Amazon Neptune Engine Updates 2018-10-29
Amazon Neptune is generally available. All new Neptune DB clusters, including those restored from snapshots, will be created in Neptune after the engine update is complete for that Region.
Existing clusters can be upgraded to this release immediately using the DB cluster operations on the console or by using the SDK. You can use the following CLI command to upgrade a DB cluster to this release immediately:
aws neptune apply-pending-maintenance-action \ --apply-action system-update \ --opt-in-type immediate \ --resource-identifier arn:aws-cn:rds:
:<account number>
Neptune DB clusters will automatically be upgraded to engine release during system maintenance windows. The timing of when updates are applied depends on the Region and maintenance window setting for the DB cluster, as well as on the type of update.
The instance maintenance window does not apply to engine updates.
Updates are applied to all instances in a DB cluster simultaneously. An update requires
a database restart on all instances in a DB cluster, so you will experience downtime ranging
from 20–30 seconds to several minutes, after which you can resume using your DB cluster
or clusters. You can view or change your maintenance window settings on the Neptune console
If you have any questions or concerns, the Amazon Support team is available on the community forums and through
Amazon Premium Support
Added IAM authentication information to Audit logs.
Added Support for temporary credentials using IAM Roles and Instance Profiles.
Added WebSocket connection termination for IAM authentication when permission is revoked or if the IAM user or role is deleted.
Limited the maximum number of WebSocket connections to 60,000 per instance.
Improved Bulk Load performance for smaller instance types.
Improved performance for queries that include the
operators in Gremlin. -
The NTriples parser now rejects invalid URIs, such as URIs containing whitespace.