Best practices - Amazon ParallelCluster
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Best practices

The following sections provide best practices for using Amazon ParallelCluster, which includes network performance and budget alerts.

Best practices: head node instance type selection

Even though the head node doesn't run a job, its functions and its sizing are crucial to the overall performance of the cluster. When you choose the instance type to use for your head node, consider the following characteristics:

Cluster size: The head node orchestrates the scaling logic of the cluster and is responsible of attaching new nodes to the scheduler. To scale up and down a cluster that has a large number nodes, provide the head node some extra compute capacity.

Shared file systems: When you use shared file systems, choose an instance type with enough network bandwidth, and enough Amazon EBS bandwidth, to handle your workflows. Ensure that the head node is able to both expose sufficient NFS server directories for the cluster and handle the artifacts that need to be shared between the compute nodes and head node.

Best practices: network performance

Network performance is critical for high performance computing (HPC) applications. Without reliable network performance, these applications can't perform as expected. To optimize network performance, consider the following best practices.

  • Placement group: If you're using Slurm, consider configuring each Slurm queue to use a cluster placement group . A cluster's placement group is a logical grouping of instances within a single Availability Zone. For more information, see placement groups in the Amazon EC2 User Guide. You can specify a PlacementGroup in the queue's Networking section, each compute resource is assigned to the queue's placement group. When specifying a PlacementGroup in the compute resource's Networking section, that specific compute resource is assigned to that placement group. The compute resource placement group specification overrides the queue specification for the compute resource. For more information, see SlurmQueues / Networking / PlacementGroup and SlurmQueues / ComputeResources / Networking / PlacementGroup.

    Networking: PlacementGroup: Enabled: true Id: your-placement-group-name

    Alternatively, have Amazon ParallelCluster create a placement group for you.

    Networking: PlacementGroup: Enabled: true

    Starting with Amazon ParallelCluster version 3.3.0, placement group creation and management is modified. When you specify the placement group to be enabled, without a name or Id, in the queue, each compute resource is assigned its own managed placement group, instead of one managed group for the entire queue. This helps to reduce insufficient capacity errors. If you need to have one placement group for the entire queue, you can use a named placement group.

    SlurmQueues / Networking / PlacementGroup / Name was added as a preferred alternative to SlurmQueues / Networking / PlacementGroup / Id.

    For more information, see Networking.

  • Enhanced networking: Consider choosing an instance type that supports enhanced networking. This recommendation applies to all current generation instances. For more information, see enhanced networking on Linux in the Amazon EC2 User Guide.

  • Elastic Fabric Adapter: To support high levels of scalable instance to instance communication, consider choosing EFA network interfaces for your network. The EFA's custom-built operating system (OS) bypass hardware enhances instance to instance communications with the on-demand elasticity and flexibility of the Amazon Web Services Cloud. You can configure each Slurm queue ComputeResource to use Efa. For more information about using EFA with Amazon ParallelCluster, see Elastic Fabric Adapter.

    ComputeResources: - Name: your-compute-resource-name Efa: Enabled: true

    For more information about EFA, see Elastic Fabric Adapter in the Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances.

  • Instance bandwidth: The bandwidth scales with instance size. For information about the different instance types, see Amazon EBS–optimized instances and Amazon EBS volume types in the Amazon EC2 User Guide.

Best practices: budget alerts

To manage resource costs in Amazon ParallelCluster, we recommend that you use Amazon Budgets actions to create a budget. You can also create defined budget threshold alerts for selected Amazon resources. For more information, see Configuring a budget action in the Amazon Budgets User Guide. Similarly, you can also use Amazon CloudWatch to create a billing alarm. For more information, see Creating a billing alarm to monitor your estimated Amazon charges.

Best practices: moving a cluster to a new Amazon ParallelCluster minor or patch version

Currently each Amazon ParallelCluster minor version is self-contained along with its pcluster CLI. To move a cluster to a new minor or patch version, you must re-create the cluster using the new version's CLI.

To optimize the process of moving a cluster to a new minor or patch version, we recommend that you do the following:

  • Save personal data in external volumes that are created outside the cluster, such as Amazon EFS and FSx for Lustre. By doing this, you can easily move the data from one cluster to another in the future.

  • Create shared storage systems using the following types. You can create these systems using the Amazon CLI or Amazon Web Services Management Console.

    Define a file system or volume in a cluster configuration as existing file system or volume. This way, they're preserved when you delete the cluster and can be attached to a new cluster.

    We recommend that you use Amazon EFS or FSx for Lustre file systems. Both of these systems can be attached to multiple clusters at the same time. Moreover, you can attach either of these systems to a new cluster before you delete your existing cluster.

  • Use custom bootstrap actions to customize your instances rather than using a custom AMI. If instead, you use a custom AMI, then you need to delete and recreate that AMI for each new version release.

  • We recommend that you apply the preceding recommendations in the following sequence:

    1. Update the existing cluster configuration to use existing file system definitions.

    2. Verify the pcluster version and update it if needed.

    3. Create and test the new cluster. When you test the new cluster, check the following:

      • Make sure that your data is available in the new cluster.

      • Make sure that your application works in the new cluster.

    4. After your new cluster is fully tested and operational and you no longer need the existing cluster, delete it.