Building a Custom Amazon ParallelCluster AMI - Amazon ParallelCluster
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Building a Custom Amazon ParallelCluster AMI


We don't recommend building a custom AMI as an approach for customizing Amazon ParallelCluster.

This is because, after you build your own AMI, you no longer receive updates or bug fixes with future releases of Amazon ParallelCluster. Moreover, if you build a custom AMI, you must repeat the steps that you used to create your custom AMI with each new Amazon ParallelCluster release.

Before reading any further, we recommend that you first check out the Custom Bootstrap Actions section to determine if the modifications you want to make can be scripted and supported with future Amazon ParallelCluster releases.

Even though building a custom AMI isn't ideal (because of the reasons mentioned earlier), there are still scenarios where building a custom AMI for Amazon ParallelCluster is necessary. This tutorial guides you through the process of building a custom AMI for these scenarios.


Starting with Amazon ParallelCluster version 2.6.1, most of the install recipes are skipped by default when launching nodes. This is to improve startup times. To run all of the install recipes for better backwards compatibility at the expense of startup times, add "skip_install_recipes" : "no" to the cluster key in the extra_json setting. For example:

extra_json = { "cluster" : { "skip_install_recipes" : "no" } }

How to Customize the Amazon ParallelCluster AMI

There are three ways to use a custom Amazon ParallelCluster AMI described in the next sections. Two of these three methods require you to build a new AMI that's available under your Amazon Web Services account. The third method (Use a Custom AMI at Runtime) doesn't require that you build anything in advance, but does add risk to the deployment. Choose the method that best fits your needs.

Modify an AMI

This is the safest and most recommended method. Because the base Amazon ParallelCluster AMI is often updated with new releases, this AMI has all of the components required for Amazon ParallelCluster to function when it's installed and configured. You can start with this as the base.

New EC2 console
  1. In the Amazon ParallelCluster AMI list, find the AMI that corresponds to the specific Amazon Web Services Region that you use. The AMI list that you choose must match the version of Amazon ParallelCluster that you use. Run pcluster version to verify the version. For Amazon ParallelCluster version 2.11.9, go to To select another version, use the same link, choose the Tag: 2.11.9 button, select the Tags tab, and then select the appropriate version.

  2. Sign in to the Amazon Web Services Management Console and open the Amazon EC2 console at

  3. In the Amazon EC2 Dashboard, choose Launch instance.

  4. In Application and OS images, choose Browse more AMIs, navigate to Community AMIs, and enter the Amazon ParallelCluster AMI ID for your Amazon Web Services Region into the search box.

  5. Select the AMI, choose your Instance type and properties, select your Key pair, and Launch instance.

  6. Log into your instance using the OS user and your SSH key. For more information, navigate to Instances, select the new instance, and Connect.

  7. Customize your instance as required.

  8. Run the following command to prepare your instance for AMI creation:

    sudo /usr/local/sbin/
  9. Navigate to Instances, choose the new instance, select Instance state, and Stop instance.

  10. Create a new AMI from the instance using the EC2 console or Amazon CLI create-image.

    From the EC2 console
    1. Choose Instances in the navigation pane.

    2. Choose the instance you created and modified.

    3. In Actions, choose Image and templates, and then Create image.

    4. Choose Create Image.

  11. Enter the new AMI id in the custom_ami field in your cluster configuration.

Old EC2 console
  1. In the Amazon ParallelCluster AMI list, find the AMI that corresponds to the specific Amazon Web Services Region that you use. The AMI list that you choose must match the version of Amazon ParallelCluster that you use. Run pcluster version to verify the version. For Amazon ParallelCluster version 2.11.9, go to To select another version, use the same link, choose the Tag: 2.11.9 button, select the Tags tab, and then select the appropriate version.

  2. Sign in to the Amazon Web Services Management Console and open the Amazon EC2 console at

  3. In the Amazon EC2 Dashboard, choose Launch instance.

  4. Choose Community AMIs, search for the Amazon ParallelCluster AMI ID, and Select it.

  5. Choose your instance type and select Next: Configure Instance Details, or Review and Launch to launch your instance.

  6. Choose Launch, select your Key pair, and Launch Instances.

  7. Log into your instance using the OS user and your SSH key. For more information, navigate to Instances, select the new instance, and Connect.

  8. Customize your instance as required.

  9. Run the following command to prepare your instance for AMI creation:

    sudo /usr/local/sbin/
  10. Navigate to Instances, choose the new instance, select Instance State, and Stop

  11. Create a new AMI from the instance using the EC2 console or Amazon CLI create-image.

    From the EC2 console
    1. Choose Instances in the navigation pane.

    2. Choose the instance you created and modified.

    3. In Actions, choose Image, and then Create Image.

    4. Choose Create Image.

  12. Enter the new AMI id in the custom_ami field in your cluster configuration.

Build a Custom Amazon ParallelCluster AMI

If you have a customized AMI and software already in place, you can apply the changes needed by Amazon ParallelCluster on top of it.

  1. Install the following in your local system, together with the Amazon ParallelCluster CLI:

    • Packer: find the latest version for your OS from the Packer website, and install it. The version must be at least 1.4.0, but the latest version is recommended. Verify that the packer command is available in your PATH.


    Before Amazon ParallelCluster version 2.8.0, Berkshelf (which is installed by using gem install berkshelf) was required to use pcluster createami.

  2. Configure your Amazon Web Services account credentials so that Packer can make calls to Amazon API operations on your behalf. The minimal set of required permissions necessary for Packer to work are documented in the IAM Task or Instance Role section of the Amazon AMI Builder topic in the Packer documentation.

  3. Use the command createami in the Amazon ParallelCluster CLI to build an Amazon ParallelCluster AMI starting from the one that you provide as base:

    pcluster createami --ami-id <BASE_AMI> --os <BASE_AMI_OS>

    You shouldn't use an Amazon ParallelCluster AMI from a running cluster as <BASE_AMI> for the createami command. Otherwise, the command fails.

    For other parameters, see pcluster createami.

  4. The command in Step 4 runs Packer, which specifically does the following:

    1. Launches an instance using the base AMI provided.

    2. Applies the Amazon ParallelCluster cookbook to the instance to install relevant software and perform other necessary configuration tasks.

    3. Stops the instance.

    4. Creates an new AMI from the instance.

    5. Terminates the instance after the AMI is created.

    6. Outputs the new AMI ID string to use to create your cluster.

  5. To create your cluster, enter the AMI ID in the custom_ami field within your cluster configuration.


The instance type used to build a custom Amazon ParallelCluster AMI is t2.xlarge. This instance type doesn't qualify for the Amazon free tier, so you're charged for any instances that are created when you build this AMI.

Use a Custom AMI at Runtime


To avoid the risk of using an AMI that's not compatible with Amazon ParallelCluster, we recommend that you avoid using this method.

When compute nodes are launched with potentially untested AMIs at runtime, incompatibilities with the runtime installation of Amazon ParallelCluster's required software might cause Amazon ParallelCluster to stop working.

If you don't want to create anything in advance, you can use your AMI and create an Amazon ParallelCluster from that AMI.

With this method, it takes longer for the Amazon ParallelCluster to be created because all the software that's needed by Amazon ParallelCluster when the cluster is created must be installed. Moreover, scaling up also takes a longer time.

  • Enter the AMI id in the custom_ami field within your cluster configuration.