Preparing to migrate from Neo4j to Neptune - Amazon Neptune
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Preparing to migrate from Neo4j to Neptune

Approaches to migrating

When migrating a Neo4j application to Neptune, we recommend one of two strategies: either re-platforming, or refactoring/re-architecting. For more information about migration strategies, see 6 Strategies for Migrating Applications to the Cloud, a blog post by Stephen Orban.

The re-platforming approach, sometimes called lift-tinker-and-shift, involves the following steps:

  • Identify the use cases your application is intended to satisfy.

  • Modify the existing graph data model and application architecture to best address these workload needs using Neptune's capabilities.

  • Determine how to migrate data, queries and other parts of the source application into the target model and architecture.

This working-backwards approach lets you migrate your application to the kind of Neptune solution you might design if this were a brand-new project.

The refactoring approach, by contrast, involves:

  • Identifying the components of the existing implementation, including infrastructure, data, queries, and application capabilities.

  • Finding equivalents in Neptune that can be used to build a comparable implementation.

This working-forwards approach seeks to swap one implementation for another.

In practice, you're likely to adopt a mix of these two approaches. You might start with a use case, design the target Neptune architecture, but then turn to the existing Neo4j implementation to identify constraints and invariants you'll have to maintain. For example, you might have to continue integrating with other external systems, or continue offering specific APIs to consumers of your graph application. With this information, you can determine what data already exists to move to your target model, and what must be sourced elsewhere.

At other points, you might start by analyzing a specific piece of your Neo4j implementation as the best source of information about the job your application is intended to do. That kind of archaeology in the existing application can help define a use case that you can then design towards using Neptune's capabilities.

Whether you're building a new application using Neptune or migrating an existing application from Neo4j, we recommend working backwards from use cases to design a data model, a set of queries, and an application architecture that address your business needs.

Architectural differences between Neptune and Neo4j

When customers first consider migrating an application from Neo4j to Neptune, it is often tempting to perform a like-to-like comparison based on instance size. However, the architectures of Neo4j and Neptune have fundamental differences. Neo4j is based on an all-in-one approach where data loading, data ETL, application queries, data storage, and management operations all happen in the same set of compute resources, such as EC2 instances.

Neptune, by contrast, is an OLTP focused graph database where the architecture separates responsibilities and where resources are decoupled so they can scale dynamically and independently.

When migrating from Neo4j to Neptune, determine the data durability, availability and scalability requirements of your application. Neptune's cluster architecture simplifies the design of applications that require high durability, availability and scalability. With an understanding of Neptune's cluster architecture, you can then design a Neptune cluster topology to satisfy these requirements.

Neo4j's cluster architecture

Many production applications use Neo4j's causal clustering to provide data durability, high availability and scalability. Neo4j's clustering architecture uses core-server and read-replica instances:

  • Core servers provide for data durability and fault tolerance by replicating data using the Raft protocol.

  • Read replicas use transaction log shipping to asynchronously replicate data for high read throughput workloads.

Every instance in a cluster, whether core server or read replica, contains a full copy of the graph data.

Neptune's cluster architecture

A Neptune cluster is made up of a primary writer instance and up to 15 read replica instances. All the instances in the cluster share the same underlying distributed storage service that is separate from the instances.

  • The primary writer instance coordinates all write operations to the database and is vertically scalable to provide flexible support for different write workloads. It also supports read operations.

  • Read replica instances support read operations from the underlying storage volume, and allow you to scale horizontally to support high read workloads. They also provide for high availability by serving as failover targets for the primary instance.


    For heavy write workloads, it is best to scale the read replica instances to the same size as the writer instance, to ensure that the readers can stay consistent with the data changes.

  • The underlying storage volume scales storage capacity automatically as the data in your database increases, up to 128 tebibytes (TiB) of storage.

Instance sizes are dynamic and independent. Each instance can be resized while the cluster is running, and read replicas can be added or removed while the cluster is running.

The Neptune Serverless feature can scale your compute capacity up and down automatically as demand rises and falls. Not only can this decrease your administrative overhead, it also lets you configure the database to handle large spikes in demand without degrading performance or requiring you to over-provision.

You can stop a Neptune cluster for up to 7 days.

Neptune also supports auto-scaling, to adjust the reader instance sizes automatically based on workload.

Using Neptune's global database feature, you can mirror a cluster in up to 5 other regions.

