Using the Neptune ML Amazon CloudFormation template to get started quickly in a new DB cluster - Amazon Neptune
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Using the Neptune ML Amazon CloudFormation template to get started quickly in a new DB cluster

The easiest way to get started with Neptune ML is to use the Amazon CloudFormation quick-start template. This template installs all necessary components, including a new Neptune DB cluster, all the necessary IAM roles, and a new Neptune graph-notebook to make working with Neptune ML easier.

To create the Neptune ML quick-start stack
  1. To launch the Amazon CloudFormation stack on the Amazon CloudFormation console, choose one of the Launch Stack buttons in the following table:

    Region View View in Designer Launch
    US East (N. Virginia) View View in Designer
    US East (Ohio) View View in Designer
    US West (N. California) View View in Designer
    US West (Oregon) View View in Designer
    Canada (Central) View View in Designer
    South America (São Paulo) View View in Designer
    Europe (Stockholm) View View in Designer
    Europe (Ireland) View View in Designer
    Europe (London) View View in Designer
    Europe (Paris) View View in Designer
    Europe (Frankfurt) View View in Designer
    Middle East (Bahrain) View View in Designer
    Middle East (UAE) View View in Designer
    Israel (Tel Aviv) View View in Designer
    Africa (Cape Town) View View in Designer
    Asia Pacific (Hong Kong) View View in Designer
    Asia Pacific (Tokyo) View View in Designer
    Asia Pacific (Seoul) View View in Designer
    Asia Pacific (Singapore) View View in Designer
    Asia Pacific (Sydney) View View in Designer
    Asia Pacific (Mumbai) View View in Designer
    China (Beijing) View View in Designer
    China (Ningxia) View View in Designer
    Amazon GovCloud (US-West) View View in Designer
  2. On the Select Template page, choose Next.

  3. On the Specify Details page, choose Next.

  4. On the Options page, choose Next.

  5. On the Review page, there are two check boxes that you need to check:

    • The first one acknowledges that Amazon CloudFormation might create IAM resources with custom names.

    • The second acknowledges that Amazon CloudFormation might require the CAPABILITY_AUTO_EXPAND capability for the new stack. CAPABILITY_AUTO_EXPAND explicitly allows Amazon CloudFormation to expand macros automatically when creating the stack, without prior review.

      Customers often create a change set from a processed template so that the changes made by macros can be reviewed before actually creating the stack. For more information, see the Amazon CloudFormation CreateStack API.

    Then choose Create.

The quick-start template creates and sets up the following:

  • A Neptune DB cluster.

  • The necessary IAM roles (and attaches them).

  • The necessary Amazon EC2 security group.

  • The necessary SageMaker VPC endpoints.

  • A DB cluster parameter group for Neptune ML.

  • The necessary parameters in that parameter group.

  • The Neptune-Export service.

You can also use the following Amazon CLI command to run the quick-start Amazon CloudFormation template:

aws cloudformation create-stack \ --stack-name neptune-ml-fullstack-$(date '+%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M') \ --template-url \ --parameters ParameterKey=EnableIAMAuthOnExportAPI,ParameterValue=(true if you have IAM auth enabled, or false otherwise) \ ParameterKey=Env,ParameterValue=test$(date '+%H%M')\ --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM \ --region (the Amazon region, like us-east-1) \ --disable-rollback \ --profile (optionally, a named CLI profile of yours)