Performance data in Amazon Redshift - Amazon Redshift
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Performance data in Amazon Redshift

Using CloudWatch metrics for Amazon Redshift, you can get information about your cluster's health and performance and see information at the node level. When working with these metrics, keep in mind that each metric has one or more dimensions associated with it. These dimensions tell you what the metric is applicable to, that is the scope of the metric. Amazon Redshift has the following two dimensions:

  • Metrics that have a NodeID dimension are metrics that provide performance data for nodes of a cluster. This set of metrics includes leader and compute nodes. Examples of these metrics include CPUUtilization, ReadIOPS, WriteIOPS.

  • Metrics that have only a ClusterIdentifier dimension are metrics that provide performance data for clusters. Examples of these metrics include HealthStatus and MaintenanceMode.


    In some metric cases, a cluster-specific metric represents an aggregation of node behavior. In these cases, take care in the interpretation of the metric value because the leader node's behavior is aggregated with the compute node.

For general information about CloudWatch metrics and dimensions, see CloudWatch concepts in the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide.

For a further description of CloudWatch metrics for Amazon Redshift, see the following sections.

Amazon Redshift metrics

The AWS/Redshift namespace includes the following metrics. Unless stated otherwise, metrics are collected at 1-minute intervals.

Metric Description

The number of transactions waiting to commit at a given point in time.

Units: Count

Dimensions: ClusterIdentifier


The number of concurrency scaling clusters that are actively processing queries at any given time.

Units: Count

Dimensions: ClusterIdentifier


The number of seconds used by concurrency scaling clusters that have active query processing activity.

Units: Count

Dimensions: ClusterIdentifier


The percentage of CPU utilization. For clusters, this metric represents an aggregation of all nodes (leader and compute) CPU utilization values.

Units: Percent

Dimensions: ClusterIdentifier, NodeID

Dimensions: ClusterIdentifier


The number of database connections to a cluster.

Units: Count

Dimensions: ClusterIdentifier


Indicates the health of the cluster. Every minute the cluster connects to its database and performs a simple query. If it is able to perform this operation successfully, the cluster is considered healthy. Otherwise, the cluster is unhealthy. An unhealthy status can occur when the cluster database is under extremely heavy load or if there is a configuration problem with a database on the cluster.


In Amazon CloudWatch, this metric is reported as 1 or 0 whereas in the Amazon Redshift console, this metric is displayed with the words HEALTHY or UNHEALTHY for convenience. When this metric is displayed in the Amazon Redshift console, sampling averages are ignored and only HEALTHY or UNHEALTHY are displayed. In Amazon CloudWatch, values different than 1 and 0 might occur because of sampling issue. Any value below 1 for HealthStatus is reported as 0 (UNHEALTHY).

Units: Count (1/0) (HEALTHY/UNHEALTHY in the Amazon Redshift console)

Dimensions: ClusterIdentifier


Indicates whether the cluster is in maintenance mode.


In Amazon CloudWatch, this metric is reported as 1 or 0 whereas in the Amazon Redshift console, this metric is displayed with the words ON or OFF for convenience. When this metric is displayed in the Amazon Redshift console, sampling averages are ignored and only ON or OFF are displayed. In Amazon CloudWatch, values different than 1 and 0 might occur because of sampling issues. Any value greater than 0 for MaintenanceMode is reported as 1 (ON).

Units: Count (1/0) (ON/OFF in the Amazon Redshift console).

Dimensions: ClusterIdentifier


Maximum number of concurrency scaling clusters configured from the parameter group. For more information, see Amazon Redshift parameter groups.

Units: Count

Dimensions: ClusterIdentifier


The rate at which the node or cluster receives data.

Units: Bytes/Second (MB/s in the Amazon Redshift console)

Dimensions: ClusterIdentifier, NodeID

Dimensions: ClusterIdentifier


The rate at which the node or cluster writes data.

Units: Bytes/Second (MB/s in the Amazon Redshift console)

Dimensions: ClusterIdentifier, NodeID

Dimensions: ClusterIdentifier


The percent of disk space used.

Units: Percent

Dimensions: ClusterIdentifier

Dimensions: ClusterIdentifier, NodeID


The average number of queries completed per second. Reported in 5-minute intervals. This metric isn't supported on single-node clusters.

Units: Count/Second

Dimensions: ClusterIdentifier, latency

Dimensions: ClusterIdentifier, wlmid


The average amount of time to complete a query. Reported in 5-minute intervals. This metric isn't supported on single-node clusters.

Units: Microseconds

Dimensions: ClusterIdentifier, NodeID, latency

Dimensions: ClusterIdentifier, latency

Dimensions: ClusterIdentifier, NodeID, wlmid


The total time queries spent running by query stage. Reported in 5-minute intervals.

Units: Milliseconds

Dimensions: ClusterIdentifier, NodeID, stage

Dimensions: ClusterIdentifier, stage


The average number of disk read operations per second.

Units: Count/Second

Dimensions: ClusterIdentifier, NodeID

Dimensions: ClusterIdentifier


The average amount of time taken for disk read I/O operations.

Units: Seconds

Dimensions: ClusterIdentifier, NodeID

Dimensions: ClusterIdentifier


The average number of bytes read from disk per second.

Units: Bytes (GB/s in the Amazon Redshift console)

Dimensions: ClusterIdentifier, NodeID

Dimensions: ClusterIdentifier


Total managed storage capacity.

Units: Megabytes

Dimensions: ClusterIdentifier


The number of user tables open at a particular point in time. This total doesn't include Amazon Redshift Spectrum tables.

Units: Count

Dimensions: ClusterIdentifier


The number of queries waiting to enter a workload management (WLM) queue.

Units: Count

Dimensions: ClusterIdentifier, service class

Dimensions: ClusterIdentifier, QueueName


The total time queries spent waiting in the workload management (WLM) queue. Reported in 5-minute intervals.

Units: Milliseconds.

Dimensions: ClusterIdentifier, QueryPriority

Dimensions: ClusterIdentifier, wlmid

Dimensions: ClusterIdentifier, QueueName


The average number of queries completed per second for a workload management (WLM) queue. Reported in 5-minute intervals. This metric isn't supported on single-node clusters.

Units: Count/Second

Dimensions: ClusterIdentifier, wlmid

Dimensions: ClusterIdentifier, QueueName


The average length of time to complete a query for a workload management (WLM) queue. Reported in 5-minute intervals. This metric isn't supported on single-node clusters.

Units: Microseconds

Dimensions: ClusterIdentifier, wlmid

Dimensions: ClusterIdentifier, QueueName


The number of queries running from both the main cluster and concurrency scaling cluster per WLM queue.

Units: Count

Dimensions: ClusterIdentifier, wlmid

Dimensions: ClusterIdentifier, QueueName


The average number of write operations per second.

Units: Count/Second

Dimensions: ClusterIdentifier, NodeID

Dimensions: ClusterIdentifier


The average amount of time taken for disk write I/O operations.

Units: Seconds

Dimensions: ClusterIdentifier, NodeID

Dimensions: ClusterIdentifier


The average number of bytes written to disk per second.

Units: Bytes (GB/s in the Amazon Redshift console)

Dimensions: ClusterIdentifier, NodeID

Dimensions: ClusterIdentifier


The configured quota for a schema.

Units: Megabytes

Dimensions: ClusterIdentifier, Database, Schema

Periodic/Push: Periodic

Frequency: 5 minutes

Stop criteria: Schema dropped or quota removed


The number of schemas with exceeded quotas.

Units: Count

Dimensions: ClusterIdentifier

Periodic/Push: Periodic

Frequency: 5 minutes

Stop criteria: N/A


The disk or storage space used by a schema.

Units: Megabytes

Dimensions: ClusterIdentifier, Database, Schema

Periodic/Push: Periodic

Frequency: 5 minutes

Stop criteria: Schema dropped or quota removed


The percentage of disk or storage space used relative to the configured schema quota.

Units: Percent

Dimensions: ClusterIdentifier, Database, Schema

Periodic/Push: Periodic

Frequency: 5 minutes

Stop criteria: Schema dropped or quota removed


Depending on the FeatureType, UsageLimitAvailable returns the following:

  • If the FeatureType is CONCURRENCY_SCALING, UsageLimitAvailable returns the total amount of time that can be used by concurrency scaling in 1-minute increments.

  • If the FeatureType is CROSS_REGION_DATASHARING, UsageLimitAvailable returns the total amount of data that can be scanned in 1-TB increments.

  • If the FeatureType is SPECTRUM, UsageLimitAvailable returns the total amount of data that can be scanned in 1-TB increments.

Units: Minutes or TBs

Dimensions: ClusterIdentifier, FeatureType, UsageLimitId


Depending on the FeatureType, UsageLimitConsumed returns the following:

  • If the FeatureType is CONCURRENCY_SCALING, UsageLimitAvailable returns the total amount of time used by concurrency scaling in 1-minute increments.

