Installing the CA certificate
Complete the following procedures to create and install your private CA certificate. Your CA will then be ready to use.
Amazon Private CA supports three scenarios for installing a CA certificate:
Installing a certificate for a root CA hosted by Amazon Private CA
Installing a subordinate CA certificate whose parent authority is hosted by Amazon Private CA
Installing a subordinate CA certificate whose parent authority is externally hosted
The following sections describe procedures for each scenario. The console procedures begin on the console page Private CAs.
Compatible signing algorithms
Signing algorithm support for CA certificates depends on the signing algorithm of the parent CA and on the Amazon Web Services Region. The following constraints apply to both console and Amazon CLI operations.
A parent CA with the RSA signing algorithm can issue certificates with the following algorithms:
In a legacy Amazon Web Services Region, a parent CA with the EDCSA signing algorithm can issue certificates with the following algorithms:
Legacy Amazon Web Services Regions include:
Region name
Geographical location
Europe (Stockholm)
Middle East (Bahrain)
Asia Pacific (Mumbai)
Europe (Paris)
US East (Ohio)
Africa (Cape Town)
Europe (Ireland)
Europe (Frankfurt)
South America (São Paulo)
Asia Pacific (Hong Kong)
US East (N. Virginia)
Asia Pacific (Seoul)
Europe (London)
Asia Pacific (Tokyo)
Amazon GovCloud (US-East)
Amazon GovCloud (US-West)
US West (Oregon)
US West (N. California)
Asia Pacific (Singapore)
Asia Pacific (Sydney)
In a non-legacy Amazon Web Services Region, the following rules apply for EDCSA:
A parent CA with the EC_prime256v1 signing algorithm can issue certificates with ECDSA P256.
A parent CA with the EC_secp384r1 signing algorithm can issue certificates with ECDSA P384.
Install a root CA certificate
You can install a root CA certificate from the Amazon Web Services Management Console or the Amazon CLI.
To create and install a certificate for your private root CA (console)
(Optional) If you are not already on the CA's details page, open the Amazon Private CA console at
. On the Private certificate authorities page, choose a root CA with status Pending certificate or Active. -
Choose Actions, Install CA certificate to open the Install root CA certificate page.
Under Specify the root CA certificate parameters, specify the following certificate parameters:
Validity — Specifies the expiration date and time for the CA certificate. The Amazon Private CA default validity period for a root CA certificate is 10 years.
Signature algorithm — Specifies the signing algorithm to use when the root CA issues new certificates. Available options vary according to the Amazon Web Services Region where you are creating the CA. For more information, see Compatible signing algorithms, Supported cryptographic algorithms in Amazon Private Certificate Authority, and SigningAlgorithm in CertificateAuthorityConfiguration.
Review your settings for correctness, then choose Confirm and install. Amazon Private CA exports a CSR for your CA, generates a certificate using a root CA certificate template, and self-signs the certificate. Amazon Private CA then imports the self-signed root CA certificate.
The details page for the CA displays the status of the installation (success or failure) at the top. If the installation was successful, the newly completed root CA displays a status of Active in the General pane.
To create and install a certificate for your private root CA (Amazon CLI)
Generate a certificate signing request (CSR).
