Using Amazon Lambda functions in Amazon Neptune - Amazon Neptune
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Using Amazon Lambda functions in Amazon Neptune

Amazon Lambda functions have many uses in Amazon Neptune applications. Here we provide general guidance for using Lambda functions with any of the popular Gremlin drivers and language variants, and specific examples of Lambda functions written in Java, JavaScript, and Python.


The best way to use Lambda functions with Neptune has changed with recent engine releases. Neptune used to leave idle connections open long after a Lambda execution context had been recycled, potentially leading to a resource leak on the server. To mitigate this, we used to recommend opening and closing a connection with each Lambda invocation. Starting with engine version, however, the idle connection timeout has been reduced so that connections no longer leak after an inactive Lambda execution context has been recycled, so we now recommend using a single connection for the duration of the execution context. This should include some error handling and back-off-and-retry boilerplate code to handle connections being closed unexpectedly.

Managing Gremlin WebSocket connections in Amazon Lambda functions

If you use a Gremlin language variant to query Neptune, the driver connects to the database using a WebSocket connection. WebSockets are designed to support long-lived client-server connection scenarios. Amazon Lambda, on the other hand, is designed to support relatively short-lived and stateless executions. This mismatch in design philosophy can lead to some unexpected issues when using Lambda to query Neptune.

An Amazon Lambda function runs in an execution context which isolates the function from other functions. The execution context is created the first time the function is invoked and may be reused for subsequent invocations of the same function.

Any one execution context is never used to handle multiple concurrent invocations of the function, however. If your function is invoked simultaneously by multiple clients, Lambda spins up an additional execution context for each instance of the function. All these new execution contexts may in turn be reused for subsequent invocations of the function.

At some point, Lambda recycles execution contexts, particularly if they have been inactive for some time. Amazon Lambda exposes the execution context lifecycle, including the Init, Invoke and Shutdown phases, through Lambda extensions. Using these extensions, you can write code that cleans up external resources such as database connections when the execution context is recycled.

A common best practice is to open the database connection outside the Lambda handler function so that it can be reused with each handler call. If the database connection drops at some point, you can reconnect from inside the handler. However, there is a danger of connection leaks with this approach. If an idle connection stays open long after an execution context is destroyed, intermittent or bursty Lambda invocation scenarios can gradually leak connections and exhaust database resources.

Neptune connection limits and connection timeouts have changed with newer engine releases. Previously, every instance supported up to 60,000 WebSocket connections. Now, the maximum number of concurrent WebSocket connections per Neptune instance varies with the instance type.

Also, starting with engine release, Neptune reduced the idle timeout for connections from one hour down to approximately 20 minutes. If a client doesn't close a connection, the connection is closed automatically after a 20- to 25-minute idle timeout. Amazon Lambda doesn't document execution context lifetimes, but experiments show that the new Neptune connection timeout aligns well with inactive Lambda execution context timeouts. By the time an inactive execution context is recycled, there's a good chance its connection has already been closed by Neptune, or will be closed soon afterwards.

Recommendations for using Amazon Lambda with Amazon Neptune Gremlin

We now recommend using a single connection and graph traversal source for the entire lifetime of a Lambda execution context, rather than one for each function invocation (every function invocation handles only one client request). Because concurrent client requests are handled by different function instances running in separate execution contexts, there's no need to maintain a pool of connections to handle concurrent requests inside a function instance. If the Gremlin driver you’re using has a connection pool, configure it to use just one connection.

To handle connection failures, use retry logic around each query. Even though the goal is to maintain a single connection for the lifetime of an execution context, unexpected network events can cause that connection to be terminated abruptly. Such connection failures manifest as different errors depending on which driver you are using. You should code your Lambda function to handle these connection issues and attempt a reconnection if necessary.

Some Gremlin drivers automatically handle reconnections. The Java driver, for example, automatically attempts to reestablish connectivity to Neptune on behalf of your client code. With this driver, your function code only needs to back off and retry the query. The JavaScript and Python drivers, by contrast, do not implement any automatic reconnection logic, so with these drivers your function code must try to reconnect after backing off, and only retry the query once the connection has been re-established.

Code examples here do include reconnection logic rather than assume that the client is taking care of it.

Recommendations for using Gremlin write-requests in Lambda

If your Lambda function modifies graph data, consider adopting a back-off-and-retry strategy to handle the following exceptions:

  • ConcurrentModificationException   –   The Neptune transaction semantics mean that write requests sometimes fail with a ConcurrentModificationException. In these situations, try an exponential back-off-based retry mechanism.

  • ReadOnlyViolationException   –   Because the cluster topology can change at any moment as a result of planned or unplanned events, write responsibilities may migrate from one instance in the cluster to another. If your function code attempts to send a write request to an instance that is no longer the primary (writer) instance, the request fails with a ReadOnlyViolationException. When this happens, close the existing connection, reconnect to the cluster endpoint, and then retry the request.

Also, if you use a back-off-and-retry strategy to handle write request issues, consider implementing idempotent queries for create and update requests (for example, using fold().coalesce().unfold().

Recommendations for using Gremlin read-requests in Lambda

If you have one or more read replicas in your cluster, it's a good idea to balance read requests across these replicas. One option is to use the reader endpoint. The reader endpoint balances connections across replicas even if the cluster topology changes when you add or remove replicas, or promote a replica to become the new primary instance.

However, using the reader endpoint can result in an uneven use of cluster resources in some circumstances. The reader endpoint works by periodically changing the host that the DNS entry points to. If a client opens a lot of connections before the DNS entry changes, all the connection requests are sent to a single Neptune instance. This can be the case with a high-throughput Lambda scenario where a large number of concurrent requests to your Lambda function causes multiple execution contexts to be created, each with its own connection. If those connections are all created nearly simultaneously, the connections are likely to all point to the same replica in the cluster, and to stay pointing to that replica until the execution contexts are recycled.

One way you can distribute requests across instances is to configure your Lambda function to connect to an instance endpoint, chosen at random from a list of replica instance endpoints, rather than the reader endpoint. The downside of this approach is that it requires the Lambda code to handle changes in the cluster topology by monitoring the cluster and updating the endpoint list whenever the membership of the cluster changes.

If you are writing a Java Lambda function that needs to balance read requests across instances in your cluster, you can use the Gremlin client for Amazon Neptune, a Java Gremlin client that is aware of your cluster topology and which fairly distributes connections and requests across a set of instances in a Neptune cluster. This blog post includes a sample Java Lambda function that uses the Gremlin client for Amazon Neptune.

Factors that may slow down cold starts of Neptune Gremlin Lambda functions

The first time an Amazon Lambda function is invoked is referred to as a cold start. There are several factors that can increase the latency of a cold start:

  • Be sure to assign enough memory to your Lambda function.   –   Compilation during a cold start can be significantly slower for a Lambda function than it would be on EC2 because Amazon Lambda allocates CPU cycles linearly in proportion to the memory that you assign to the function. With 1,792 MB of memory, a function receives the equivalent of one full vCPU (one vCPU-second of credits per second). The impact of not assigning enough memory to receive adequate CPU cycles is particularly pronounced for large Lambda functions written in Java.

  • Be aware that enabling IAM database authentication may slow down a cold start   –   Amazon Identity and Access Management (IAM) database authentication can also slow down cold starts, particularly if the Lambda function has to generate a new signing key. This latency only affects the cold start and not subsequent requests, because once IAM DB auth has established the connection credentials, Neptune only periodically validates that they are still valid.