Latest SageMaker Operators for Kubernetes - Amazon SageMaker
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Latest SageMaker Operators for Kubernetes

This section is based on the latest version of SageMaker Operators for Kubernetes using Amazon Controllers for Kubernetes (ACK).


If you are currently using version v1.2.2 or below of SageMaker Operators for Kubernetes, we recommend migrating your resources to the ACK service controller for Amazon SageMaker. The ACK service controller is a new generation of SageMaker Operators for Kubernetes based on Amazon Controllers for Kubernetes (ACK).

For information on the migration steps, see Migrate resources to the latest Operators.

For answers to frequently asked questions on the end of support of the original version of SageMaker Operators for Kubernetes, see Announcing the End of Support of the Original Version of SageMaker Operators for Kubernetes

The latest version of SageMaker Operators for Kubernetes is based on Amazon Controllers for Kubernetes (ACK), a framework for building Kubernetes custom controllers where each controller communicates with an Amazon service API. These controllers allow Kubernetes users to provision Amazon resources like databases or message queues using the Kubernetes API.

Use the following steps to install and use ACK to train, tune, and deploy machine learning models with Amazon SageMaker.

Install SageMaker Operators for Kubernetes

To set up the latest available version of SageMaker Operators for Kubernetes, see the Setup section in Machine Learning with the ACK SageMaker Controller.

Use SageMaker Operators for Kubernetes

For a tutorial on how to train a machine learning model with the ACK service controller for Amazon SageMaker using Amazon EKS, see Machine Learning with the ACK SageMaker Controller.

For an autoscaling example, see Scale SageMaker Workloads with Application Auto Scaling


See also the ACK service controller for Amazon SageMaker GitHub repository or read Amazon Controllers for Kubernetes Documentation.