aws acm-pca get-certificate-authority-csr \ --certificate-authority-arn arn:
\ --output text \ --regionregion
> ca.csrThe resulting file
, a PEM file encoded in base64 format, has the following appearance.-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST----- MIIC1DCCAbwCAQAwbTELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxFTATBgNVBAoMDEV4YW1wbGUgQ29y cDEOMAwGA1UECwwFU2FsZXMxCzAJBgNVBAgMAldBMRgwFgYDVQQDDA93d3cuZXhh bXBsZS5jb20xEDAOBgNVBAcMB1NlYXR0bGUwggEiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4IB DwAwggEKAoIBAQDD+7eQChWUO2m6pHslI7AVSFkWvbQofKIHvbvy7wm8VO9/BuI7 LE/jrnd1jGoyI7jaMHKXPtEP3uNlCzv+oEza07OjgjqPZVehtA6a3/3vdQ1qCoD2 rXpv6VIzcq2onx2X7m+Zixwn2oY1l1ELXP7I5g0GmUStymq+pY5VARPy3vTRMjgC JEiz8w7VvC15uIsHFAWa2/NvKyndQMPaCNft238wesV5s2cXOUS173jghIShg99o ymf0TRUgvAGQMCXvsW07MrP5VDmBU7k/AZ9ExsUfMe2OB++fhfQWr2N7/lpC4+DP qJTfXTEexLfRTLeLuGEaJL+c6fMyG+Yk53tZAgMBAAGgIjAgBgkqhkiG9w0BCQ4x EzARMA8GA1UdEwEB/wQFMAMBAf8wDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQADggEBAA7xxLVI5s1B qmXMMT44y1DZtQx3RDPanMNGLGO1TmLtyqqnUH49Tla+2p7nrl0tojUf/3PaZ52F QN09SrFk8qtYSKnMGd5PZL0A+NFsNW+w4BAQNKlg9m617YEsnkztbfKRloaJNYoA HZaRvbA0lMQ/tU2PKZR2vnao444Ugm0O/t3jx5rj817b31hQcHHQ0lQuXV2kyTrM ohWeLf2fL+K0xJ9ZgXD4KYnY0zarpreA5RBeO5xs3Ms+oGWc13qQfMBx33vrrz2m dw5iKjg71uuUUmtDV6ewwGa/VO5hNinYAfogdu5aGuVbnTFT3n45B8WHz2+9r0dn bA7xUel1SuQ= -----END CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----
You can use OpenSSL
to view and verify the contents of the CSR. openssl req -text -noout -verify -in ca.csr
This yields output similar to the following.
verify OK Certificate Request: Data: Version: 0 (0x0) Subject: C=US, O=Example Corp, OU=Sales, ST=WA,, L=Seattle Subject Public Key Info: Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption Public-Key: (2048 bit) Modulus: 00:c3:fb:b7:90:0a:15:94:3b:69:ba:a4:7b:25:23: b0:15:48:59:16:bd:b4:28:7c:a2:07:bd:bb:f2:ef: 09:bc:54:ef:7f:06:e2:3b:2c:4f:e3:ae:77:75:8c: 6a:32:23:b8:da:30:72:97:3e:d1:0f:de:e3:65:0b: 3b:fe:a0:4c:da:d3:b3:a3:82:3a:8f:65:57:a1:b4: 0e:9a:df:fd:ef:75:0d:6a:0a:80:f6:ad:7a:6f:e9: 52:33:72:ad:a8:9f:1d:97:ee:6f:99:8b:1c:27:da: 86:35:97:51:0b:5c:fe:c8:e6:0d:06:99:44:ad:ca: 6a:be:a5:8e:55:01:13:f2:de:f4:d1:32:38:02:24: 48:b3:f3:0e:d5:bc:2d:79:b8:8b:07:14:05:9a:db: f3:6f:2b:29:dd:40:c3:da:08:d7:ed:db:7f:30:7a: c5:79:b3:67:17:39:44:b5:ef:78:e0:84:84:a1:83: df:68:ca:67:f4:4d:15:20:bc:01:90:30:25:ef:b1: 6d:3b:32:b3:f9:54:39:81:53:b9:3f:01:9f:44:c6: c5:1f:31:ed:8e:07:ef:9f:85:f4:16:af:63:7b:fe: 5a:42:e3:e0:cf:a8:94:df:5d:31:1e:c4:b7:d1:4c: b7:8b:b8:61:1a:24:bf:9c:e9:f3:32:1b:e6:24:e7: 7b:59 Exponent: 65537 (0x10001) Attributes: Requested Extensions: X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical CA:TRUE Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption 0e:f1:c4:b5:48:e6:cd:41:aa:65:cc:31:3e:38:cb:50:d9:b5: 0c:77:44:33:da:9c:c3:46:2c:63:b5:4e:62:ed:ca:aa:a7:50: 7e:3d:4e:56:be:da:9e:e7:ae:5d:2d:a2:35:1f:ff:73:da:67: 9d:85:40:dd:3d:4a:b1:64:f2:ab:58:48:a9:cc:19:de:4f:64: bd:00:f8:d1:6c:35:6f:b0:e0:10:10:34:a9:60:f6:6e:b5:ed: 81:2c:9e:4c:ed:6d:f2:91:96:86:89:35:8a:00:1d:96:91:bd: b0:34:94:c4:3f:b5:4d:8f:29:94:76:be:76:a8:e3:8e:14:82: 6d:0e:fe:dd:e3:c7:9a:e3:f3:5e:db:df:58:50:70:71:d0:d2: 54:2e:5d:5d:a4:c9:3a:cc:a2:15:9e:2d:fd:9f:2f:e2:b4:c4: 9f:59:81:70:f8:29:89:d8:d3:36:ab:a6:b7:80:e5:10:5e:3b: 9c:6c:dc:cb:3e:a0:65:9c:d7:7a:90:7c:c0:71:df:7b:eb:af: 3d:a6:77:0e:62:2a:38:3b:d6:eb:94:52:6b:43:57:a7:b0:c0: 66:bf:54:ee:61:36:29:d8:01:fa:20:76:ee:5a:1a:e5:5b:9d: 31:53:de:7e:39:07:c5:87:cf:6f:bd:af:47:67:6c:0e:f1:51: e9:75:4a:e4
Using the CSR from the previous step as the argument for the
parameter, issue the root certificate.Note
If you are using Amazon CLI version 1.6.3 or later, use the prefix
when specifying the required input file. This ensures that Amazon Private CA parses the Base64-encoded data correctly.$
aws acm-pca issue-certificate \ --certificate-authority-arn arn:aws:acm-pca:
\ --csr file://ca.csr \ --signing-algorithm SHA256WITHRSA \ --template-arn arn:aws:acm-pca:::template/RootCACertificate/V1 \ --validity Value=365,Type=DAYS -
Retrieve the root certificate.
