Mapping of SPARQL and Gremlin datatypes to OpenSearch
New datatype mappings in OpenSearch are created based on the datatype being used in the property or object. Because some fields contain values of different types, the initial mapping may exclude some values of the field.
Neptune datatypes map to OpenSearch datatypes as follows:
SPARQL types | Gremlin types | OpenSearch types |
Custom datatype |
N/A |
Any other datatype |
N/A |
For example, the following Gremlin update query causes a new mapping for
"newField" to be added to OpenSearch, namely { "type" : "double" }
g.V("1").property("newField" 10.5)
Similarly, the following SPARQL update query causes a new mapping for
"ex:byte" to be added to OpenSearch, namely { "type" : "long" }
PREFIX ex: <http://my/example#> PREFIX xsd:<> INSERT DATA { ex:test ex:byte "123"^^xsd:byte }.
As you can see, an item mapped from Neptune to OpenSearch may end up with a different datatype in OpenSearch than it has in Neptune. However, there is an explicit text field in OpenSearch, "datatype", that records the datatype that the item has in Neptune.