Working with administrative ARNs in Amazon Neptune - Amazon Neptune
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Working with administrative ARNs in Amazon Neptune

Resources that are created in Amazon Web Services are each uniquely identified with an Amazon Resource Name (ARN). For certain Amazon Neptune operations, you must uniquely identify a Neptune resource by specifying its ARN.


Amazon Neptune shares the format of Amazon RDS ARNs for administrative actions that use the Management API reference. Neptune administrative ARNs contain rds and not neptune-db. For data-plane ARNs that identify Neptune data resources, see Specifying data resources.

Getting an existing ARN in Amazon Neptune

You can get the ARN of a Neptune resource by using the Amazon Web Services Management Console, Amazon Command Line Interface (Amazon CLI), or Neptune API.

Getting an existing ARN using the Amazon Web Services Management Console

To get an ARN using the console, navigate to the resource that you want an ARN for, and view the details for that resource. For example, to get the ARN for a DB instance, choose Instances in the navigation panel, and choose the instance that you want from the list. The ARN is in the Instance Details section.

Getting an existing ARN using the Amazon CLI

To use the Amazon CLI to get an ARN for a particular Neptune resource, use the describe command for that resource. The following table shows each Amazon CLI command and the ARN property that is used with the command to get an ARN.

Amazon CLI Command ARN Property
describe-event-subscriptions EventSubscriptionArn
describe-certificates CertificateArn
describe-db-parameter-groups DBParameterGroupArn
describe-db-cluster-parameter-groups DBClusterParameterGroupArn
describe-db-instances DBInstanceArn
describe-events SourceArn
describe-db-subnet-groups DBSubnetGroupArn
describe-db-clusters DBClusterArn
describe-db-cluster-snapshots DBClusterSnapshotArn

For example, the following Amazon CLI command gets the ARN for a DB instance.


For Linux, OS X, or Unix:

aws neptune describe-db-instances \ --db-instance-identifier DBInstanceIdentifier \ --region us-west-2

For Windows:

aws neptune describe-db-instances ^ --db-instance-identifier DBInstanceIdentifier ^ --region us-west-2

Getting an existing ARN using the API

To get an ARN for a particular Neptune resource, call the following API actions and use the ARN properties shown.

Neptune API Action ARN Property
DescribeEventSubscriptions EventSubscriptionArn
DescribeCertificates CertificateArn
DescribeDBParameterGroups DBParameterGroupArn
DescribeDBClusterParameterGroups DBClusterParameterGroupArn
DescribeDBInstances DBInstanceArn
DescribeEvents SourceArn
DescribeDBSubnetGroups DBSubnetGroupArn
DescribeDBClusters DBClusterArn
DescribeDBClusterSnapshots DBClusterSnapshotArn