Using zonal autoshift with Amazon EventBridge - Amazon Route 53 Application Recovery Controller
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Using zonal autoshift with Amazon EventBridge

Using Amazon EventBridge, you can set up event-driven rules that monitor your zonal autoshift resources and initiate target actions that use other Amazon services. For example, you can set a rule for sending out email notifications by signaling an Amazon SNS topic when a practice run starts for zonal autoshift.

You can create rules in Amazon EventBridge to act on zonal autoshift. An event for zonal autoshift event specifies status information about practice run autoshifts, for example, when a practice run is in progress.

To capture specific zonal autoshift events that you're interested in, define event-specific patterns that EventBridge can use to detect the events. Event patterns have the same structure as the events that they match. The pattern quotes the fields that you want to match and provides the values that you're looking for.

Events are emitted on a best effort basis. They're delivered from Route 53 ARC to EventBridge in near real-time, under normal operational circumstances. However, situations can arise that might delay or prevent delivery of an event.

For information about how EventBridge rules work with event patterns, see Events and Event Patterns in EventBridge.

Monitor a zonal autoshift resource with EventBridge

With EventBridge, you can create rules that define actions to take when Route 53 ARC emits events for its resources. For example, you can create a rule that sends an email message when a practice run starts for zonal autoshift.

To type or copy and paste an event pattern into the EventBridge console, select to the option to use Enter my own option in the console. To help you determine event patterns that might be useful for you, this topic includes examples of both zonal autoshift event-matching patterns and zonal autoshift events that you can use.

To create a rule for a resource event
  1. Open the Amazon EventBridge console at

  2. Choose the Amazon Web Services Region that you want to create the rule in, that is the Region that you're interested in watching events for.

  3. Choose Create rule.

  4. Enter a Name for the rule, and, optionally, a description.

  5. For Event bus, leave the default value, default.

  6. Choose Next.

  7. For the Build event pattern step, for Event source, leave the default value, Amazon events.

  8. Under Sample event, choose Enter my own.

  9. For Sample events, type or copy and paste an event pattern.

Example zonal autoshift event patterns

Event patterns have the same structure as the events that they match. The pattern quotes the fields that you want to match and provides the values that you're looking for.

You can copy and paste event patterns from this section into EventBridge to create rules that you can use to monitor zonal autoshift actions and resources.

When you create event patterns for zonal autoshift events, you can specify any of the following for the detail-type:

  • Autoshift In Progress

  • Autoshift Completed

  • Practice Run Started

  • Practice Run Succeeded

  • Practice Run Interrupted

  • Practice Run Failed

When a practice run is interrupted, for more information about what caused the interruption, see the additionalFailureInfo field.

  • Select all events from zonal autoshift where a practice run has started..

    { "source": [ "aws.arc-zonal-shift" ], "detail-type": [ "Practice Run Started" ] }
  • Select all events from zonal autoshift where a practice run has failed..

    { "source": [ "aws.arc-zonal-shift" ], "detail-type": [ "Practice Run Failed" ] }

Example zonal autoshift events

The following is an example event for a zonal autoshift action:

{ "version": "0", "id": "05d4d2d5-9c76-bfea-72d2-d4614802adb4", "detail-type": "Practice Run Interrupted", "source": "aws.arc-zonal-shift", "account": "111122223333", "time": "2023-11-16T23:38:14Z", "region": "us-east-1", "resources": [ "TEST-EXAMPLE-2023-11-16-23-28-11-5" ], "detail": { "version": "0.0.1", "data": { "additionalFailureInfo": "Practice run interrupted. The blocking alarm entered ALARM state." }, "metadata": { "awayFrom": "use1-az2" } } }

Specify a CloudWatch log group to use as a target

When you create an EventBridge rule, you must specify the target where events that are matched to the rule are sent. For a list of available targets for EventBridge, see Targets available in the EventBridge console. One of the targets that you can add to an EventBridge rule is an Amazon CloudWatch log group. This section describes the requirements for adding CloudWatch log groups as targets, and provides a procedure for adding a log group when you create a rule.

To add a CloudWatch log group as a target, you can do one of the following:

  • Create a new log group

  • Choose an existing log group

If you specify a new log group using the console when you create a rule, EventBridge automatically creates the log group for you. Make sure that the log group that you use as a target for the EventBridge rule starts with /aws/events. If you want to choose an existing log group, be aware that only log groups that start with /aws/events appear as options in the drop-down menu. For more information, see Create a new log group in the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide.

If you create or use a CloudWatch log group to use as a target using CloudWatch operations outside of the console, make sure that you set permissions correctly. If you use the console to add a log group to an EventBridge rule, then the resource-based policy for the log group is updated automatically. But, if you use the Amazon Command Line Interface or an Amazon SDK to specify a log group, then you must update resource-based policy for the log group. The following example policy illustrates the permissions that you must define in a resource-based policy for the log group:

{ "Statement": [ { "Action": [ "logs:CreateLogStream", "logs:PutLogEvents" ], "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "Service": [ "", "" ] }, "Resource": "arn:aws:logs:region:account:log-group:/aws/events/*:*", "Sid": "TrustEventsToStoreLogEvent" } ], "Version": "2012-10-17" }

You can't configure a resource-based policy for a log group by using the console. To add the required permissions to a resource-based policy, use the CloudWatch PutResourcePolicy API operation. Then, you can use the describe-resource-policies CLI command to check that your policy was applied correctly.

To create a rule for a resource event and specify a CloudWatch log group target
  1. Open the Amazon EventBridge console at

  2. Choose the Amazon Web Services Region that you want to create the rule in.

  3. Choose Create rule and then enter any information about that rule, such as the event pattern or schedule details.

    For more information about creating EventBridge rules for Route 53 ARC, see the sections earlier in this topic.

  4. On the Select target page, choose CloudWatch as your target.

  5. Choose a CloudWatch log group from the drop-down menu.