Installing the Amazon ParallelCluster UI - Amazon ParallelCluster
Services or capabilities described in Amazon Web Services documentation might vary by Region. To see the differences applicable to the China Regions, see Getting Started with Amazon Web Services in China (PDF).

Installing the Amazon ParallelCluster UI

The Amazon ParallelCluster UI is a web-based user interface that mirrors the Amazon ParallelCluster pcluster CLI, while providing a console-like experience. You install and access the Amazon ParallelCluster UI in your Amazon Web Services account. When you run it, the Amazon ParallelCluster UI accesses an instance of the Amazon ParallelCluster API hosted on Amazon API Gateway in your Amazon Web Services account. For more information about the Amazon ParallelCluster UI, see Amazon ParallelCluster UI.

  • An Amazon Web Services account

  • Access to the Amazon Web Services Management Console

Install the Amazon ParallelCluster UI

To install an instance of the Amazon ParallelCluster UI, you choose an Amazon CloudFormation quick-create link for the Amazon Web Services Region that you create clusters in. The quick-create URL takes you to a Create Stack Wizard where you provide quick-create stack template inputs and deploy the stack. For more information about CloudFormation quick-create stacks, see Creating quick-create links for stacks in the Amazon CloudFormation User Guide.


You can only create and edit clusters or build images with the same Amazon ParallelCluster version that you use to install the Amazon ParallelCluster UI.

Use an Amazon CloudFormation quick-create link to deploy an Amazon ParallelCluster UI stack with nested Amazon Cognito, API Gateway, and Amazon EC2 Systems Manager stacks.
  1. Sign in to the Amazon Web Services Management Console.

  2. Deploy the Amazon ParallelCluster UI by choosing an Amazon Web Services Region quick-create link from the table at the start of this section. This takes you to the CloudFormation Create Stack Wizard in the console.

  3. Enter a valid email address for Admin's Email.

    After deployment completes successfully, the Amazon ParallelCluster UI sends you a temporary password to this email address. You use the temporary password to access the Amazon ParallelCluster UI. If you delete the email before you save or use the temporary password, you must delete the stack and reinstall the Amazon ParallelCluster UI.

  4. Keep the rest of the form blank or enter values for (optional) parameters to customize the Amazon ParallelCluster UI build.

  5. Note the stack name for use in later steps.

  6. Navigate to Capabilities. Agree to the CloudFormation capabilities.

  7. Choose Create. It takes about 15 minutes to complete the Amazon ParallelCluster API and Amazon ParallelCluster UI deployment.

  8. View the stack details as the stack is created.

  9. After the deployment completes, open the admin email that was sent to the address you entered. It contains a temporary password that you use to access the Amazon ParallelCluster UI. If you permanently delete the email and you haven’t yet logged in to the Amazon ParallelCluster UI, you must delete the Amazon ParallelCluster UI stack you created and reinstall the Amazon ParallelCluster UI.

  10. In the Amazon CloudFormation console list of stacks, choose the link to the stack name that you noted in a previous step.

  11. In Stack details, choose Outputs and select the link for the key named StacknameURL to open the Amazon ParallelCluster UI. Stackname is the name that you noted in a previous step.

  12. Enter the temporary password. Follow the steps to create your own password and log in.

  13. You are now on the home page of the Amazon ParallelCluster UI in the Amazon Web Services Region that you selected.

  14. To get started using the Amazon ParallelCluster UI, see Configure and create a cluster with the Amazon ParallelCluster UI.


PCUI sessions have a default duration of 5 minutes, which is the minimum value provided by Cognito as of PCUI 2023.12.0. Hence, it is expected that a user removed from Cognito User Pools is still able to access the system until the session expires.

Create a custom domain

Learn how to create a custom domain for the Amazon ParallelCluster UI. The UI is hosted on Amazon API Gateway in your Amazon Web Services account. You can create a custom domain in the API Gateway console.

  • You have an Amazon Web Services account.

  • You have an Amazon ParallelCluster UI instance that you can access.

  • You own a domain.

  • You can change basic Domain Name System (DNS) settings.

Step 1: Create a new domain in the Amazon API Gateway

  1. In the Amazon Web Services Management Console, navigate to API Gateway where you can see your Amazon ParallelCluster UI API listed.

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Custom domain names.

  3. Choose Create.

  4. In Domain details, enter your domain name.

  5. In Endpoint configuration, choose an existing ACM certificate, or choose Create a new ACM Certificate.

    (Optional) Create a certificate

    1. In the ACM console, choose Request.

    2. In Domain names, enter your domain name.

    3. In Validation method, choose a validation method.

      If you choose Email validation, an email is sent to the email address that is on file with the domain registrar.

    4. Select I approve to activate the certificate.

Step 2: Set up API mappings

  1. In API Gateway, Custom domain names, your-domain-name, choose Configure API mappings.

  2. Choose Custom domain names.

  3. Choose Add new mapping.

  4. Choose the Amazon ParallelCluster UI API, the $default Stage, and Save.

  5. In API Gateway domain name, copy the value for use in the next steps.

Step 3: Set up DNS

  • Create a DNS CNAME rule that points your domain to the API Gateway domain. Enter only the domain. For example, don't add the stage, such as beta or prod. Replace abcde12345 with your API Gateway API ID, and replace us-east-2 with the API Amazon Web Services Region.

    Rule Source Destination


Step 4: Add the domain to your Amazon Cognito user pool

  1. Navigate to the Amazon Cognito console.

  2. Select your user pool link.

  3. Choose App integration.

  4. In Domain, choose Actions, Create custom domain.

  5. Enter your Custom domain and select your ACM certificate.

  6. Choose Create custom domain.

Step 5: Configure the API Gateway callback URL

  1. Navigate to the Amazon Cognito console.

  2. In your Amazon Cognito user pool App integration, App clients and analytics, select the application link.

  3. In Hosted UI, choose Edit.

  4. In Allowed callback URLs, choose Add another URL and enter a callback URL such as

Step 6: Configure the Lambda function

  1. Navigate to the Lambda console.

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Functions.

  3. Filter the list of functions to find the ParallelClusterUIFunction and select the link.

  4. Choose Configuration, Environment variables.

  5. Choose Edit.

  6. For the SITE_URL value, enter your custom domain.

  7. Navigate to your domain, such as, and authenticate to connect to the Amazon ParallelCluster UI.

Amazon Cognito user pool options

The following sections refer to CloudFormation quick-create links or quick-create URLs. The quick-create URL takes you to a Create Stack Wizard where you provide quick-create stack template inputs and deploy the stack. For more information about CloudFormation quick-create stacks, see Creating quick-create links for stacks in the Amazon CloudFormation User Guide.

To maintain an Amazon Cognito user pool that you can use with multiple Amazon ParallelCluster UI instances, consider the following options:

  • Use an existing Amazon ParallelCluster UI instance that links to an Amazon Cognito user pool created from a nested CloudFormation stack. This is what is created when you deploy the Amazon ParallelCluster UI by using the quick-create link and you keep all Amazon Cognito parameters blank.

  • Use a standalone Amazon Cognito user pool that’s deployed before the Amazon ParallelCluster UI is deployed. Then, deploy a new Amazon ParallelCluster UI instance that's linked to the standalone Amazon Cognito user pool that you have already deployed. This way, you separate the Amazon Cognito deployment from the Amazon ParallelCluster UI deployment. Furthermore, non-nested Amazon ParallelCluster UI CloudFormation stacks are easier to update.

Use an existing Amazon Cognito user pool with a new Amazon ParallelCluster UI instance

  1. In the CloudFormation console, select the Amazon ParallelCluster UI stack that contains the Amazon Cognito user pool that you want to use with multiple Amazon ParallelCluster UI instances.

  2. Navigate to the nested stack that created the Amazon Cognito userpool.

  3. Select the Outputs tab.

  4. Copy the values of the following parameters:

    • UserPoolId

    • UserPoolAuthDomain

    • SNSRole

  5. Deploy a new Amazon ParallelCluster UI instance by using the quick-create link, and fill in all External Amazon ParallelCluster UI Amazon Cognito parameters with the outputs that you copied. This prevents the new Amazon ParallelCluster UI stack from creating a new pool and links it to the existing Amazon Cognito user pool that was created from a nested stack. You can deploy subsequent new Amazon ParallelCluster UI instances that have the same parameter values, and you can link them to the Amazon Cognito user pool.

Create a standalone Amazon Cognito userpool

  1. Launch an Amazon Cognito-only stack by choosing a quick-create link labeled with same Amazon Web Services Region in which you deploy your Amazon ParallelCluster UI instances. See the quick-create links at the beginning of this section.

  2. After stack creation completes, select the Outputs tab and copy the values of the following parameters:

    • UserPoolId

    • UserPoolAuthDomain

    • SNSRole

  3. Deploy a new Amazon ParallelCluster UI instance by choosing an Amazon ParallelCluster UI quick-start link and filling in all External Amazon ParallelCluster UI Amazon Cognito parameters with the values that you copied. The new Amazon ParallelCluster UI instance links to the standalone Amazon Cognito user pool and doesn’t create a nested stack or a new user pool. You can deploy subsequent new Amazon ParallelCluster UI instances that have the same parameter values, and you can link them to the standalone Amazon Cognito user pool.

Identify the Amazon ParallelCluster and Amazon ParallelCluster UI version

  1. In the CloudFormation console, select an Amazon ParallelCluster UI stack.

  2. Select the Parameters tab.

  3. The Amazon ParallelCluster version is the value of the parameter Version.

  4. The Amazon ParallelCluster UI version is at the end of the PublicEcrImageUri value. For example, if the value is, then the version is 2023.02.

Update the Amazon ParallelCluster UI to a new Amazon ParallelCluster version

To update the Amazon ParallelCluster UI to the latest Amazon ParallelCluster version, launch a new stack by choosing a quick-create link.

Amazon ParallelCluster UI costs

The Amazon ParallelCluster UI is built on a serverless architecture and you can use it within the Amazon Free Tier category for most cases. The following table lists the Amazon Web Services that the Amazon ParallelCluster UI depends on and their free-tier limits. Typical usage is estimated to cost less than one dollar each month.

Service Amazon Free Tier

Amazon Cognito

50,000 monthly active users

Amazon API Gateway

1 million rest API calls

Amazon Lambda

1 million free requests each month and 400,000 GB-seconds of compute time each month

EC2 Image Builder

No cost, except EC2

Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud

15-minute one-time container image build

Amazon CloudFormation

5 GB data (ingestion, archive storage, and data scanned by Logs Insights queries)