER_TYPE, KinesisSourceConfigOptions.ReaderType.EFO); sourceConfig.set(KinesisSourceConfigOptions.EFO_CONSUMER_NAME, "my-flink-efo-consumer");

For an example of a Managed Service for Apache Flink application that uses an EFO consumer, see our public Kinesis Connectors example on Github.

Use Amazon MSK

The KafkaSource source provides streaming data to your application from an Amazon MSK topic.

Create a KafkaSource

The following code example demonstrates creating a KafkaSource:

KafkaSource<String> source = KafkaSource.<String>builder() .setBootstrapServers(brokers) .setTopics("input-topic") .setGroupId("my-group") .setStartingOffsets(OffsetsInitializer.earliest()) .setValueOnlyDeserializer(new SimpleStringSchema()) .build(); env.fromSource(source, WatermarkStrategy.noWatermarks(), "Kafka Source");

For more information about using a KafkaSource, see MSK Replication.