Neptune is also fault tolerant by design:

  • The cluster volume that provides data storage to all the instances in the cluster spans multiple Availability Zones (AZs) in a single Amazon Web Services Region. Each AZ contains a full copy of the cluster data.

  • If the primary instance becomes unavailable, Neptune automatically fails over to an existing read replica with zero data loss, typically in under 30 seconds. If there are no existing read replicas in the cluster, Neptune automatically provisions a new primary instance – again, with zero data loss.

What all this means is that when migrating from a Neo4j causal cluster to Neptune, you don't have to architect the cluster topology explicitly for high data durability and high availability. This leaves you to size your cluster for expected read and write workloads, and any increased availability requirements you may have, in just a few ways:

  • To scale read operations, add read replica instances or enable Neptune Serverless functionality.

  • To improve availability, distribute the primary instance and read replicas in your cluster over multiple Availability Zones (AZs).

  • To reduce any failover time, provision at least one read replica instance that can serve as a failover target for the primary. You can determine the order in which read replica instances are promoted to primary after a failure by assigning each replica a priority. It’s a best practice to ensure that a failover target has an instance class capable of handling your application’s write workload if promoted to primary.

Data storage differences between Neptune and Neo4j

Neptune uses a graph data model based on a native quad model. When migrating your data to Neptune, there are several differences in the architecture of the data model and storage layer that you should be aware of to make optimal use of the distributed and scalable shared storage that Neptune provides:

  • Neptune doesn't use any explicitly defined schema or constraints. It lets you add nodes, edges, and properties dynamically without having to define the schema ahead of time. Neptune doesn't limit the values and types of data stored, except as noted in Neptune limits. As part of Neptune's storage architecture, data is also automatically indexed in a way that handles many of the most common access patterns. This storage architecture removes the operational overhead of creation and management of database schema and index optimization.

  • Neptune provides a unique distributed and shared storage architecture that automatically scales in 10 GB chunks as the storage needs of your database grow, up to 128 tebibytes (TiB). This storage layer is reliable, durable, and fault-tolerant, with data copied 6 times, twice in each of 3 Availability Zones. It provides all Neptune clusters with a highly available and fault-tolerant data storage layer by default. Neptune's storage architecture reduces costs and removes the need to provision or over-provision storage to handle future data growth.

Before migrating your data to Neptune, it's good to familiarize yourself with Neptune's property graph data model and transaction semantics.

Operational differences between Neptune and Neo4j

Neptune is a fully managed service that automates many of the normal operational tasks you would have to do when using on-premise or self-managed databases such as Neo4j Enterprise or Community Edition:

  • Automated backups   –   Neptune backs up your cluster volume automatically and retains the backup for a retention period that you specify (from 1 to 35 days). These backups are continuous and incremental, so you can quickly restore to any point within the retention period. No performance impact or interruption of database service occurs as backup data is being written.

  • Manual Snapshots   –   Neptune lets you make a storage-volume snapshot of your DB cluster to back up the entire DB cluster. This kind of snapshot can then be used to restore the database, make a copy of it, and share it across accounts.

  • Cloning   –   Neptune supports a cloning feature that lets you create cost-effective clones of a database quickly. The clones use a copy-on-write protocol to require only minimal additional space after they are created. Database cloning is an effective way to try out new Neptune features or upgrades with no disruption to the originating cluster.

  • Monitoring   –   Neptune provides various methods to monitor the performance and usage of your cluster, including:

    • Instance status

    • Integration with Amazon CloudWatch and Amazon CloudTrail

    • Audit log capabilities

    • Event notifications

    • Tagging

  • Security   –   Neptune provides a secure environment by default. A cluster resides within a private VPC that provides network isolation from other resources. All traffic is encrypted via SSL, and all data is encrypted at rest using Amazon KMS.

    In addition, Neptune integrates with Amazon Identity and Access Management (IAM) to provide authentication. By specifying IAM condition keys, you can use IAM policies to provide fine-grained access control over data actions.

Tooling and integration differences between Neptune and Neo4j

Neptune has a different architecture for integrations and tools than Neo4j, which may impact the architecture of your application. Neptune uses the compute resources of the cluster to process queries, but leverages other best-in-class Amazon services for functionality like full-text search (using OpenSearch), ETL ( using Glue), and so forth. For a full listing of these integrations, see Neptune integrations.