Create a connector template
A template is a list of configurations for how the certificate should look once issued, and how the client should handle the certificates. The following procedures explain how to create a template.
- Console
To create a template using the console
Sign in to your Amazon account and open the Amazon Private CA Connector for Active Directory console at
. -
Choose a connector from the Connectors for Active Directory list and then choose View details.
On the details page for the connector, find the Templates section and then choose Create template.
On the Create template page, in the Template creation method section, choose one of the method options.
Start from a predefined template (default) – Choose from a list of predefined templates for AD applications:
Code Signing
Domain Controller Authentication
EFS Recovery Agent
Enrollment Agent
Enrollment Agent (Computer)
Kerberos Authentication
RAS and IAS Server
Smartcard Logon
Trust List Signing
User Signature
Workstation Authentication
Start from an existing template that you created – Choose from a list of custom templates that you previously created.
Start from a blank template – Choose this option to begin creating a completely new template.
In the Certificate settings section, define the following settings for certificates based on this template.
Certificate type – Specify whether to create User or Computer certificates.
Auto-enrollment – Choose whether to activate auto-enrollment for certificates based on this template.
Validity period – Specify a certificate validity period as an integer value of hours, days, weeks, months, or years. The minimum value is 2 hours.
Renewal period – Specify a certificate renewal period as an integer value of hours, days, weeks, months, or years. The renewal period must be no more than 75% of the validity period.
Subject name – Choose one or more options to be included in the subject name based on information contained in Active Directory.
At least one subject name or subject alternative name option must be specified.
Common name
DNS as common name
Directory path
Subject alternative name – Choose one or more options to be included in the subject alternative name based on information contained in Active Directory.
At least one subject name or subject alternative name option must be specified.
Directory GUID
DNS name
Domain DNS
Service principal name (SPN)
User principal name (UPN)
In the Certificate request handling and enrollment options section, specify the purpose of certificates based on the template, choosing one of the following options.
Signature and encryption
Signature and smartcard logon
Next, choose which of the following features to activate. Options vary depending on the certificate purpose.
Delete invalid certificates (do not archive)
Include symmetric algorithms
Exportable private key
Finally, choose a certificate enrollment option. Options vary depending on the certificate purpose.
No user input required
Prompt user during enrollment
Prompt user during enrollment and require user input
In the Application policies section, choose all of the application policies that apply. The available policies are listed across several pages. Some policies may be preselected because of previous settings.
In the Custom application policies section, you can add custom OIDs to the template, and specify whether application policy extensions are critical.
In the Cryptography settings section, choose the following categories of cryptography settings for certificates based on this template.
In the Groups and permissions section, you can view the templates existing groups and permissions for enrollment, or you can choose the Add new groups and permissions button to add a new ones. The button opens a form requiring the following information:
Display name
Security identifier (SID)
Enroll, with options ALLOW | DENY | NOT SET
Auto-enroll, with options ALLOW | DENY | NOT SET
In the Supersede templates section, you can notify Active Directory that the current template supersedes one or more templates created in AD. Apply the superseding template by choosing Add template from Active Directory to supersede and specifying the common name of the superseding template.
In the Tags – optional pane, you can apply and remove metadata on your AD resource. Tags are key-value string pairs where the key must be unique to the resource and the value is optional. The pane displays any existing tags for the resource in a table. The following actions are supported.
Choose Manage tags to open the Manage tags page.
Choose Add new tag to create a tag. Fill in the Key field and, optionally, the Value field. Choose Save changes to apply the tag.
Choose the Remove button next to a tag to mark it for deletion, and choose Save changes to confirm.
After providing the required information and reviewing your choices, choose Create template. This opens Template details, where you can review the new template's settings, edit or delete the template, manage groups and permissions, manage superseded templates, manage tags, and set automatic re-enrollment for certificate holders.
To create a connector template using the API
Use the CreateTemplate action in the Amazon Private CA Connector for Active Directory API.
To create a connector template using the Amazon CLI
Use the create-template command in the Amazon Private CA Connector for Active Directory section of the Amazon CLI.