Create a Apache Airflow web server access token - Amazon Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow
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Create a Apache Airflow web server access token

You can use the commands on this page to create a web server access token. An access token allows you access to your Amazon MWAA environment. For example, you can get a token, then deploy DAGs programmatically using Amazon MWAA APIs. The following section includes the steps to create an Apache Airflow web login token using the Amazon CLI, a bash script, a POST API request, or a Python script. The token returned in the response is valid for 60 seconds.


The following section describes the preliminary steps required to use the commands and scripts on this page.


Amazon CLI

The Amazon Command Line Interface (Amazon CLI) is an open source tool that enables you to interact with Amazon services using commands in your command-line shell. To complete the steps on this page, you need the following:

Using the Amazon CLI

The following example uses the create-web-login-token command in the Amazon CLI to create an Apache Airflow web login token.

aws mwaa create-web-login-token --name YOUR_ENVIRONMENT_NAME

Using a bash script

The following example uses a bash script to call the create-web-login-token command in the Amazon CLI to create an Apache Airflow web login token.

  1. Copy the contents of the following code sample and save locally as

    #!/bin/bash HOST=YOUR_HOST_NAME YOUR_URL=https://$HOST/aws_mwaa/aws-console-sso?login=true# WEB_TOKEN=$(aws mwaa create-web-login-token --name YOUR_ENVIRONMENT_NAME --query WebToken --output text) echo $YOUR_URL$WEB_TOKEN
  2. Substitute the placeholders in red for YOUR_HOST_NAME and YOUR_ENVIRONMENT_NAME. For example, a host name for a public network may look like this (without the https://):
  3. (optional) macOS and Linux users may need to run the following command to ensure the script is executable.

    chmod +x
  4. Run the following script to get a web login token.

  5. You should see the following in your command prompt:{your-web-login-token}

Using a Python script

The following example uses the boto3 create_web_login_token method in a Python script to create an Apache Airflow web login token. You can run this script outside of Amazon MWAA. The only thing you need to do is install the boto3 library. You may want to create a virtual environment to install the library. It assumes you have configured Amazon authentication credentials for your account.

  1. Copy the contents of the following code sample and save locally as

    import boto3 mwaa = boto3.client('mwaa') response = mwaa.create_web_login_token( Name="YOUR_ENVIRONMENT_NAME" ) webServerHostName = response["WebServerHostname"] webToken = response["WebToken"] airflowUIUrl = 'https://{0}/aws_mwaa/aws-console-sso?login=true#{1}'.format(webServerHostName, webToken) print("Here is your Airflow UI URL: ") print(airflowUIUrl)
  2. Substitute the placeholder in red for YOUR_ENVIRONMENT_NAME.

  3. Run the following script to get a web login token.


What's next?

  • Explore the Amazon MWAA API operation used to create a web login token at CreateWebLoginToken.