aws acm-pca get-certificate \ --certificate-authority-arn arn:
\ --certificate-arn arn:aws:acm-pca:region
\ --output text > cert.pemThe resulting file
, a PEM file encoded in base64 format, has the following appearance.-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIDpzCCAo+gAwIBAgIRAIIuOarlQETlUQEOZJGZYdIwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQAw bTELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxFTATBgNVBAoMDEV4YW1wbGUgQ29ycDEOMAwGA1UECwwF U2FsZXMxCzAJBgNVBAgMAldBMRgwFgYDVQQDDA93d3cuZXhhbXBsZS5jb20xEDAO BgNVBAcMB1NlYXR0bGUwHhcNMjEwMzA4MTU0NjI3WhcNMjIwMzA4MTY0NjI3WjBt MQswCQYDVQQGEwJVUzEVMBMGA1UECgwMRXhhbXBsZSBDb3JwMQ4wDAYDVQQLDAVT YWxlczELMAkGA1UECAwCV0ExGDAWBgNVBAMMD3d3dy5leGFtcGxlLmNvbTEQMA4G A1UEBwwHU2VhdHRsZTCCASIwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADggEPADCCAQoCggEBAMP7 t5AKFZQ7abqkeyUjsBVIWRa9tCh8oge9u/LvCbxU738G4jssT+Oud3WMajIjuNow cpc+0Q/e42ULO/6gTNrTs6OCOo9lV6G0Dprf/e91DWoKgPatem/pUjNyraifHZfu b5mLHCfahjWXUQtc/sjmDQaZRK3Kar6ljlUBE/Le9NEyOAIkSLPzDtW8LXm4iwcU BZrb828rKd1Aw9oI1+3bfzB6xXmzZxc5RLXveOCEhKGD32jKZ/RNFSC8AZAwJe+x bTsys/lUOYFTuT8Bn0TGxR8x7Y4H75+F9BavY3v+WkLj4M+olN9dMR7Et9FMt4u4 YRokv5zp8zIb5iTne1kCAwEAAaNCMEAwDwYDVR0TAQH/BAUwAwEB/zAdBgNVHQ4E FgQUaW3+r328uTLokog2TklmoBK+yt4wDgYDVR0PAQH/BAQDAgGGMA0GCSqGSIb3 DQEBCwUAA4IBAQAXjd/7UZ8RDE+PLWSDNGQdLemOBTcawF+tK+PzA4Evlmn9VuNc g+x3oZvVZSDQBANUz0b9oPeo54aE38dW1zQm2qfTab8822aqeWMLyJ1dMsAgqYX2 t9+u6w3NzRCw8Pvz18V69+dFE5AeXmNP0Z5/gdz8H/NSpctjlzopbScRZKCSlPid Rf3ZOPm9QP92YpWyYDkfAU04xdDo1vR0MYjKPkl4LjRqSU/tcCJnPMbJiwq+bWpX 2WJoEBXB/p15Kn6JxjI0ze2SnSI48JZ8it4fvxrhOo0VoLNIuCuNXJOwU17Rdl1W YJidaq7je6k18AdgPA0Kh8y1XtfUH3fTaVw4 -----END CERTIFICATE-----
You can use OpenSSL
to view and verify the contents of the certificate. openssl x509 -in cert.pem -text -noout
This yields output similar to the following.
