Tutorial: Building XGBoost models - Amazon Redshift
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Tutorial: Building XGBoost models

In this tutorial, you create a model with data from Amazon S3 and run prediction queries with the model using Amazon Redshift ML. The XGBoost algorithm is an optimized implementation of the gradient boosted trees algorithm. XGBoost handles more data types, relationships, and distributions than other gradient boosted trees algorithms. You can use XGBoost for regression, binary classification, multi-class classification, and ranking problems. For more information about the XGBoost algorithm, see XGBoost algorithm in the Amazon SageMaker Developer Guide.

The Amazon Redshift ML CREATE MODEL operation with the AUTO OFF option currently supports XGBoost as the MODEL_TYPE. You can provide relevant information such as the objective and hyperparameters as part of the CREATE MODEL command, based on your use case.

In this tutorial, you use the banknote authentication dataset, which is a binary classification problem to predict whether a given banknote is genuine or forged.

Use case examples

You can solve other binary classification problems using Amazon Redshift ML, such as predicting whether a patient is healthy or has a disease. You could also predict whether an email is spam or not spam.


  • Prerequisites

  • Step 1: Load the data from Amazon S3 to Amazon Redshift

  • Step 2: Create the machine learning model

  • Step 3: Perform predictions with the model


To complete this tutorial, you must complete the Administrative setup for Amazon Redshift ML.

Step 1: Load the data from Amazon S3 to Amazon Redshift

Use the Amazon Redshift query editor v2 to run the following queries.

The following query creates two tables, loads the data from Amazon S3, and splits the data into a training set and a testing set. You will use the training set to train your model and create the prediction function. Then, you will test the prediction function on the testing set.

--create training set table CREATE TABLE banknoteauthentication_train( variance FLOAT, skewness FLOAT, curtosis FLOAT, entropy FLOAT, class INT ); --Load into training table COPY banknoteauthentication_train FROM 's3://redshiftbucket-ml-sagemaker/banknote_authentication/train_data/' IAM_ROLE default REGION 'us-west-2' IGNOREHEADER 1 CSV; --create testing set table CREATE TABLE banknoteauthentication_test( variance FLOAT, skewness FLOAT, curtosis FLOAT, entropy FLOAT, class INT ); --Load data into testing table COPY banknoteauthentication_test FROM 's3://redshiftbucket-ml-sagemaker/banknote_authentication/test_data/' IAM_ROLE default REGION 'us-west-2' IGNOREHEADER 1 CSV;

Step 2: Create the machine learning model

The following query creates the XGBoost model in Amazon Redshift ML from the training set you created in the previous step. Replace amzn-s3-demo-bucket with your own S3_BUCKET, which will store your input datasets and other Redshift ML artifacts.

CREATE MODEL model_banknoteauthentication_xgboost_binary FROM banknoteauthentication_train TARGET class FUNCTION func_model_banknoteauthentication_xgboost_binary IAM_ROLE default AUTO OFF MODEL_TYPE xgboost OBJECTIVE 'binary:logistic' PREPROCESSORS 'none' HYPERPARAMETERS DEFAULT EXCEPT(NUM_ROUND '100') SETTINGS(S3_BUCKET 'amzn-s3-demo-bucket');

Show the status of model training (optional)

You can use the SHOW MODEL command to know when your model is ready.

Use the following query to monitor the progress of the model training.

SHOW MODEL model_banknoteauthentication_xgboost_binary;

If the model is READY, the SHOW MODEL operation also provides the train:error metric, as shown in the following example of the output. The train:error metric is a measure of accuracy of your model that measures to six decimal places. A value of 0 is most accurate and a value of 1 is least accurate.

+--------------------------+--------------------------------------------------+ | Model Name | model_banknoteauthentication_xgboost_binary | +--------------------------+--------------------------------------------------+ | Schema Name | public | | Owner | awsuser | | Creation Time | Tue, 21.06.2022 19:07:35 | | Model State | READY | | train:error | 0.000000 | | Estimated Cost | 0.006197 | | | | | TRAINING DATA: | | | Query | SELECT * | | | FROM "BANKNOTEAUTHENTICATION_TRAIN" | | Target Column | CLASS | | | | | PARAMETERS: | | | Model Type | xgboost | | Training Job Name | redshiftml-20220621190735686935-xgboost | | Function Name | func_model_banknoteauthentication_xgboost_binary | | Function Parameters | variance skewness curtosis entropy | | Function Parameter Types | float8 float8 float8 float8 | | IAM Role | default-aws-iam-role | | S3 Bucket | amzn-s3-demo-bucket | | Max Runtime | 5400 | | | | | HYPERPARAMETERS: | | | num_round | 100 | | objective | binary:logistic | +--------------------------+--------------------------------------------------+

Step 3: Perform predictions with the model

Check the accuracy of the model

The following prediction query uses the prediction function created in the previous step to check the accuracy of your model. Run this query on the testing set to make sure the model does not correspond too closely to the training set. This close correspondence is also known as overfitting, and overfitting could cause the model to make unreliable predictions.

WITH predict_data AS ( SELECT class AS label, func_model_banknoteauthentication_xgboost_binary (variance, skewness, curtosis, entropy) AS predicted, CASE WHEN label IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE label END AS actual, CASE WHEN actual = predicted THEN 1 :: INT ELSE 0 :: INT END AS correct FROM banknoteauthentication_test ), aggr_data AS ( SELECT SUM(correct) AS num_correct, COUNT(*) AS total FROM predict_data ) SELECT (num_correct :: FLOAT / total :: FLOAT) AS accuracy FROM aggr_data;

Predict the amount of original and counterfeit banknotes

The following prediction query returns the predicted amount of original and counterfeit banknotes in the testing set.

WITH predict_data AS ( SELECT func_model_banknoteauthentication_xgboost_binary(variance, skewness, curtosis, entropy) AS predicted FROM banknoteauthentication_test ) SELECT CASE WHEN predicted = '0' THEN 'Original banknote' WHEN predicted = '1' THEN 'Counterfeit banknote' ELSE 'NA' END AS banknote_authentication, COUNT(1) AS count FROM predict_data GROUP BY 1;

Find the average observation for an original and a counterfeit banknote

The following prediction query returns the average value of each feature for banknotes that are predicted to be original and counterfeit in the testing set.

WITH predict_data AS ( SELECT func_model_banknoteauthentication_xgboost_binary(variance, skewness, curtosis, entropy) AS predicted, variance, skewness, curtosis, entropy FROM banknoteauthentication_test ) SELECT CASE WHEN predicted = '0' THEN 'Original banknote' WHEN predicted = '1' THEN 'Counterfeit banknote' ELSE 'NA' END AS banknote_authentication, TRUNC(AVG(variance), 2) AS avg_variance, TRUNC(AVG(skewness), 2) AS avg_skewness, TRUNC(AVG(curtosis), 2) AS avg_curtosis, TRUNC(AVG(entropy), 2) AS avg_entropy FROM predict_data GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 2;

For more information about Amazon Redshift ML, see the following documentation:

For more information about machine learning, see the following documentation: