Listing private CAs - Amazon Private Certificate Authority
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Listing private CAs

You can use the Amazon Private CA console or Amazon CLI to list private CAs that you own or have access to.

To list available CAs using the console
  1. Sign in to your Amazon account and open the Amazon Private CA console at

  2. Review the information in the Private certificate authorities list. You can navigate through multiple pages of CAs using the page numbers at upper-right. Each CA occupies a row with some or all of the following columns displayed for each one:

  • Subject – Summary of distinguished name information for the CA.

  • Id – 32-byte hexadecimal unique identifier of the CA.

  • Status – CA status. Possible values are Creating, Pending certificate, Active, Deleted, Disabled, Expired, and Failed.

  • Type – The type of CA. Possible values are Root and Subordinate.

  • Mode – The mode of the CA. Possible values are General-purpose (issues certificates that can be configured with any expiration date) and Short-lived certificate (issues certificates with a maximum validity period of seven days). A short validity period can substitute in some cases for a revocation mechanism. The default is General-purpose.

  • Owner – The Amazon account that owns the CA. This may be your account or an account that has delegated CA management permissions to you.

  • Key algorithm – The public key algorithm supported by the CA. Possible values are RSA_2048, RSA_4096, EC_prime256v1, and EC_secp384r1.

  • Signing algorithm – The algorithm that the CA uses to sign certificate requests. (Not to be confused with the SigningAlgorithm parameter used to sign certificates when they are issued.) Possible values are SHA256WITHECDSA, SHA384WITHECDSA, SHA512WITHECDSA, SHA256WITHRSA, SHA384WITHRSA, and SHA512WITHRSA.


You can customize the columns that you want to display, as well as other settings, by choosing the settings icon in the upper-right corner of the console.

To list available CAs using the Amazon CLI

Use the list-certificate-authorities command to list available CAs as shown in the following example:

$ aws acm-pca list-certificate-authorities --max-items 10

The command returns information similar to the following:

{ "CertificateAuthorities":[ { "Arn":"arn:aws:acm-pca:region:account:certificate-authority/CA_ID", "CreatedAt":"2022-05-02T11:59:02.022000-07:00", "LastStateChangeAt":"2022-05-02T11:59:18.498000-07:00", "Type":"ROOT", "Serial":"serial_number", "Status":"ACTIVE", "NotBefore":"2022-05-02T10:59:17-07:00", "NotAfter":"2032-05-02T11:59:17-07:00", "CertificateAuthorityConfiguration":{ "KeyAlgorithm":"RSA_2048", "SigningAlgorithm":"SHA256WITHRSA", "Subject":{ "Organization":"testing_com" } }, "RevocationConfiguration":{ "CrlConfiguration":{ "Enabled":false } } } ... ] }