Amazon QuickSight JSON expression language for Highcharts visuals - Amazon QuickSight
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Amazon QuickSight JSON expression language for Highcharts visuals

Highcharts visuals accept most valid JSON values, standard arithmetic operators, string operators, and conditional operators. The following JSON values are not supported for Highcharts visuals:

  • Functions

  • Dates

  • Undefined values

QuickSight authors can use JSON expression language create JSON schemas for a highcharts visual. JSON expression language is used to bind JSON to APIs or datasets to allow dynamic population and modification of JSON structures. Developers can also use JSON expression language to inflate and transform JSON data with concise and intuitive expressions.

With JSON expression language, expressions are represented as arrays, where the first element specifies the operation and subsequent elements are the arguments. For example, ["unique", [1, 2, 2]] applies the unique operation to the array [1, 2, 2], resulting in [1, 2]. This array-based syntax allows for flexible expressions, that allow complex transformations on JSON data.

JSON expression language supports nested expressions. Nested expressions are expressions that contain other expressions as arguments. For example ["split", ["toUpper", "hello world"], " "] first converts the string hello world into an uppercase, then splits it into array of words, resulting in ["HELLO", "WORLD"].

Use the following sections to learn more about JSON expression language for Highcharts visuals in Amazon QuickSight.