Serialization Formats in Neptune Streams - Amazon Neptune
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Serialization Formats in Neptune Streams

Amazon Neptune uses two different formats for serializing graph-changes data to log streams, depending on whether the graph was created using Gremlin or SPARQL.

Both formats share a common record serialization format, as described in Neptune Streams API Response Format, that contains the following fields:

  • commitTimestamp   –   The time at which the commit for the transaction was requested, in milliseconds from the Unix epoch.

  • eventId   –   The sequence identifier of the stream change record.

  • data   –   The serialized Gremlin, SPARQL, or OpenCypher change record. The serialization formats of each record are described in more detail in the next sections.

  • op   –   The operation that created the change.

PG_JSON Change Serialization Format


As of engine release, the Gremlin stream output format (GREMLIN_JSON) output by the Gremlin stream endpoint (https://Neptune-DNS:8182/gremlin/stream) is being deprecated. It is replaced by PG_JSON, which is currently identical to GREMLIN_JSON.

A Gremlin or openCypher change record, contained in the data field of a log stream response, has the following fields:

  • id – String, required.

    The ID of the Gremlin or openCypher element.

  • type – String, required.

    The type of this Gremlin or openCypher element. Must be one of the following:

    • vl – Vertex label for Gremlin; node label for openCypher.

    • vp – Vertex properties for Gremlin; node properties for openCypher.

    • e – Edge and edge label for Gremlin; relationship and relationship type for openCypher.

    • ep – Edge properties for Gremlin; relationship properties for openCypher.

  • key – String, required.

    The property name. For element labels, this is "label".

  • value – value object, required.

    This is a JSON object that contains a value field for the value itself, and a datatype field for the JSON data type of that value.

    "value": { "value": "the new value", "dataType": "the JSON datatype of the new value" }
  • from – String, optional.

    If this is an edge (type="e"), the ID of the corresponding from vertex or source node.

  • to – String, optional.

    If this is an edge (type="e"), the ID of the corresponding to vertex or target node.

Gremlin Examples
  • The following is an example of a Gremlin vertex label.

    { "id": "an ID string", "type": "vl", "key": "label", "value": { "value": "the new value of the vertex label", "dataType": "String" } }
  • The following is an example of a Gremlin vertex property.

    { "id": "an ID string", "type": "vp", "key": "the property name", "value": { "value": "the new value of the vertex property", "dataType": "the datatype of the vertex property" } }
  • The following is an example of a Gremlin edge.

    { "id": "an ID string", "type": "e", "key": "label", "value": { "value": "the new value of the edge", "dataType": "String" }, "from": "the ID of the corresponding "from" vertex", "to": "the ID of the corresponding "to" vertex" }
openCypher Examples
  • The following is an example of an openCypher node label.

    { "id": "an ID string", "type": "vl", "key": "label", "value": { "value": "the new value of the node label", "dataType": "String" } }
  • The following is an example of an openCypher node property.

    { "id": "an ID string", "type": "vp", "key": "the property name", "value": { "value": "the new value of the node property", "dataType": "the datatype of the node property" } }
  • The following is an example of an openCypher relationship.

    { "id": "an ID string", "type": "e", "key": "label", "value": { "value": "the new value of the relationship", "dataType": "String" }, "from": "the ID of the corresponding source node", "to": "the ID of the corresponding target node" }

SPARQL NQUADS Change Serialization Format

Neptune logs changes to SPARQL quads in the graph using the Resource Description Framework (RDF) N-QUADS language defined in the W3C RDF 1.1 N-Quads specification.

The data field in the change record simply contains a stmt field that holds an N-QUADS statement expressing the changed quad, as in the following example.

"stmt" : "<> <> <> .\n"