  • If the FeatureType is CROSS_REGION_DATASHARING, UsageLimitAvailable returns the total amount of data scanned in 1-TB increments.

  • If the FeatureType is SPECTRUM, UsageLimitAvailable returns the total amount of data scanned in 1-TB increments.

Units: Minutes or TBs

Dimensions: ClusterIdentifier, FeatureType, UsageLimitId

Dimensions for Amazon Redshift metrics

Amazon Redshift data can be filtered along any of the dimensions in the table following.

Dimension Description

Possible values are as follows:

  • short – under 10 seconds

  • medium – between 10 seconds and 10 minutes

  • long – over 10 minutes


Filters requested data that is specific to the nodes of a cluster. NodeID is either "Leader", "Shared", or "Compute-N" where N is 0, 1, ... for the number of nodes in the cluster. "Shared" means that the cluster has only one node, that is the leader node and compute node are combined.

Metrics are reported for the leader node and compute nodes only for CPUUtilization, NetworkTransmitThroughput, and ReadIOPS. Other metrics that use the NodeId dimension are reported only for compute nodes.


Filters requested data that is specific to the cluster. Metrics that are specific to clusters include HealthStatus, MaintenanceMode, and DatabaseConnections. General metrics for this dimension (for example, ReadIOPS) that are also metrics of nodes represent an aggregate of the node metric data. Take care in interpreting these metrics because they aggregate behavior of leader and compute nodes.

service class

The identifier for a WLM service class.


The execution stages for a query. The possible values are as follows:

  • QueryPlanning: Time spent parsing and optimizing SQL statements.

  • QueryWaiting: Time spent waiting in the WLM queue.

  • QueryExecutingRead: Time spent executing read queries.

  • QueryExecutingInsert: Time spent executing insert queries.

  • QueryExecutingDelete: Time spent executing delete queries.

  • QueryExecutingUpdate: Time spent executing update queries.

  • QueryExecutingCtas: Time spent executing create table as queries.

  • QueryExecutingUnload: Time spent executing unload queries.

  • QueryExecutingCopy: Time spent executing copy queries.

  • QueryCommit: Time spent committing.


The identifier for a workload management queue.


The priority of the query. Possible values are CRITICAL, HIGHEST, HIGH, NORMAL, LOW, and LOWEST.


The name of the workload management queue.


The feature that is limited by a usage limit. Possible values are CONCURRENCY_SCALING, CROSS_REGION_DATASHARING, and SPECTRUM.


The identifier for a usage limit.

Amazon Redshift query and load performance data

In addition to the CloudWatch metrics, Amazon Redshift provides query and load performance data. Query and load performance data can be used to help you understand the relation between database performance and cluster metrics. For example, if you notice that a cluster's CPU spiked, you can find the spike on the cluster CPU graph and see the queries that were running at that time. Conversely, if you are reviewing a specific query, metric data (like CPU) is displayed in context so that you can understand the query's impact on cluster metrics.

Query and load performance data are not published as CloudWatch metrics and can only be viewed in the Amazon Redshift console. Query and load performance data are generated from querying with your database's system tables (for more information, see System tables reference in the Amazon Redshift Developer Guide). You can also generate your own custom database performance queries, but we recommend starting with the query and load performance data presented in the console. For more information about measuring and monitoring your database performance yourself, see Managing performance in the Amazon Redshift Developer Guide.

The following table describes different aspects of query and load data you can access in the Amazon Redshift console.

Query/Load data Description
Query summary

A list of queries in a specified time period. The list can be sorted on values such as query ID, query runtime, and status. View this data in the Query monitoring tab of the cluster detail page.

Query detail

Provides details on a particular query including:

  • Query properties such as the query ID, type, cluster the query was run on, and runtime.

  • Details such as the status of the query and the number of errors.

  • The SQL statement that was run.

  • An explain plan if available.

  • Cluster performance data during the query execution (for more information, see Viewing query history data).

Load summary

Lists all the loads in a specified time period. The list can be sorted on values such as query ID, query runtime, and status. View this data in the Query monitoring tab of the cluster detail page.

Load detail

Provides details on a particular load operation including:

  • Load properties such as the query ID, type, cluster the query was run on, and runtime.

  • Details such as the status of the load and the number of errors.

  • The SQL statement that was run.

  • A list of loaded files.

  • Cluster performance data during the load operation (for more information, see Viewing query history data).