Certificate: Data: Version: 3 (0x2) Serial Number: 82:2e:39:aa:e5:40:44:e5:51:01:0e:64:91:99:61:d2 Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption Issuer: C=US, O=Example Corp, OU=Sales, ST=WA,, L=Seattle Validity Not Before: Mar 8 15:46:27 2021 GMT Not After : Mar 8 16:46:27 2022 GMT Subject: C=US, O=Example Corp, OU=Sales, ST=WA,, L=Seattle Subject Public Key Info: Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption Public-Key: (2048 bit) Modulus: 00:c3:fb:b7:90:0a:15:94:3b:69:ba:a4:7b:25:23: b0:15:48:59:16:bd:b4:28:7c:a2:07:bd:bb:f2:ef: 09:bc:54:ef:7f:06:e2:3b:2c:4f:e3:ae:77:75:8c: 6a:32:23:b8:da:30:72:97:3e:d1:0f:de:e3:65:0b: 3b:fe:a0:4c:da:d3:b3:a3:82:3a:8f:65:57:a1:b4: 0e:9a:df:fd:ef:75:0d:6a:0a:80:f6:ad:7a:6f:e9: 52:33:72:ad:a8:9f:1d:97:ee:6f:99:8b:1c:27:da: 86:35:97:51:0b:5c:fe:c8:e6:0d:06:99:44:ad:ca: 6a:be:a5:8e:55:01:13:f2:de:f4:d1:32:38:02:24: 48:b3:f3:0e:d5:bc:2d:79:b8:8b:07:14:05:9a:db: f3:6f:2b:29:dd:40:c3:da:08:d7:ed:db:7f:30:7a: c5:79:b3:67:17:39:44:b5:ef:78:e0:84:84:a1:83: df:68:ca:67:f4:4d:15:20:bc:01:90:30:25:ef:b1: 6d:3b:32:b3:f9:54:39:81:53:b9:3f:01:9f:44:c6: c5:1f:31:ed:8e:07:ef:9f:85:f4:16:af:63:7b:fe: 5a:42:e3:e0:cf:a8:94:df:5d:31:1e:c4:b7:d1:4c: b7:8b:b8:61:1a:24:bf:9c:e9:f3:32:1b:e6:24:e7: 7b:59 Exponent: 65537 (0x10001) X509v3 extensions: X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical CA:TRUE X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 69:6D:FE:AF:7D:BC:B9:32:E8:92:88:36:4E:49:66:A0:12:BE:CA:DE X509v3 Key Usage: critical Digital Signature, Certificate Sign, CRL Sign Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption 17:8d:df:fb:51:9f:11:0c:4f:8f:2d:64:83:34:64:1d:2d:e9: 8e:05:37:1a:c0:5f:ad:2b:e3:f3:03:81:2f:96:69:fd:56:e3: 5c:83:ec:77:a1:9b:d5:65:20:d0:04:03:54:cf:46:fd:a0:f7: a8:e7:86:84:df:c7:56:d7:34:26:da:a7:d3:69:bf:3c:db:66: aa:79:63:0b:c8:9d:5d:32:c0:20:a9:85:f6:b7:df:ae:eb:0d: cd:cd:10:b0:f0:fb:f3:d7:c5:7a:f7:e7:45:13:90:1e:5e:63: 4f:d1:9e:7f:81:dc:fc:1f:f3:52:a5:cb:63:97:3a:29:6d:27: 11:64:a0:92:94:f8:9d:45:fd:d9:38:f9:bd:40:ff:76:62:95: b2:60:39:1f:01:4d:38:c5:d0:e8:d6:f4:74:31:88:ca:3e:49: 78:2e:34:6a:49:4f:ed:70:22:67:3c:c6:c9:8b:0a:be:6d:6a: 57:d9:62:68:10:15:c1:fe:9d:79:2a:7e:89:c6:32:34:cd:ed: 92:9d:22:38:f0:96:7c:8a:de:1f:bf:1a:e1:3a:8d:15:a0:b3: 48:b8:2b:8d:5c:93:b0:53:5e:d1:76:5d:56:60:98:9d:6a:ae: e3:7b:a9:35:f0:07:60:3c:0d:0a:87:cc:b5:5e:d7:d4:1f:77: d3:69:5c:38
Import the root CA certificate to install it on the CA.
