Customize the look and feel of QuickSight embedded dashboards and visuals - Amazon QuickSight
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Customize the look and feel of QuickSight embedded dashboards and visuals

You can use the Amazon QuickSight Embedding SDK (version 2.5.0 and higher) to make changes to the theming of your embedded QuickSight dashboards and visuals at runtime. Runtime theming makes it easier to integrate your Software as a service (SaaS) application with your Amazon QuickSight embedded assets. Runtime theming allows you to synchronize the theme of your embedded content with the themes of the parent application that your QuickSight assets are embedded into. You can also use runtime theming to add customization options for readers. Theming changes can be applied to embedded assets at initialization or throughout the lifetime of your embedded dashboard or visual.

For more information about themes, see Using themes in Amazon QuickSight. For more information about using the QuickSight Embedding SDK, see the amazon-quicksight-embedding-sdk on GitHub.


Before you can get started, make sure that you have the following prerequisites.

  • You are using the QuickSight Embedding SDK version 2.5.0 or higher.

  • Permissions to access the theme that you want to work with. To grant permissions to a theme in QuickSight, make a UpdateThemePermissions API call or use the Share icon next to the theme in the QuickSight console's analysis editor.

Terminology and concepts

The following terminology can be useful when working with embedded runtime theming.

  • Theme – A collection of settings that you can apply to multiple analyses and dashboards that change how the content is displayed.

  • ThemeConfiguration – A configuration object that contains all of the display properties for a theme.

  • Theme Override – A ThemeConfiguration object that is applied to the active theme to override some or all aspects of how content is displayed.

  • Theme ARN – An Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that identifies a QuickSight theme. Following is an example of custom theme ARN.


    QuickSight provided starter themes don't have a region in their theme ARN. Following is an example of a starter theme ARN.


Setting up

Make sure that you have the following information ready to get started working with runtime theming.

  • The theme ARNs of the themes that you want to use. You can choose an existing theme, or you can create a new one. To obtain a list all themes and theme ARNs in your QuickSight account, make a call to the ListThemes API operation. For information on preset QuickSight themes, see Setting a default theme for Amazon QuickSight analyses with the QuickSight APIs.

  • If you are using registered user embedding, make sure that the user has access to the themes that you want to use.

    If you are using anonymous user embedding, pass a list of theme ARNs to the AuthorizedResourceArns parameter of the GenerateEmbedUrlForAnonymousUser API. Anonymous users are granted access to any theme that is listed in the AuthorizedResourceArns parameter.

SDK method interface

Setter methods

The following table describes different setter methods that developers can use for runtime theming.

Method Description

setTheme(themeArn: string)

Replaces the active theme of a dashboard or visual with another theme. If applied, the theme override is removed.

An error is returned if you don't have access to the theme or if the theme doesn't exist.

setThemeOverride(themeOverride: ThemeConfiguration)

Sets a dynamic ThemeConfiguration to override the current active theme. This replaces the previously set theme override. Any values that are not supplied in the new ThemeConfiguration are defaulted to the values in the currently active theme.

An error is returned if the ThemeConfiguration that you supply is invalid.

Initializing embedded content with a theme

To initialize an embedded dashboard or visual with a non-default theme, define a themeOptions object on the DashboardContentOptions or VisualContentOptions parameters, and set the themeArn property within themeOptions to the desired theme ARN.

The following example initializes an embedded dashboard with the MIDNIGHT theme.

import { createEmbeddingContext } from 'amazon-quicksight-embedding-sdk'; const embeddingContext = await createEmbeddingContext(); const { embedDashboard, } = embeddingContext; const frameOptions = { url: '<YOUR_EMBED_URL>', container: '#experience-container', }; const contentOptions = { themeOptions: { themeArn: "arn:aws-cn:quicksight::aws:theme/MIDNIGHT" } }; // Embedding a dashboard experience const embeddedDashboardExperience = await embedDashboard(frameOptions, contentOptions);

Initializing embedded content with a theme override

Developers can use theme overrides to define the theme of an embedded dashboard or visual at runtime. This allows the dashboard or visual to inherit a theme from a third-party application without the need to pre-configure a theme within QuickSight. To initialize an embedded dashboard or visual with a theme override, set the themeOverride property within themeOptions in either the DashboardContentOptions or VisualContentOptions parameters. The following example overrides the font of a dashboard's theme from the default font to Amazon Ember.

import { createEmbeddingContext } from 'amazon-quicksight-embedding-sdk'; const embeddingContext = await createEmbeddingContext(); const { embedDashboard, } = embeddingContext; const frameOptions = { url: '<YOUR_EMBED_URL>', container: '#experience-container', }; const contentOptions = { themeOptions: { "themeOverride":{"Typography":{"FontFamilies":[{"FontFamily":"Comic Neue"}]}} } }; // Embedding a dashboard experience const embeddedDashboardExperience = await embedDashboard(frameOptions, contentOptions);

Initializing embedded content with preloaded themes

Developers can configure a set of dashboard themes to be preloaded on initialization. This is most beneficial for quick toggling between different views, for example dark and light modes. An embedded dashboard or visual can be initialized with up to 5 preloaded themes. To use preloaded themes, set the preloadThemes property in either DashboardContentOptions or VisualContentOptions with an array of up to 5 themeArns. The following example preloads the Midnight and Rainier starter themes to a dashboard.

import { createEmbeddingContext } from 'amazon-quicksight-embedding-sdk'; const embeddingContext = await createEmbeddingContext(); const { embedDashboard, } = embeddingContext; const frameOptions = { url: '<YOUR_EMBED_URL>', container: '#experience-container', }; const contentOptions = { themeOptions: { "preloadThemes": ["arn:aws:quicksight::aws:theme/RAINIER", "arn:aws:quicksight::aws:theme/MIDNIGHT"] } }; // Embedding a dashboard experience const embeddedDashboardExperience = await embedDashboard(frameOptions, contentOptions);