Setting up an Amazon Neptune global database - Amazon Neptune
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Setting up an Amazon Neptune global database

You can create a Neptune global database in one of the following ways:

Configuration requirements for a global database in Amazon Neptune

A Neptune global database spans at least two Amazon Web Services Regions. The primary Amazon Web Services Region contains a Neptune DB cluster that has one writer instance. One to five secondary Amazon Web Services Regions each contain a read-only Neptune DB cluster made up entirely of read-replica instances. At least one secondary Amazon Web Services Region is required.

The Neptune DB clusters that make up a global database have the following specific requirements:

  • DB instance class requirements   —   A global database requires r5 or r6g DB instance classes that are optimized for memory-intensive workloads, such as an db.r5.large instance type.

  • Amazon Web Services Region requirements   —   A global database needs a primary Neptune DB cluster in one Amazon Web Services Region, and at least one secondary Neptune DB cluster in a different region. You can create up to five secondary read-only Neptune DB clusters, and each must be in a different region. In other words, no two Neptune DB clusters in a Neptune global database can be in the same Amazon Web Services Region.

  • Engine version requirements   —   The Neptune engine version used by all DB clusters in the global database should be the same, and must be greater than or equal to If you do not specify the engine version when creating a new global database or cluster or instance, the most recent engine version will be used.


Although the DB cluster parameter groups can be configured independently for each DB cluster in a global database, it's best to keep settings consistent across the clusters to avoid unexpected behavior changes if a secondary cluster has to be promoted to primary. For example, use the same settings for object indexes, streams, and so forth in all the DB clusters.

Using the Amazon CLI to create a global database in Amazon Neptune


The examples in this section follow the UNIX convention of using a backslash (\) as the line-extender character. For Windows, replace the backslach with a caret (^).

To create a global database using the Amazon CLI
  1. Start by creating an empty global database using the create-global-cluster Amazon CLI command (which wraps the CreateGlobalCluster API). Specify the name of the Amazon Web Services Region that you want to be primary, set Neptune as the database engine, and optionally, specify the engine version you want to use (this must be version or higher):

    aws neptune create-global-cluster --region (primary region, such as us-east-1) \ --global-cluster-identifier (ID for the global database) \ --engine neptune \ --engine-version (engine version; this is optional)
  2. It can take a few minutes for the global database to be available, so before going to the next step, use the describe-global-clusters CLI command (which wraps the DescribeGlobalClusters API) to check that the global database is available:

    aws neptune describe-global-clusters \ --region (primary region) \ --global-cluster-identifier (global database ID)
  3. After the Neptune global database becomes available, you can create a new Neptune DB cluster to be its primary cluster:

    aws neptune create-db-cluster \ --region (primary region) \ --db-cluster-identifier (ID for the primary DB cluster) \ --engine neptune \ --engine-version (engine version; must be >= \ --global-cluster-identifier (global database ID)
  4. Use the describe-db-clusters Amazon CLI command to confirm that the new DB cluster is ready for you to add its primary DB instance:

    aws neptune describe-db-clusters \ --region (primary region) \ --db-cluster-identifier (primary DB cluster ID)

    When the response shows "Status": "available", go on to the next step.

  5. Create the primary DB instance for the primary cluster using the create-db-instance Amazon CLI command. You must use one of the memory-optimized r5 or r6g instance types, such as db.r5.large.

    aws neptune create-db-instance \ --region (primary region) \ --db-cluster-identifier (primary cluster ID) \ --db-instance-class (instance class) \ --db-instance-identifier (ID for the DB instance) \ --engine neptune \ --engine-version (optional: engine version)

If you are planning to add data to the new primary DB cluster using the Neptune bulk loader, do so before you add secondary regions. This is faster and more cost-efficient than performing a bulk load after the global database is fully set up.

Now add one or more secondary regions to the new global database, as described in Adding a secondary region using the Amazon CLI.

Turning an existing DB cluster into a global database

To turn an existing DB cluster into a global database, use the create-global-cluster Amazon CLI command to create a new global database in the same Amazon Web Services Region as the existing DB cluster is located, and set its --source-db-cluster-identifier parameter to the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the existing cluster located there:

aws neptune create-global-cluster \ --region (region where the existing cluster is located) \ --global-cluster-identifier (provide an ID for the new global database) \ --source-db-cluster-identifier (the ARN of the existing DB cluster) \ --engine neptune \ --engine-version (engine version; this is optional)

Now add one or more secondary regions to the new global database, as described in Adding a secondary region using the Amazon CLI.

Use a DB cluster restored from a snapshot as the primary cluster

You can turn a DB cluster restored from a snapshot into a Neptune global database. After the restore is complete, turn the DB cluster that it created into the primary cluster of a new global database as described above.

Adding secondary global database regions to a primary region in Amazon Neptune

A Neptune global database needs at least one secondary Neptune DB cluster in a different Amazon Web Services Region than the primary DB cluster. You can attach up to five secondary DB clusters to the primary DB cluster.

Each secondary DB cluster that you add reduces by one the maximum number of read-replica instances you can have on the primary cluster. For example, if there are 4 secondary clusters, then the maximum number of read-replica instances you can have on the primary cluster is 15 - 4 = 11. This means that if you already have 14 reader instances in the primary DB cluster and one secondary cluster, you won't be able to add another secondary cluster.

Using the Amazon CLI to add a secondary region to a global database in Neptune

To add a secondary Amazon Web Services Region to a Neptune global database using the Amazon CLI
  1. Use the create-db-cluster Amazon CLI command to create a new DB cluster in a different region than that of your primary cluster, and set its --global-cluster-identifier parameter to specify the ID of the global database:

    aws neptune create-db-cluster \ --region (the secondary region) \ --db-cluster-identifier (ID for the new secondary DB cluster) \ --global-cluster-identifier (global database ID) --engine neptune \ --engine-version (optional: engine version)
  2. Use the describe-db-clusters Amazon CLI command to confirm that the new DB cluster is ready for you to add its primary DB instance:

    aws neptune describe-db-clusters \ --region (primary region) \ --db-cluster-identifier (primary DB cluster ID)

    When the response shows "Status": "available", go on to the next step.

  3. Create the primary DB instance for the primary cluster using the create-db-instance Amazon CLI command, using an instance type in the r5 or r6g instance class:

    aws neptune create-db-instance \ --region (secondary region) \ --db-cluster-identifier (secondary cluster ID) \ --db-instance-class (instance class) \ --db-instance-identifier (ID for the DB instance) \ --engine neptune \ --engine-version (optional: engine version)

If you do not intend to serve a large number of read requests in the secondary region, and are mainly concerned with keeping your data reliably backed up there, you can create a secondary DB cluster with no DB instances. This saves money, since you are then only paying for the secondary cluster's storage, which Neptune will keep in sync with storage in the primary DB cluster.

Connecting to a Neptune global database

How you connect to a Neptune global database depends on whether you need to write to it or read from it:

  • For read-only requests or queries, connect to the reader endpoint for the Neptune cluster in your Amazon Web Services Region.

  • To run mutation queries, connect to the cluster endpoint for the primary DB cluster, which might be in a different Amazon Web Services Region than your application.