Personalizing results from open source Open Search with Amazon Personalize - Amazon Personalize
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Personalizing results from open source Open Search with Amazon Personalize

To personalize results open source OpenSearch, you do the following:

  1. Set up Amazon Personalize – If you haven't already, complete the steps in Setting up Amazon Personalize to set up your credentials and set up permissions for Amazon Personalize. You don't need to set up the Amazon SDKs to personalize OpenSearch results.

  2. Complete the Amazon Personalize workflow – Complete the Amazon Personalize workflow to import data, create a solution with the Personalized-Ranking recipe, train a custom solution version, and deploy it in a campaign. You can only use the Personalized-Ranking recipe. You must create an Item interactions dataset. A Users dataset and an Items dataset are optional. For more information, see Amazon Personalize workflow details.

  3. Set up permissions – Set up permissions so you can access your Amazon Personalize resources from your OpenSearch cluster. For more information, see Setting up permissions.

  4. Install the Amazon Personalize Search Ranking plugin – The Amazon Personalize Search Ranking plugin handles communication with Amazon Personalize and re-ranking results.

  5. Configure the Amazon Personalize Search Ranking plugin – To configure the plugin, you create search pipelines. Search pipelines are sets of request and response processors. When you create a pipeline for the plugin, you specify your Amazon Personalize resources in a personalized_search_ranking response processor. You also configure how much weight the plugin gives the results from Amazon Personalize when it re-ranks results. For more information, see Creating a pipeline.

  6. Apply the Amazon Personalize Search Ranking plugin to OpenSearch queries – You can apply the Amazon Personalize Search Ranking plugin to all queries and responses for an OpenSearch index. You can also apply the plugin to individual OpenSearch queries and responses. For information about applying the plugin to queries in open source OpenSearch, see Applying the plugin.

  7. Compare results – The Amazon Personalize Search Ranking plugin re-ranks the search results in the OpenSearch query response. It considers both the ranking from Amazon Personalize and the ranking from OpenSearch. To understand how results are re-ranked, you can compare results from queries that use personalization and those that don't. For information about comparing results with open source OpenSearch, see Comparing results.

  8. Monitor the Amazon Personalize Search Ranking plugin – As you apply the Amazon Personalize Search Ranking plugin to search queries, you can monitor the plugin by getting metrics for your search pipelines. For information about monitoring the plugin on an open source OpenSearch cluster, see Monitoring the plugin with open source OpenSearch. For an excerpt of the pipeline metrics returned from OpenSearch, see Pipeline metrics example.