Migrate resources to the latest Operators - Amazon SageMaker
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Migrate resources to the latest Operators

We are stopping the development and technical support of the original version of SageMaker Operators for Kubernetes.

If you are currently using version v1.2.2 or below of SageMaker Operators for Kubernetes, we recommend migrating your resources to the ACK service controller for Amazon SageMaker. The ACK service controller is a new generation of SageMaker Operators for Kubernetes based on Amazon Controllers for Kubernetes (ACK).

For answers to frequently asked questions on the end of support of the original version of SageMaker Operators for Kubernetes, see Announcing the End of Support of the Original Version of SageMaker Operators for Kubernetes

Use the following steps to migrate your resources and use ACK to train, tune, and deploy machine learning models with Amazon SageMaker.


The latest SageMaker Operators for Kubernetes are not backwards compatible.


To successfully migrate resources to the latest SageMaker Operators for Kubernetes, you must do the following:

  1. Install the latest SageMaker Operators for Kubernetes. See Setup in Machine Learning with the ACK SageMaker Controller for step-by-step instructions.

  2. If you are using HostingAutoscalingPolicy resources, install the new Application Auto Scaling Operators. See Setup in Scale SageMaker Workloads with Application Auto Scaling for step-by-step instructions. This step is optional if you are not using HostingAutoScalingPolicy resources.

If permissions are configured correctly, then the ACK SageMaker service controller can determine the specification and status of the Amazon resource and reconcile the resource as if the ACK controller originally created it.

Adopt resources

The new SageMaker Operators for Kubernetes provide the ability to adopt resources that were not originally created by the ACK service controller. For more information, see Adopt Existing Amazon Resources in the ACK documentation.

The following steps show how the new SageMaker Operators for Kubernetes can adopt an existing SageMaker endpoint. Save the following sample to a file named adopt-endpoint-sample.yaml.

apiVersion: services.k8s.aws/v1alpha1 kind: AdoptedResource metadata: name: adopt-endpoint-sample spec: aws: # resource to adopt, not created by ACK nameOrID: xgboost-endpoint kubernetes: group: sagemaker.services.k8s.aws kind: Endpoint metadata: # target K8s CR name name: xgboost-endpoint

Submit the custom resource (CR) using kubectl apply:

kubectl apply -f adopt-endpoint-sample.yaml

Use kubectl describe to check the status conditions of your adopted resource.

kubectl describe adoptedresource adopt-endpoint-sample

Verify that the ACK.Adopted condition is True. The output should look similar to the following example:

--- kind: AdoptedResource metadata: annotations: kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration: '{"apiVersion":"services.k8s.aws/v1alpha1","kind":"AdoptedResource","metadata":{"annotations":{},"name":"xgboost-endpoint","namespace":"default"},"spec":{"aws":{"nameOrID":"xgboost-endpoint"},"kubernetes":{"group":"sagemaker.services.k8s.aws","kind":"Endpoint","metadata":{"name":"xgboost-endpoint"}}}}' creationTimestamp: '2021-04-27T02:49:14Z' finalizers: - finalizers.services.k8s.aws/AdoptedResource generation: 1 name: adopt-endpoint-sample namespace: default resourceVersion: '12669876' selfLink: "/apis/services.k8s.aws/v1alpha1/namespaces/default/adoptedresources/adopt-endpoint-sample" uid: 35f8fa92-29dd-4040-9d0d-0b07bbd7ca0b spec: aws: nameOrID: xgboost-endpoint kubernetes: group: sagemaker.services.k8s.aws kind: Endpoint metadata: name: xgboost-endpoint status: conditions: - status: 'True' type: ACK.Adopted

Check that your resource exists in your cluster:

kubectl describe endpoints.sagemaker xgboost-endpoint

HostingAutoscalingPolicy resources

The HostingAutoscalingPolicy (HAP) resource consists of multiple Application Auto Scaling resources: ScalableTarget and ScalingPolicy. When adopting a HAP resource with ACK, first install the Application Auto Scaling controller. To adopt HAP resources, you need to adopt both ScalableTarget and ScalingPolicy resources. You can find the resource indentifier for these resources in the status of the HostingAutoscalingPolicy resource (status.ResourceIDList).

HostingDeployment resources

The HostingDeployment resource consists of multiple SageMaker resources: Endpoint, EndpointConfig, and each Model. If you adopt a SageMaker endpoint in ACK, you need to adopt the Endpoint, EndpointConfig, and each Model separately. The Endpoint, EndpointConfig, and Model names can be found in status of the HostingDeployment resource (status.endpointName, status.endpointConfigName, and status.modelNames).

For a list of all supported SageMaker resources, refer to the ACK API Reference.

Clean up old resources

After the new SageMaker Operators for Kubernetes adopt your resources, you can uninstall old operators and clean up old resources.

Step 1: Uninstall the old operator

To uninstall the old operator, see Delete operators.


Uninstall the old operator before deleting any old resources.

Step 2: Remove finalizers and delete old resources


Before deleting old resources, be sure that you have uninstalled the old operator.

After uninstalling the old operator, you must explicitly remove the finalizers to delete old operator resources. The following sample script shows how to delete all training jobs managed by the old operator in a given namespace. You can use a similar pattern to delete additional resources once they are adopted by the new operator.


You must use full resource names to get resources. For example, use kubectl get trainingjobs.sagemaker.aws.amazon.com instead of kubectl get trainingjob.

namespace=sagemaker_namespace training_jobs=$(kubectl get trainingjobs.sagemaker.aws.amazon.com -n $namespace -ojson | jq -r '.items | .[] | .metadata.name') for job in $training_jobs do echo "Deleting $job resource in $namespace namespace" kubectl patch trainingjobs.sagemaker.aws.amazon.com $job -n $namespace -p '{"metadata":{"finalizers":null}}' --type=merge kubectl delete trainingjobs.sagemaker.aws.amazon.com $job -n $namespace done

Use the new SageMaker Operators for Kubernetes

For in-depth guides on using the new SageMaker Operators for Kubernetes, see Use SageMaker Operators for Kubernetes