Getting started with a Domain dataset group (SDK for Python (Boto3)) - Amazon Personalize
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Getting started with a Domain dataset group (SDK for Python (Boto3))

This tutorial shows you how to use the SDK for Python (Boto3) to create a Domain dataset group for the VIDEO_ON_DEMAND domain. In this tutorial, you create a recommender for the Top picks for you use case.

When you finish the getting started exercise, to avoid incurring unnecessary charges, delete the resources that you created. For more information, see Requirements for deleting Amazon Personalize resources.


The following are prerequisite steps for using the Python examples in this guide:

  • Complete the Getting started prerequisites to set up the required permissions and create the training data. If you are using your own source data, make sure that your data is formatted like in the prerequisites.

  • Set up your Amazon SDK for Python (Boto3) environment as specified in Setting up the Amazon SDKs.


In the following steps, you verify your environment and create SDK for Python (Boto3) clients for Amazon Personalize. Then you import data, create a recommender for the Top picks for you use case, and get recommendations.

After you complete the prerequisites, run the following Python example to confirm that your environment is configured correctly. This code also creates the Amazon Personalize boto3 clients that you use in this tutorial. If your environment is configured correctly, a list of the available recipes is displayed and you can run the other examples in this tutorial.

import boto3 personalizeRt = boto3.client('personalize-runtime') personalize = boto3.client('personalize') response = personalize.list_recipes() for recipe in response['recipes']: print (recipe)

After you create Amazon Personalize boto3 clients and verify your environment, import the historical data you created when you completed the Getting started prerequisites. To import historical data into Amazon Personalize, do the following:

  1. Use the following code to create a schema in Amazon Personalize. Replace gs-domain-interactions-schema with a name for the schema.

    import json schema = { "type": "record", "name": "Interactions", "namespace": "com.amazonaws.personalize.schema", "fields": [ { "name": "USER_ID", "type": "string" }, { "name": "ITEM_ID", "type": "string" }, { "name": "EVENT_TYPE", "type": "string" }, { "name": "TIMESTAMP", "type": "long" } ], "version": "1.0" } create_interactions_schema_response = personalize.create_schema( name='gs-domain-interactions-schema', schema=json.dumps(schema), domain='VIDEO_ON_DEMAND' ) interactions_schema_arn = create_interactions_schema_response['schemaArn'] print(json.dumps(create_interactions_schema_response, indent=2))
  2. Create a dataset group with the following code. Replace dataset group name with a name for the dataset group.

    response = personalize.create_dataset_group( name = 'dataset group name', domain = 'VIDEO_ON_DEMAND' ) dsg_arn = response['datasetGroupArn'] description = personalize.describe_dataset_group(datasetGroupArn = dsg_arn)['datasetGroup'] print('Name: ' + description['name']) print('ARN: ' + description['datasetGroupArn']) print('Status: ' + description['status'])
  3. Create an Item interactions dataset in your new dataset group with the following code. Give the dataset a name and provide the schema_arn and dataset_group_arn from the previous steps.

    response = personalize.create_dataset( name = 'interactions-dataset-name', schemaArn = interactions_schema_arn, datasetGroupArn = dsg_arn, datasetType = 'INTERACTIONS' ) dataset_arn = response['datasetArn']
  4. Import your data with a dataset import job with the following code. The code uses the describe_dataset_import_job method to track the status of the job.

    Pass the following as parameters: a name for the job, the dataset_arn from the previous step, the Amazon S3 bucket path (s3://bucket name/folder name/ratings.csv) where you stored the training data, and your IAM service role's ARN. You created this role as part of the Getting started prerequisites. Amazon Personalize needs permission to access the bucket. For information on granting access, see Giving Amazon Personalize access to Amazon S3 resources.

    import time response = personalize.create_dataset_import_job( jobName = 'JobName', datasetArn = 'dataset_arn', dataSource = {'dataLocation':'s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/filename.csv'}, roleArn = 'role_arn' ) dataset_interactions_import_job_arn = response['datasetImportJobArn'] description = personalize.describe_dataset_import_job( datasetImportJobArn = dataset_interactions_import_job_arn)['datasetImportJob'] print('Name: ' + description['jobName']) print('ARN: ' + description['datasetImportJobArn']) print('Status: ' + description['status']) max_time = time.time() + 3*60*60 # 3 hours while time.time() < max_time: describe_dataset_import_job_response = personalize.describe_dataset_import_job( datasetImportJobArn = dataset_interactions_import_job_arn ) status = describe_dataset_import_job_response["datasetImportJob"]['status'] print("Interactions DatasetImportJob: {}".format(status)) if status == "ACTIVE" or status == "CREATE FAILED": break time.sleep(60)

After your dataset import job completes, you are ready create a recommender. Use the following code to create a recommender. Pass the following as parameters: a name for the recommender, your dataset group's Amazon Resource Name (ARN), and arn:aws:personalize:::recipe/aws-vod-top-picks for the recipe ARN. The code uses the describe_recommender method to track the status of the recommender.

import time create_recommender_response = personalize.create_recommender( name = 'gs-python-top-picks', recipeArn = 'arn:aws:personalize:::recipe/aws-vod-top-picks', datasetGroupArn = dsg_arn ) recommender_arn = create_recommender_response['recommenderArn'] print('Recommender ARN:' + recommender_arn) max_time = time.time() + 3*60*60 # 3 hours while time.time() < max_time: version_response = personalize.describe_recommender( recommenderArn = recommender_arn ) status = version_response["recommender"]["status"] if status == "ACTIVE": print("Creation succeeded for {}".format(recommender_arn)) elif status == "CREATE FAILED": print("Creation failed for {}".format(recommender_arn)) if status == "ACTIVE": break else: print("Recommender creation is still in progress") time.sleep(60)

After you create a recommender, you use it to get recommendations with the following code. Pass as parameters the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the recommender you created in the previous step, and a user ID (for example, 123). The method prints the list of recommended items.

response = personalizeRt.get_recommendations( recommenderArn = "arn:aws:personalize:us-west-2:014025156336:recommender/gs-python-top-picks-89", userId = '123' ) print("Recommended items") for item in response['itemList']: print (item['itemId'])

Getting started using Amazon Personalize APIs with Jupyter (iPython) notebooks

To get started creating Domain dataset groups with Jupyter notebooks, clone or download a series of notebooks found in the notebooks_managed_domains folder of the Amazon Personalize samples repository. The notebooks walk you through importing training data, creating a recommender, and getting recommendations with Amazon Personalize.


Before starting with the notebooks, make sure to build your environment following the steps in the