Interleaved sort key
An interleaved sort gives equal weight to each column, or subset of columns, in the sort key. If multiple queries use different columns for filters, then you can often improve performance for those queries by using an interleaved sort style. When a query uses restrictive predicates on secondary sort columns, interleaved sorting significantly improves query performance as compared to compound sorting.
Don't use an interleaved sort key on columns with monotonically increasing attributes, such as identity columns, dates, or timestamps.
The performance improvements you gain by implementing an interleaved sort key should be weighed against increased load and vacuum times.
Interleaved sorts are most effective with highly selective queries that filter on
one or more of the sort key columns in the WHERE clause, for example select
c_name from customer where c_region = 'ASIA'
. The benefits of interleaved
sorting increase with the number of sorted columns that are restricted.
An interleaved sort is more effective with large tables. Sorting is applied on each slice. Thus, an interleaved sort is most effective when a table is large enough to require multiple 1 MB blocks per slice. Here, the query processor can skip a significant proportion of the blocks using restrictive predicates. To view the number of blocks a table uses, query the STV_BLOCKLIST system view.
When sorting on a single column, an interleaved sort might give better performance than a compound sort if the column values have a long common prefix. For example, URLs commonly begin with "http://www". Compound sort keys use a limited number of characters from the prefix, which results in a lot of duplication of keys. Interleaved sorts use an internal compression scheme for zone map values that enables them to better discriminate among column values that have a long common prefix.
When migrating Amazon Redshift provisioned clusters to Amazon Redshift Serverless, Redshift converts tables with interleaved sort keys and DISTSTYLE KEY to compound sort keys. The DISTSTYLE doesn't change. For more information on distribution styles, see Working with data distribution styles.
As you add rows to a sorted table that already contains data, performance might deteriorate over time. This deterioration occurs for both compound and interleaved sorts, but it has a greater effect on interleaved tables. A VACUUM restores the sort order, but the operation can take longer for interleaved tables because merging new interleaved data might involve modifying every data block.
When tables are initially loaded, Amazon Redshift analyzes the distribution of the values in the sort key columns and uses that information for optimal interleaving of the sort key columns. As a table grows, the distribution of the values in the sort key columns can change, or skew, especially with date or timestamp columns. If the skew becomes too large, performance might be affected. To re-analyze the sort keys and restore performance, run the VACUUM command with the REINDEX key word. Because it must take an extra analysis pass over the data, VACUUM REINDEX can take longer than a standard VACUUM for interleaved tables. To view information about key distribution skew and last reindex time, query the SVV_INTERLEAVED_COLUMNS system view.
For more information about how to determine how often to run VACUUM and when to run a VACUUM REINDEX, see Decide whether to reindex.