The following example configurations demonstrate Amazon ParallelCluster configurations using Slurm, Torque, and Amazon Batch schedulers.
Starting with version 2.11.5, Amazon ParallelCluster doesn't support the use of SGE or Torque schedulers.
Slurm Workload Manager (slurm
The following example launches a cluster with the slurm
scheduler. The example configuration launches 1 cluster with 2 job
queues. The first queue, spot
, initially has 2 t3.micro
Spot instances available. It can scale up to a maximum of 10
instances, and scale down to a minimum of 1 instance when no jobs have been run for 10 minutes (adjustable using the scaledown_idletime setting). The second queue, ondemand
, starts with no instances and
can scale up to a maximum of 5 t3.micro
On-Demand instances.
[global] update_check = true sanity_check = true cluster_template = slurm [aws] aws_region_name =
<your Amazon Web Services Region>
[vpc public] master_subnet_id =<your subnet>
vpc_id =<your VPC>
[cluster slurm] key_name =<your EC2 keypair name>
base_os = alinux2 # optional, defaults to alinux2 scheduler = slurm master_instance_type = t3.micro # optional, defaults to t3.micro vpc_settings = public queue_settings = spot,ondemand [queue spot] compute_resource_settings = spot_i1 compute_type = spot # optional, defaults to ondemand [compute_resource spot_i1] instance_type = t3.micro min_count = 1 # optional, defaults to 0 initial_count = 2 # optional, defaults to 0 [queue ondemand] compute_resource_settings = ondemand_i1 [compute_resource ondemand_i1] instance_type = t3.micro max_count = 5 # optional, defaults to 10
Son of Grid Engine (sge
) and Torque Resource Manager (torque
This example only applies to Amazon ParallelCluster versions up to and including version 2.11.4. Starting with version 2.11.5, Amazon ParallelCluster doesn't support the use of SGE or Torque schedulers.
The following example launches a cluster with the torque
or sge
scheduler. To use SGE, change scheduler =
to scheduler = sge
. The example configuration allows a maximum of 5 concurrent nodes, and scales down to two when no
jobs have run for 10 minutes.
[global] update_check = true sanity_check = true cluster_template = torque [aws] aws_region_name =
<your Amazon Web Services Region>
[vpc public] master_subnet_id =<your subnet>
vpc_id =<your VPC>
[cluster torque] key_name =<your EC2 keypair name>
but they aren't eligible for future updates base_os = alinux2 # optional, defaults to alinux2 scheduler = torque # optional, defaults to sge master_instance_type = t3.micro # optional, defaults to t3.micro vpc_settings = public initial_queue_size = 2 # optional, defaults to 0 maintain_initial_size = true # optional, defaults to false max_queue_size = 5 # optional, defaults to 10
Starting with version 2.11.5, Amazon ParallelCluster doesn't support the use of SGE or Torque schedulers. If you use these versions, you can continue using them, or troubleshooting support from the Amazon service and Amazon Support teams.
Amazon Batch (awsbatch
The following example launches a cluster with the awsbatch
scheduler. It's set to select the better instance type based on your
job resource needs.
The example configuration allows a maximum of 40 concurrent vCPUs, and scales down to zero when no jobs have run for 10 minutes (adjustable using the scaledown_idletime setting).
[global] update_check = true sanity_check = true cluster_template = awsbatch [aws] aws_region_name =
<your Amazon Web Services Region>
[vpc public] master_subnet_id =<your subnet>
vpc_id =<your VPC>
[cluster awsbatch] scheduler = awsbatch compute_instance_type = optimal # optional, defaults to optimal min_vcpus = 0 # optional, defaults to 0 desired_vcpus = 0 # optional, defaults to 4 max_vcpus = 40 # optional, defaults to 20 base_os = alinux2 # optional, defaults to alinux2, controls the base_os of # the head node and the docker image for the compute fleet key_name =<your EC2 keypair name>
vpc_settings = public