IAM actions for data access in Amazon Neptune - Amazon Neptune
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IAM actions for data access in Amazon Neptune

Note that Neptune data-access actions have the prefix neptune-db:, whereas administrative actions in Neptune have the prefix rds:.

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for a data resource in IAM is not the same as the ARN assigned to a cluster on creation. You must construct the ARN as shown in Specifying data resources. Such data resource ARNs can use wildcards to include multiple resources.

Data-access policy statements can also include the neptune-db:QueryLanguage condition key to restrict access by query language.

Starting with Release: (2022-07-21), Neptune supports restricting permissions to one or more specific Neptune actions. This provides more granular access control than was previously possible.

  • Changes to an IAM policy take up to 10 minutes to apply to the specified Neptune resources.

  • IAM policies that are applied to a Neptune DB cluster apply to all instances in that cluster.

Query-based data-access actions


It isn't always obvious what permissions are needed to run a given query, because queries can potentially take more than one action depending on the data that they process. See Using query actions for more information.


ReadDataViaQuery allows the user to read data from the Neptune database by submitting queries.

Action groups: read-only, read-write.

Action context keys: neptune-db:QueryLanguage.

Required resources: database.


WriteDataViaQuery allows the user to write data to the Neptune database by submitting queries.

Action groups: read-write.

Action context keys: neptune-db:QueryLanguage.

Required resources: database.


DeleteDataViaQuery allows the user to delete data from the Neptune database by submitting queries.

Action groups: read-write.

Action context keys: neptune-db:QueryLanguage.

Required resources: database.


GetQueryStatus allows the user to check the status of all active queries.

Action groups: read-only, read-write.

Action context keys: neptune-db:QueryLanguage.

Required resources: database.


GetStreamRecords allows the user to fetch stream records from Neptune.

Action groups: read-write.

Action context keys: neptune-db:QueryLanguage.

Required resources: database.


CancelQuery allows the user to to cancel a query.

Action groups: read-write.

Required resources: database.

General data-access actions


GetEngineStatus allows the user to check the status of the Neptune engine.

Action groups: read-only, read-write.

Required resources: database.


GetStatisticsStatus allows the user to check the status of statistics being collected for the database.

Action groups: read-only, read-write.

Required resources: database.


GetGraphSummary The graph summary API enables you to retrieve a read-only summary of your graph.

Action groups: read-only, read-write.

Required resources: database.


ManageStatistics allows the user to to manage the collection of statistics for the database.

Action groups: read-write.

Required resources: database.


DeleteStatistics allows the user to delete all the statistics in the database.

Action groups: read-write.

Required resources: database.


ResetDatabase allows the user to get the token needed for a reset and to reset the Neptune database.

Action groups: read-write.

Required resources: database.

Bulk-loader data-access actions


StartLoaderJob allows the user to start a bulk-loader job.

Action groups: read-write.

Required resources: database.


GetLoaderJobStatus allows the user to check the status of a bulk-loader job.

Action groups: read-only, read-write.

Required resources: database.


ListLoaderJobs allows the user to list all the bulk-loader jobs.

Action groups: list-only, read-only, read-write.

Required resources: database.


CancelLoaderJob allows the user to cancel a loader job.

Action groups: read-write.

Required resources: database.

Machine-learning data-access actions


StartMLDataProcessingJob allows a user to start a Neptune ML data processing job.

Action groups: read-write.

Required resources: database.


StartMLModelTrainingJob allows a user to start an ML model training job.

Action groups: read-write.

Required resources: database.


StartMLModelTransformJob allows a user to start an ML model transform job.

Action groups: read-write.

Required resources: database.


CreateMLEndpoint allows a user to create a Neptune ML endpoint.

Action groups: read-write.

Required resources: database.


GetMLDataProcessingJobStatus allows a user to check the status of a Neptune ML data processing job.

Action groups: read-only, read-write.

Required resources: database.


GetMLModelTrainingJobStatus allows a user to check the status of a Neptune ML model training job.

Action groups: read-only, read-write.

Required resources: database.


GetMLModelTransformJobStatus allows a user to check the status of a Neptune ML model transform job.

Action groups: read-only, read-write.

Required resources: database.


GetMLEndpointStatus allows a user to check the status of a Neptune ML endpoint.

Action groups: read-only, read-write.

Required resources: database.


ListMLDataProcessingJobs allows a user to list all the Neptune ML data processing jobs.

Action groups: list-only, read-only, read-write.

Required resources: database.


ListMLModelTrainingJobs allows a user to list all the Neptune ML model training jobs.

Action groups: list-only, read-only, read-write.

Required resources: database.


ListMLModelTransformJobs allows a user to list all the ML model transform jobs.

Action groups: list-only, read-only, read-write.

Required resources: database.


ListMLEndpoints allows a user to list all the Neptune ML endpoints.

Action groups: list-only, read-only, read-write.

Required resources: database.


CancelMLDataProcessingJob allows a user to cancel a Neptune ML data processing job.

Action groups: read-write.

Required resources: database.


CancelMLModelTrainingJob allows a user to cancel a Neptune ML model training job.

Action groups: read-write.

Required resources: database.


CancelMLModelTransformJob allows a user to cancel a Neptune ML model transform job.

Action groups: read-write.

Required resources: database.


DeleteMLEndpoint allows a user to delete a Neptune ML endpoint.

Action groups: read-write.

Required resources: database.