Rewriting Cypher queries to run in openCypher on Neptune - Amazon Neptune
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Rewriting Cypher queries to run in openCypher on Neptune

The openCypher language is a declarative query language for property graphs that was originally developed by Neo4j, then open-sourced in 2015, and contributed to the openCypher project under an Apache 2 open-source license. At Amazon, we believe that open source is good for everyone and we are committed to bringing the value of open source to our customers, and the operational excellence of Amazon to open source communities.

OpenCypher syntax is documented in the Cypher Query Language Reference, Version 9.

Because openCypher contains a subset of the syntax and features of the Cypher query language, some migration scenarios require either rewriting queries in openCypher-compliant forms or examining alternative methods to achieve the desired functionality.

This section contains recommendations for handling common differences, but they are by no means exhaustive. You should test any application using these rewrites thoroughly to ensure that the results are what you expect.

Rewriting None, All, and Any predicate functions

These functions are not part of the openCypher specification. Comparable results can be achieved in openCypher using List Comprehension.

For example, find all the paths that go from node Start to node End, but no journey is allowed to pass through a node with a class property of D:

# Neo4J Cypher code match p=(a:Start)-[:HOP*1..]->(z:End) where none(node IN nodes(p) where node.class ='D') return p # Neptune openCypher code match p=(a:Start)-[:HOP*1..]->(z:End) where size([node IN nodes(p) where node.class = 'D']) = 0 return p

List comprehension can achieve these results as follows:

all => size(list_comprehension(list)) = size(list) any => size(list_comprehension(list)) >= 1 none => size(list_comprehension(list)) = 0

Rewriting the Cypher reduce() function in openCypher

The reduce() function is not part of the openCypher specification. It is often used to create an aggregation of data from elements within a list. In many cases, you can use a combination of List Comprehension and the UNWIND clause to achieve similar results.

For example, the following Cypher query finds all airports on paths having one to three stops between Anchorage (ANC) and Austin (AUS), and returns the total distance of each path:

MATCH p=(a:airport {code: 'ANC'})-[r:route*1..3]->(z:airport {code: 'AUS'}) RETURN p, reduce(totalDist=0, r in relationships(p) | totalDist + r.dist) AS totalDist ORDER BY totalDist LIMIT 5

You can write the same query in openCypher for Neptune as follows:

MATCH p=(a:airport {code: 'ANC'})-[r:route*1..3]->(z:airport {code: 'AUS'}) UNWIND [i in relationships(p) | i.dist] AS di RETURN p, sum(di) AS totalDist ORDER BY totalDist LIMIT 5

Rewriting the Cypher FOREACH clause in openCypher

The FOREACH clause is not part of the openCypher specification. It is often used to update data in the middle of a query, often from aggregations or elements within a path.

As a path example, find all airports on a path with no more than two stops between Anchorage (ANC) and Austin (AUS) and set a property of visited on each of them:

# Neo4J Example MATCH p=(:airport {code: 'ANC'})-[*1..2]->({code: 'AUS'}) FOREACH (n IN nodes(p) | SET n.visited = true) # Neptune openCypher MATCH p=(:airport {code: 'ANC'})-[*1..2]->({code: 'AUS'}) WITH nodes(p) as airports UNWIND airports as a SET a.visited=true

Another example is:

# Neo4J Example MATCH p=(start)-[*]->(finish) WHERE = 'A' AND = 'D' FOREACH (n IN nodes(p) | SET n.marked = true) # Neptune openCypher MATCH p=(start)-[*]->(finish) WHERE = 'A' AND = 'D' UNWIND nodes(p) AS n SET n.marked = true

Rewriting Neo4j APOC procedures in Neptune

The examples below use openCypher to replace some of the most commonly used APOC procedures. These examples are for reference only, and are intended to provide some suggestions about how to handle common scenarios. In practice, each application is different, and you'll have to come up with your own strategies for providing all the functionality you need.

Rewriting apoc.export procedures

Neptune provides an array of options for both full graph and query-based exports in various output formats such as CSV and JSON, using the neptune-export utility (see Exporting data from a Neptune DB cluster).

Rewriting apoc.schema procedures

Neptune does not have explicitly defined schema, indices, or constraints, so many apoc.schema procedures are no longer required. Examples are:

  • apoc.schema.assert

  • apoc.schema.node.constraintExists

  • apoc.schema.node.indexExists,

  • apoc.schema.relationship.constraintExists

  • apoc.schema.relationship.indexExists

  • apoc.schema.nodes

  • apoc.schema.relationships

Neptune openCypher does support retrieving similar values to those that the procedures do, as shown below, but can run into performance issues on larger graphs as doing so requires scanning a large portion of the graph to return the answer.

# openCypher replacement for MATCH (n:airport) RETURN DISTINCT n.runways
# openCypher replacement for MATCH (n:airport) RETURN DISTINCT n.runways, count(n.runways)

Alternatives to procedures

These procedures are used to provide conditional query execution that is easy to implement using other openCypher clauses. In Neptune there are at least two ways to achieve similar behavior:

  • One way is to combine openCypher's List Comprehension capabilities with the UNWIND clause.

