Examples of filtering what is exported - Amazon Neptune
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Examples of filtering what is exported

Here are examples that illustrate ways to filter the data that is exported.

Filtering the export of property-graph data

Example of using scope to export only edges

{ "command": "export-pg", "params": { "endpoint": "(your Neptune endpoint DNS name)", "scope": "edges" }, "outputS3Path": "s3://(your Amazon S3 bucket)/neptune-export" }

Example of using nodeLabels and edgeLabels to export only nodes and edges having specific labels

The nodeLabels parameter in the following example specifies that only nodes having a Person label or a Post label should be exported. The edgeLabels parameter specifies that only edges with a likes label should be exported:

{ "command": "export-pg", "params": { "endpoint": "(your Neptune endpoint DNS name)", "nodeLabels": ["Person", "Post"], "edgeLabels": ["likes"] }, "outputS3Path": "s3://(your Amazon S3 bucket)/neptune-export" }

Example of using filter to export only specified nodes, edges and properties

The filter object in this example exports country nodes with their type, code and desc properties, and also route edges with their dist property.

{ "command": "export-pg", "params": { "endpoint": "(your Neptune endpoint DNS name)", "filter": { "nodes": [ { "label": "country", "properties": [ "type", "code", "desc" ] } ], "edges": [ { "label": "route", "properties": [ "dist" ] } ] } }, "outputS3Path": "s3://(your Amazon S3 bucket)/neptune-export" }

Example that uses gremlinFilter

This example uses gremlinFilter to export only those nodes and edges created after 2021-10-10 (that is, with a created property whose value is greater than 2021-10-10):

{ "command": "export-pg", "params": { "endpoint": "(your Neptune endpoint DNS name)", "gremlinFilter" : "has(\"created\", gt(datetime(\"2021-10-10\")))" }, "outputS3Path": "s3://(your Amazon S3 bucket)/neptune-export" }

Example that uses gremlinNodeFilter

This example uses gremlinNodeFilter to export only deleted nodes (nodes with a Boolean deleted property whose value is true):

{ "command": "export-pg", "params": { "endpoint": "(your Neptune endpoint DNS name)", "gremlinNodeFilter" : "has(\"deleted\", true)" }, "outputS3Path": "s3://(your Amazon S3 bucket)/neptune-export" }

Example that uses gremlinEdgeFilter

This example uses gremlinEdgeFilter to export only edges with a strength numerical property whose value is 5:

{ "command": "export-pg", "params": { "endpoint": "(your Neptune endpoint DNS name)", "gremlinEdgeFilter" : "has(\"strength\", 5)" }, "outputS3Path": "s3://(your Amazon S3 bucket)/neptune-export" }

Combining filter, gremlinNodeFilter, nodeLabels, edgeLabels and scope

The filter object in this example exports:

  • country nodes with their type, code and desc properties

  • airport nodes with their code, icao and runways properties

  • route edges with their dist property

The gremlinNodeFilter parameter filters the nodes so that only nodes with a code property whose value begins with A are exported.

The nodeLabels and edgeLabels parameters further restrict the output so that only airport nodes and route edges are exported.

Finally, the scope parameter eliminates edges from the export, which leaves only the designated airport nodes in the output.

{ "command": "export-pg", "params": { "endpoint": "(your Neptune endpoint DNS name)", "filter": { "nodes": [ { "label": "airport", "properties": [ "code", "icao", "runways" ] }, { "label": "country", "properties": [ "type", "code", "desc" ] } ], "edges": [ { "label": "route", "properties": [ "dist" ] } ] }, "gremlinNodeFilter": "has(\"code\", startingWith(\"A\"))", "nodeLabels": [ "airport" ], "edgeLabels": [ "route" ], "scope": "nodes" }, "outputS3Path": "s3://(your Amazon S3 bucket)/neptune-export" }

Filtering the export of RDF data

Using rdfExportScope and sparql to export specific edges

This example exports triples whose predicate is <http://kelvinlawrence.net/air-routes/objectProperty/route> and whose object is not a literal:

{ "command": "export-rdf", "params": { "endpoint": "(your Neptune endpoint DNS name)", "rdfExportScope": "query", "sparql": "CONSTRUCT { ?s <http://kelvinlawrence.net/air-routes/objectProperty/route> ?o } WHERE { ?s ?p ?o . FILTER(!isLiteral(?o)) }" }, "outputS3Path": "s3://(your Amazon S3 bucket)/neptune-export" }

Using namedGraph to export a single named graph

This example exports triples belonging to the named graph <http://aws.amazon.com/neptune/vocab/v01/DefaultNamedGraph>:

{ "command": "export-rdf", "params": { "endpoint": "(your Neptune endpoint DNS name)", "rdfExportScope": "graph", "namedGraph": "http://aws.amazon.com/neptune/vocab/v01/DefaultNamedGraph" }, "outputS3Path": "s3://(your Amazon S3 bucket)/neptune-export" }