Subscribing to email reports in Amazon QuickSight - Amazon QuickSight
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Subscribing to email reports in Amazon QuickSight

In Enterprise edition, Amazon QuickSight authors can set up subscriptions to a dashboard in report form. For more information, see Scheduling and sending QuickSight reports by email. QuickSight readers and authors can then subscribe to a dashboard and adjust their report settings. For more information about subscribing to dashboards as a reader, see Subscribing to Amazon QuickSight dashboard emails and alerts.

Use the following procedure to change your subscription and report settings for a specific dashboard.

  1. First, open a dashboard that is shared with you, or a dashboard that you own or co-own.

  2. Choose the Reports icon at top right.

  3. The Change report preferences screen appears. This screen shows the current report schedule, in addition to the subscription and optimization options.

    For Subscription, choose Subscribe to start receiving reports, or Unsubscribe to stop receiving reports.

    Under Optimize, choose the device you prefer to view the report on.

    • If you usually use a mobile device or you prefer to view reports in a portrait format, choose Viewing on a mobile device. When you receive the report, the visuals display in a single vertical column.

    • If you usually use a desktop or you prefer to view reports in a landscape format, choose Viewing on a desktop. When you receive the report, the visuals display in the same layout shown in your dashboard on your desktop.

    Change report preferences dialog with options for schedule, subscription, and viewing optimization.
  4. Choose Update to confirm your choices, or choose Cancel to discard your changes.