Installing the Amazon Personalize Search Ranking plugin on an OpenSearch Service domain
After you complete the Amazon Personalize workflow and meet the requirements listed in Plugin requirements, you're ready to install the plugin on your domain.
To use the plugin, you associate the Amazon_Personalize_Search_Ranking_Plugin
plugin with your domain. The plugin is
pre-installed, and you don't have to import it from Amazon S3. You associate the plugin the same way that you associate an
OpenSearch Service package. For information about associating an OpenSearch Service package, see Custom packages for Amazon OpenSearch Service.
After you associate the plugin with your domain, you're ready to configure the plugin. You
configure it by creating a search pipeline and specifying a personalized_search_ranking
response processor. For more information, see
Creating a pipeline.
Additional information about Amazon OpenSearch Service domains
The following resources provide additional information about using Amazon OpenSearch Service domain.
For a concise tutorial for configuring a test domain, see Step 1: Create an Amazon OpenSearch Service domain in the "Getting started" section of the Amazon OpenSearch Service Developer Guide.
For more detailed steps about configuring OpenSearch Service domains, see Creating and managing Amazon OpenSearch Service domains.
For a concise tutorial for uploading a small amount of test data to OpenSearch Service, see Step 2: Upload data to Amazon OpenSearch Service for indexing in the "Getting started" section of the Amazon OpenSearch Service Developer Guide.
For complete information about ingesting data, see Indexing data in Amazon OpenSearch Service in the Amazon OpenSearch Service Developer Guide.