Recording multiple action interaction events - Amazon Personalize
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Recording multiple action interaction events

The following code shows how to record multiple action interaction events for the same user with the same sessionId.

Corresponding Action interactions dataset

USER_ID, ACTION_ID, EVENT_TYPE, TIMESTAMP user123, action123, Taken, 1543531139 user123, action345, Not Taken, 1543531139
Amazon CLI
aws personalize-events put-action-interactions \ --tracking-id 6ddfe6b7-cd83-4dd4-b09d-4c35ecbacfe1 \ --action-interactions '[{ "userId": "user123", "sessionId": "abcdefg", "timestamp": 1543531139, "eventType": "Taken", "actionId": "action123" }, { "userId": "user123", "sessionId": "abcdefg", "timestamp": 1543531139, "eventType": "Not Taken", "actionId": "action345"}]'
SDK for Python (Boto3)
import boto3 personalize_events = boto3.client(service_name='personalize-events') response = personalize_events.put_action_interactions( trackingId='12345678-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx', actionInteractions=[{ 'userId': 'user123', 'sessionId': 'abcdefg', 'timestamp': 1697848587, 'eventType': 'Taken', 'actionId': 'action123' }, { 'userId': 'user123', 'sessionId': 'abcdefg', 'timestamp': 1697848622, 'eventType': 'Not Taken', 'actionId': 'action345' }] )