Stopping the creation of a solution version - Amazon Personalize
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Stopping the creation of a solution version

If your solution version has a status of CREATE_PENDING or CREATE_IN_PROGRESS, you can use the Amazon Personalize console or the StopSolutionVersionCreation operation to stop creating the solution version (stop training a model). You can't resume creating a solution version after it has stopped. You are billed for resources used up to the point when the creation of the solution version stopped.

Stopping the creation of a solution version ends model training, but doesn't delete the solution version. You can still view the solution version details in the Amazon Personalize console and with the DescribeSolutionVersion operation.

You can stop the solution version creation process with the Amazon Personalize console, the Amazon Command Line Interface (Amazon CLI), or the Amazon SDKs.

Stopping the creation of a solution version (console)

If your solution version has a status of CREATE_PENDING or CREATE_IN_PROGRESS, you can stop creating a solution version (stop training a model).

To stop creating a solution version (console)
  1. Open the Amazon Personalize console at and sign into your account.

  2. On the Dataset groups page, choose the dataset group with the solution version that you want to stop.

  3. In the navigation pane, choose Solutions and recipes.

  4. On the Solution and recipes page, choose the solution with the solution version that you want to stop.

  5. In Solution versions, choose the solution version that you want to stop.

  6. On the solution version details page, choose Stop creation. Depending on the original state of the solution version, the solution version state changes as follows:



Stopping the creation of a solution version (Amazon CLI)

If your solution version has a status of CREATE_PENDING or CREATE_IN_PROGRESS, you can stop creating a solution version (stop training a model). Use the following stop-solution-version-creation command to stop creating the solution version with the Amazon CLI. Replace solution version arn with the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the solution version that you want to stop. You are billed for resources used up to the point that creation of the solution version stopped.

aws personalize stop-solution-version-creation \ --solution-version-arn solution version arn

Check the training status of the solution version with the describe-solution-version command.

aws personalize describe-solution-version \ --solution-version-arn solution version arn

Depending on the original state of the solution version, the solution version state changes as follows:



Stopping the creation of a solution version (Amazon SDKs)

If your solution version has a status of CREATE_PENDING or CREATE_IN_PROGRESS, you can stop creating a solution version (stop training a model). The following code shows how to stop creating a solution version with the Amazon SDK for Python (Boto3) or Amazon SDK for Java 2.x. You are billed for resources used up to the point when creation of the solution version stopped.

SDK for Python (Boto3)

Use the following stop_solution_version_creationmethod to stop creation of a solution version. Replace solution_version_arn with the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the solution version that you want to stop. The method uses the DescribeSolutionVersion operation to retrieve the solution version's status.

import boto3 personalize = boto3.client('personalize') response = personalize.stop_solution_version_creation( solutionVersionArn = solution_version_arn ) # Use the solution version ARN to get the solution version status. solution_version_description = personalize.describe_solution_version( solutionVersionArn = solution_version_arn)['solutionVersion'] print('Solution version status: ' + solution_version_description['status'])
SDK for Java 2.x

Use the following stopSolutionVersionCreation method to stop creating a solution version. Pass as parameters an Amazon Personalize service client and the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the solution version that you want to stop creating. The following code uses the DescribeSolutionVersion operation to retrieve the solution version's status.

public static void stopSolutionVersionCreation(PersonalizeClient personalizeClient, String solutionVersionArn) { String solutionVersionStatus = ""; StopSolutionVersionCreationRequest stopSolutionVersionCreationRequest = StopSolutionVersionCreationRequest.builder() .solutionVersionArn(solutionVersionArn) .build(); personalizeClient.stopSolutionVersionCreation(stopSolutionVersionCreationRequest); // Use the solution version ARN to get the solution version status. DescribeSolutionVersionRequest describeSolutionVersionRequest = DescribeSolutionVersionRequest.builder() .solutionVersionArn(solutionVersionArn) .build(); solutionVersionStatus = personalizeClient.describeSolutionVersion(describeSolutionVersionRequest) .solutionVersion() .status(); System.out.println("Solution version status: " + solutionVersionStatus); }

Depending on the original state of the solution version, the solution version state changes as follows: