Document history for the Amazon Application Recovery Controller (ARC) Developer Guide - Amazon Application Recovery Controller (ARC)
Services or capabilities described in Amazon Web Services documentation might vary by Region. To see the differences applicable to the China Regions, see Getting Started with Amazon Web Services in China (PDF).

Document history for the Amazon Application Recovery Controller (ARC) Developer Guide

The following entries describe important changes made to the Amazon Application Recovery Controller (ARC) documentation.

  • Version: latest

  • Latest documentation update: October 22, 2024

Change Description Date
Zonal shift capability for Amazon EKS

You can start a zonal shift for an Amazon EKS cluster, or you can allow Amazon to do it for you by enabling zonal autoshift. This shift updates the flow of east-to-west network traffic in your cluster to only consider network endpoints for Pods running on worker nodes in healthy AZs.

For more information, see Support for Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service.

October 22, 2024
Zonal shift capability for Network Load Balancers

ARC now supports zonal shift for Network Load Balancers with cross-zone enabled or cross-zone disabled configurations.

For more information, see Support for Network Load Balancers.

October 11, 2024
Autoshift observer notifications

With autoshift observer notifications, you can configure zonal autoshift to notify you, through Amazon EventBridge, whenever Amazon starts an autoshift to shift traffic away from a potentially impaired Availability Zone. You do not have to configure any specific resources with zonal autoshift to enable these separate notifications.

For more information, see Using zonal autoshift with Amazon EventBridge.

July 12, 2024
Doc reorganization by each capability

Reorganizes the developer guide content to be siloed into sub-dev guides. That is, there are now separate sections that contain comprehensive information for each capability in ARC: zonal shift and zonal autoshift for multi-AZ recovery, and routing control and readiness check for multi-Region recovery.

For more information, see What is Amazon Application Recovery Controller (ARC).

April 30, 2024
Adds zonal autoshift capability

Adds a new capability in ARC where you authorize Amazon to shift away resource traffic for an application from an Availability Zone, on your behalf, to help reduce time to recovery during events.

For more information, see Zonal autoshift in Amazon Application Recovery Controller (ARC).

November 30, 2023
Adds new service-linked role

Adds a new service-linked role, AWSServiceRoleForZonalAutoshiftPracticeRun, for zonal autoshift practice runs.

For more information, see Service-linked role permissions for AWSServiceRoleForZonalAutoshiftPracticeRun.

November 30, 2023
Adds cross-account support for clusters

Adds cross-account support for clusters in ARC with Amazon Resource Access Manager, so that you can easily and securely use one cluster to host control panels and routing controls owned by several different Amazon accounts.

For more information, see Support cross-account for clusters in ARC.

October 18, 2023
Updates a managed policy

Updates the AmazonRoute53RecoveryControlConfigReadOnly managed policy to add permissions for GetResourcePolicy, to support returning details about Amazon Resource Access Manager resource policies for shared resources.

For more information, see Amazon managed policies.

September 19, 2023
Updated service-linked role

Added new permissions, ec2:DescribeVpnGateways and ec2:DescribeCustomerGateways, to the service-linked role for ARC, to support polling Amazon EC2 instances.

For more information, see Using service-linked roles for ARC.

February 17, 2023
GA release for zonal shift

Supports the GA release of zonal shift for ARC, which includes attribute-based access control (ABAC) for managed resources that are registered in ARC for zonal shift.

For more information, see Attribute-based access control (ABAC) with ARC.

January 10, 2023
Added new multi-AZ zonal shift

Added content describing a new service in ARC, zonal shift, for multi-AZ applications. You can start a zonal shift to temporarily move traffic for a load balancer resource away from an Availability Zone.

For more information, see Zonal shift in ARC.

November 28, 2022
Updated service-linked role

Added a new permission, lambda:ListProvisionedConcurrencyConfigs, to the service-linked role for ARC to query information about Lambda functions.

For more information, see Using service-linked roles for ARC.

August 31, 2022
Updated managed policy

Updated the AmazonRoute53RecoveryControlConfigFullAccess managed policy to remove Amazon Route 53 permissions and list them as optional.

For more information, see Amazon managed policies for Amazon Application Recovery Controller (ARC).

May 26, 2022
Updated managed policy

Updated the AmazonRoute53RecoveryControlConfigFullAccess managed policy to include required Amazon Route 53 permissions.

For more information, see Amazon managed policies for Amazon Application Recovery Controller (ARC).

April 15, 2022
Added CLI example for the new list routing controls API

Added example CLI command and best practices recommendations for the new list routing controls API operation included in the extremely reliable ARC data plane API.

For more information, see List and update routing controls and states.

March 31, 2022
Added support for overriding safety rules

Added support for overriding safety rules, which allows you to bypass routing control safeguards that are enforced with safety rules that you've configured. Safety rule overrides could be required, for example, in a "break glass" scenario during failover for disaster recovery.

For more information, see Override safety rules to reroute traffic.

March 2, 2022
Added additional tagging support

Added support for tagging additional resources in ARC, including clusters, control panels, routing controls, and safety rules.

For more information, see Tagging in Amazon Application Recovery Controller (ARC).

December 20, 2021
Updated managed policy

Updated the AmazonRoute53RecoveryControlConfigReadOnly managed policy to add permission to list tags for a resource.

For more information, see Amazon managed policies for Amazon Application Recovery Controller (ARC)

December 20, 2021
Added support for real-time alerts with EventBridge

Added support for EventBridge, which means that now you can add rules to get alerts and act on ARC readiness check status changes, for example, when a status changes from READY to NOT READY.

For more information, see Using ARC with Amazon EventBridge.

December 20, 2021
Added routing control state code samples

Added code samples to illustrate trying cluster endpoints in sequence when you use API operations to get or update routing control states.

For more information, see API examples for Amazon Application Recovery Controller (ARC).

November 16, 2021
Added new permissions to a read-only policy

Added two new permissions to the policy AmazonRoute53RecoveryReadinessReadOnlyAccess: route53-recovery-readiness:GetArchitectureRecommendations and route53-recovery-readiness:GetCellReadinessSummary.

For more information, see Amazon managed policies for Amazon Application Recovery Controller (ARC).

November 9, 2021
Added support for Amazon API Gateway resource type

Added a new resource type, Amazon API Gateway, and updated the ARC service-linked role permissions so that ARC can audit API Gateway with readiness checks.

For more information, see Readiness rules and supported resource types and Using service-linked roles for ARC.

October 28, 2021
Added support for Lambda functions resource type

Added a new resource type, Lambda functions, and updated the ARC service-linked role permissions so that ARC can audit Lambda functions with readiness checks.

For more information, see Readiness rules and supported resource types and Using service-linked roles for ARC.

October 8, 2021
Added links to CloudFormation and Terraform templates

Added links to downloadable Amazon CloudFormation and Hashicorp Terraform templates to help you quickly get started with using ARC.For more information, see Recovery readiness with a new application.

September 13, 2021
Added new managed policies

Added the following Amazon managed policies for ARC: AmazonRoute53RecoveryReadinessFullAccess, AmazonRoute53RecoveryReadinessReadOnlyAccess, AmazonRoute53RecoveryClusterFullAccess, AmazonRoute53RecoveryClusterReadOnlyAccess, AmazonRoute53RecoveryControlConfigFullAccess, and AmazonRoute53RecoveryControlConfigReadOnlyAccess.

For more information, see Amazon managed policies for Amazon Application Recovery Controller (ARC).

August 18, 2021
Started tracking Amazon managed policies for Amazon Application Recovery Controller (ARC)

Updates for managed policies will be tracked from the initial release date forward.

For more information, see Amazon managed policies for Amazon Application Recovery Controller (ARC).

July 27, 2021
Initial release of Amazon Application Recovery Controller (ARC) ARC improves application availability by centrally coordinating failovers within an Amazon Region or across multiple Regions. ARC provides readiness checks to ensure that your applications are scaled to handle failover traffic and configured to route around failures. It also provides extremely reliable routing control so that you can recover applications by rerouting traffic, for example, across Availability Zones or Regions. For more information, see What is ARC?. July 27, 2021