If you are using Amazon CLI version 1.6.3 or later, use the prefix
when specifying the required input file. This ensures that Amazon Private CA parses the Base64-encoded data correctly.$
aws acm-pca import-certificate-authority-certificate \ --certificate-authority-arn arn:aws:acm-pca:
\ --certificate file://cert.pem
Inspect the new status of the CA.
aws acm-pca describe-certificate-authority \ --certificate-authority-arn arn:
\ --output json
The status now appears as ACTIVE.
"CertificateAuthority": {
"Arn": "arn:aws
"CreatedAt": "2021-03-05T14:24:12.867000-08:00",
"LastStateChangeAt": "2021-03-08T12:37:14.235000-08:00",
"Type": "ROOT",
"Serial": "serial_number
"Status": "ACTIVE",
"NotBefore": "2021-03-08T07:46:27-08:00",
"NotAfter": "2022-03-08T08:46:27-08:00",
"CertificateAuthorityConfiguration": {
"KeyAlgorithm": "RSA_2048",
"SigningAlgorithm": "SHA256WITHRSA",
"Subject": {
"Country": "US",
"Organization": "Example Corp",
"OrganizationalUnit": "Sales",
"State": "WA",
"CommonName": "",
"Locality": "Seattle"
"RevocationConfiguration": {
"CrlConfiguration": {
"Enabled": true,
"ExpirationInDays": 7,
"CustomCname": "",
"S3BucketName": "amzn-s3-demo-bucket
"OcspConfiguration": {
"Enabled": false
Install a subordinate CA certificate hosted by Amazon Private CA
You can use the Amazon Web Services Management Console to create and install a certificate for your Amazon Private CA hosted subordinate CA.
To create and install a certificate for your Amazon Private CA hosted subordinate CA
(Optional) If you are not already on the CA's details page, open the Amazon Private CA console at
. On the Private certificate authorities page, choose a subordinate CA with status Pending certificate or Active. -
Choose Actions, Install CA Certificate to open the Install subordinate CA certificate page.
On the Install subordinate CA certificate page, under Select CA type, choose Amazon Private CA to install a certificate that is managed by Amazon Private CA.
Under Select parent CA, choose a CA from the Parent private CA list. The list is filtered to display CAs that meet the following criteria:
You have permission to use the CA.
The CA would not be signing itself.
The CA is in state
. -
The CA mode is
Under Specify the subordinate CA certificate parameters, specify the following certificate parameters:
Validity — Specifies the expiration date and time for the CA certificate.
Signature algorithm — Specifies the signing algorithm to use when the root CA issues new certificates. Options are:
Path length — The number of trust layers that the subordinate CA can add when signing new certificates. A path length of zero (the default) means that only end-entity certificates, and not CA certificates, can be created. A path length of one or more means that the subordinate CA may issue certificates to create additional CAs subordinate to it.
Template ARN — Displays the ARN of the configuration template for this CA certificate. The template changes if you change the specified Path length. If you create a certificate using the CLI issue-certificate command or API IssueCertificate action, you must specify the ARN manually. For information about available CA certificate templates, see Use Amazon Private CA certificate templates.
Review your settings for correctness, then choose Confirm and install. Amazon Private CA exports a CSR, generates a certificate using a subordinate CA certificate template, and signs the certificate it with the selected parent CA. Amazon Private CA then imports the signed subordinate CA certificate.
The details page for the CA displays the status of the installation (success or failure) at the top. If the installation was successful, the newly completed subordinate CA displays a status of Active in the General pane.
Install a subordinate CA certificate signed by an external parent CA
After you create a subordinate private CA as described in Create a private CA in Amazon Private CA, you have the option of activating it by installing a CA certificate signed by an external signing authority. Signing your subordinate CA certificate with an external CA requires that you first set up an external trust services provider as your signing authority, or arrange for the use of a third-party provider.
Procedures for creating or obtaining an external trust services provider are outside the scope of this guide.
After you have created a subordinate CA and you have access to an external signing authority, complete the following tasks:
Obtain a certificate signing request (CSR) from Amazon Private CA.
Submit the CSR to your external signing authority and obtain a signed CA certificate along with any chain certificates.
Import the CA certificate and chain into Amazon Private CA to activate your subordinate CA.
For detailed procedures, see Use externally signed private CA certificates .