  • Another way is to use the choose() and coalesce() steps in Gremlin.

Examples of these approaches are shown below.

Alternatives to

# Neo4J Example MATCH (n:airport {region: 'US-AK'}) CALL n.runways>=3, 'SET n.is_large_airport=true RETURN n', 'SET n.is_large_airport=false RETURN n', {n:n} ) YIELD value WITH collect(value.n) as airports RETURN size([a in airports where a.is_large_airport]) as large_airport_count, size([a in airports where NOT a.is_large_airport]) as small_airport_count # Neptune openCypher MATCH (n:airport {region: 'US-AK'}) WITH n.region as region, collect(n) as airports WITH [a IN airports where a.runways >= 3] as large_airports, [a IN airports where a.runways < 3] as small_airports, airports UNWIND large_airports as la SET la.is_large_airport=true WITH DISTINCT small_airports, airports UNWIND small_airports as la SET la.small_airports=true WITH DISTINCT airports RETURN size([a in airports where a.is_large_airport]) as large_airport_count, size([a in airports where NOT a.is_large_airport]) as small_airport_count #Neptune Gremlin using choose() g.V(). has('airport', 'region', 'US-AK'). choose( values('runways').is(lt(3)), property(single, 'is_large_airport', false), property(single, 'is_large_airport', true)). fold(). project('large_airport_count', 'small_airport_count'). by(unfold().has('is_large_airport', true).count()). by(unfold().has('is_large_airport', false).count()) #Neptune Gremlin using coalesce() g.V(). has('airport', 'region', 'US-AK'). coalesce( where(values('runways').is(lt(3))). property(single, 'is_large_airport', false), property(single, 'is_large_airport', true)). fold(). project('large_airport_count', 'small_airport_count'). by(unfold().has('is_large_airport', true).count()). by(unfold().has('is_large_airport', false).count())

Alternatives to

# Neo4J Example MATCH (n:airport {region: 'US-AK'}) CALL[ n.runways=1, 'RETURN "Has one runway" as b', n.runways=2, 'RETURN "Has two runways" as b' ], 'RETURN "Has more than 2 runways" as b' ) YIELD value RETURN {type: value.b,airport: n} # Neptune openCypher MATCH (n:airport {region: 'US-AK'}) WITH n.region as region, collect(n) as airports WITH [a IN airports where a.runways =1] as single_runway, [a IN airports where a.runways =2] as double_runway, [a IN airports where a.runways >2] as many_runway UNWIND single_runway as sr WITH {type: "Has one runway",airport: sr} as res, double_runway, many_runway WITH DISTINCT double_runway as double_runway, collect(res) as res, many_runway UNWIND double_runway as dr WITH {type: "Has two runways",airport: dr} as two_runways, res, many_runway WITH collect(two_runways)+res as res, many_runway UNWIND many_runway as mr WITH {type: "Has more than 2 runways",airport: mr} as res2, res, many_runway WITH collect(res2)+res as res UNWIND res as r RETURN r #Neptune Gremlin using choose() g.V(). has('airport', 'region', 'US-AK'). project('type', 'airport'). by( choose(values('runways')). option(1, constant("Has one runway")). option(2, constant("Has two runways")). option(none, constant("Has more than 2 runways"))). by(elementMap()) #Neptune Gremlin using coalesce() g.V(). has('airport', 'region', 'US-AK'). project('type', 'airport'). by( coalesce( has('runways', 1).constant("Has one runway"), has('runways', 2).constant("Has two runways"), constant("Has more than 2 runways"))). by(elementMap())

Alternatives to List-based properties

Neptune does not currently support storing List-based properties. However, similar results can be obtained by storing list values as a comma separated string and then using the join() and split() functions to construct and deconstruct the list property.

For example, if we wanted to save a list of tags as a property, we could use the example rewrite which shows how to retrieve a comma separated property and then use the split() and join() functions with List Comprehension to achieve comparable results:

# Neo4j Example (In this example, tags is a durable list of string. MATCH (person:person {name: "TeeMan"}) WITH person, [tag in person.tags WHERE NOT (tag IN ['test1', 'test2', 'test3'])] AS newTags SET person.tags = newTags RETURN person # Neptune openCypher MATCH (person:person {name: "TeeMan"}) WITH person, [tag in split(person.tags, ',') WHERE NOT (tag IN ['test1', 'test2', 'test3'])] AS newTags SET person.tags = join(newTags,',') RETURN person

Rewriting CALL subqueries

Neptune CALL subqueries do not support the syntax CALL (friend) { ... } for importing variables into the subquery scope (friend, in this example). Please use the WITH clause inside the subquery for the same, e.g., CALL { WITH friend ... }.

Optional CALL subqueries are not supported at this moment.

Other differences between Neptune openCypher and Cypher

  • Neptune only supports TCP connections for the Bolt protocol. WebSockets connections for Bolt are not supported.

  • Neptune openCypher removes whitespace as defined by Unicode in the trim(), ltrim() and rtrim() functions.

  • In Neptune openCypher, tostring(double) does not automatically switch to E notation for large values of the double.