LoginNodes section - Amazon ParallelCluster
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LoginNodes section


Support for LoginNodes is added in Amazon ParallelCluster version 3.7.0.

(Optional) Specifies the configuration for the login nodes pool.

LoginNodes: Pools: - Name: string Count: integer InstanceType: string GracetimePeriod: integer Image: CustomAmi: string Ssh: KeyName: string Networking: SubnetIds: - string SecurityGroups: - string AdditionalSecurityGroups: - string Iam: InstanceRole: string InstanceProfile: string AdditionalIamPolicies: - Policy: string

Update policy: The compute fleet must be stopped for this setting to be changed for an update.

LoginNodes properties

Pools properties

Defines groups of login nodes that have the same resource configuration. Only a single pool can be specified.

Pools: - Name: string Count: integer InstanceType: string GracetimePeriod: integer Image: CustomAmi: string Ssh: KeyName: string Networking: SubnetIds: - string SecurityGroups: - string AdditionalSecurityGroups: - string Iam: InstanceRole: string InstanceProfile: string AdditionalIamPolicies: - Policy: string
Name (Required String)

Specifies the name of the LoginNodes pool. This is used to tag the LoginNodes resources.

Update policy: If this setting is changed, the update is not allowed.

Count (Required Integer)

Specifies the number of login nodes to keep active.

Update policy: This setting can be changed during an update.

InstanceType (Required String)

Specifies the Amazon EC2 instance type that's used for the login node. The architecture of the instance type must be the same as the architecture used for Slurm InstanceType setting.

Update policy: This setting can be changed if the login nodes pool is stopped.

GracetimePeriod (Optional Integer)

Specifies the minimum amount of time in minutes that elapse between the notification to the logged in user that a login node is to be decommissioned and the actual stop event. Valid values for GracetimePeriod are from 3 up to 120 minutes. The default is 60 minutes.


The triggering event involves interactions between multiple Amazon services. Sometimes, network latency and propagation of the information might take some time so the grace time period may take longer than expected due to internal delays in Amazon services.

Update policy: This setting can be changed during an update.

Image (Optional)

Defines the image configuration for the login nodes.

Image: CustomAmi: String
CustomAmi (Optional String)

Specifies the custom AMI used to provision the login nodes. If not specified, the value defaults to the one specified in the HeadNode section.

Update policy: If this setting is changed, the update is not allowed.

Ssh (Optional)

Defines the ssh configuration for the login nodes.

Ssh: KeyName: string
KeyName (Optional String)

Specifies the ssh key used to log in into the login nodes. If not specified, the value defaults to the one specified in the HeadNode section.

Update policy: If this setting is changed, the update is not allowed.

Networking (Required)

Networking: SubnetIds: - string SecurityGroups: - string AdditionalSecurityGroups: - string
SubnetIds (Required [String])

The ID of existing subnet that you provision the login nodes pool in. You can only define one subnet.

Update policy: If this setting is changed, the update is not allowed.

SecurityGroups (Optional [String])

A list of security groups to use for the login nodes pool. If no security groups are specified, Amazon ParallelCluster creates security groups for you.

Update policy: If this setting is changed, the update is not allowed.

AdditionalSecurityGroups (Optional [String])

A list of additional security groups to use for the login nodes pool.

Update policy: If this setting is changed, the update is not allowed.

Iam (Optional)

Specifies either an instance role or an instance profile to use on the login nodes to override the default instance role or instance profile for the cluster.

Iam: InstanceRole: string InstanceProfile: string AdditionalIamPolicies: - Policy: string
InstanceProfile (Optional String)

Specifies an instance profile to override the default login node instance profile. You can't specify both InstanceProfile and InstanceRole. The format is arn:Partition:iam::Account:instance-profile/InstanceProfileName. If this is specified, the InstanceRole and AdditionalIamPolicies settings can't be specified.

Update policy: If this setting is changed, the update is not allowed.

InstanceRole (Optional String)

Specifies an instance role to override the default login node instance role. You can't specify both InstanceProfile and InstanceRole. The format is arn:Partition:iam::Account:role/RoleName. If this is specified, the S3Access and AdditionalIamPolicies settings can't be specified. If this is specified, the InstanceProfile and AdditionalIamPolicies settings can't be specified.

Update policy: If this setting is changed, the update is not allowed.

AdditionalIamPolicies (Optional)
AdditionalIamPolicies: - Policy: string

An IAM policy Amazon Resource Name (ARN).

Specifies a list of Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) of IAM policies for Amazon EC2 . This list is attached to the root role used for the login node in addition to the permissions that are required by Amazon ParallelCluster.

An IAM policy name and its ARN are different. Names can't be used.

If this is specified, the InstanceProfile and InstanceRole settings can't be specified. We recommend that you use AdditionalIamPolicies because AdditionalIamPolicies are added to the permissions that Amazon ParallelCluster requires, and the InstanceRole must include all required permissions. The required permissions often change from release to release as features are added.

There's no default value.

Update policy: If this setting is changed, the update is not allowed.