Scheduling and sending QuickSight reports by email
Amazon QuickSight in the China Beijing region (BJS) uses an internal email service (Amazon SES) in the China Ningxia region (ZHY) to send emails to QuickSight users. Customer data that's included in scheduled reports, alerts, and other features are passed by email from BJS to ZHY before it reaches QuickSight users.
The following QuickSight features send emails through Amazon SES in the ZHY region. If you don't want to pass data across these regions, avoid these features. There is no centralized way to disable these features.
Anomaly detection alerts
Emails that notify users that a failure has occurred
Emails that use threshold alerts
Scheduled reports
In Enterprise edition, you can send a dashboard in report form either once or on a schedule (daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly). You can email the reports to users or groups who share your Amazon QuickSight subscription. To receive email reports, the users or group members must meet the following conditions:
They are part of your Amazon QuickSight subscription.
You already shared the dashboard with them.
They have completed sign-up process to activate their subscription as Amazon QuickSight readers, authors, or admins.
Amazon QuickSight can't send scheduled emails to more than 5,000 members.
Amazon QuickSight generates a custom email snapshot for each user or group based on their data permissions, which are defined in the dashboard. Row Level Security (RLS), Column Level Security (CLS) and Dynamic Default Parameters for email reports works for both scheduled and ad hoc (one-time) emails.
QuickSight authors can run scheduled reports with the Report now button in the QuickSight console or with the StartDashboardSnapshotJobSchedule
Subscribers who are readers see an option for Reports on the dashboard when an email report is available for that dashboard. They can use the Schedules menu to subscribe to or unsubscribe from the emails. For more information, see Subscribing to email reports in Amazon QuickSight.
You can create up to five schedules for each dashboard.
QuickSight dashboard viewers can also schedule their own reports for themselves from a QuickSight dashboard. For more information about reader generated reports, see Creating a reader generated report in Amazon QuickSight.
Use the following topics to learn more about email report settings and report billing.