Use checkpoints in Amazon SageMaker - Amazon SageMaker
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Use checkpoints in Amazon SageMaker

Use checkpoints in Amazon SageMaker to save the state of machine learning (ML) models during training. Checkpoints are snapshots of the model and can be configured by the callback functions of ML frameworks. You can use the saved checkpoints to restart a training job from the last saved checkpoint.

Using checkpoints, you can do the following:

  • Save your model snapshots under training due to an unexpected interruption to the training job or instance.

  • Resume training the model in the future from a checkpoint.

  • Analyze the model at intermediate stages of training.

  • Use checkpoints with S3 Express One Zone for increased access speeds.

  • Use checkpoints with SageMaker managed spot training to save on training costs.

The SageMaker training mechanism uses training containers on Amazon EC2 instances, and the checkpoint files are saved under a local directory of the containers (the default is /opt/ml/checkpoints). SageMaker provides the functionality to copy the checkpoints from the local path to Amazon S3 and automatically syncs the checkpoints in that directory with S3. Existing checkpoints in S3 are written to the SageMaker container at the start of the job, enabling jobs to resume from a checkpoint. Checkpoints added to the S3 folder after the job has started are not copied to the training container. SageMaker also writes new checkpoints from the container to S3 during training. If a checkpoint is deleted in the SageMaker container, it will also be deleted in the S3 folder.

You can use checkpoints in Amazon SageMaker with the Amazon S3 Express One Zone storage class (S3 Express One Zone) for faster access to checkpoints. When you enable checkpointing and specify the S3 URI for your checkpoint storage destination, you can provide an S3 URI for a folder in either an S3 general purpose bucket or an S3 directory bucket. For more information on S3 Express One Zone and S3 directory buckets, see What is S3 Express One Zone.

If you are using checkpoints with SageMaker managed spot training, SageMaker manages checkpointing your model training on a spot instance and resuming the training job on the next spot instance. With SageMaker managed spot training, you can significantly reduce the billable time for training ML models. For more information, see Use Managed Spot Training in Amazon SageMaker.

Checkpoints for frameworks and algorithms in SageMaker

Use checkpoints to save snapshots of ML models built on your preferred frameworks within SageMaker.

SageMaker frameworks and algorithms that support checkpointing

SageMaker supports checkpointing for Amazon Deep Learning Containers and a subset of built-in algorithms without requiring training script changes. SageMaker saves the checkpoints to the default local path '/opt/ml/checkpoints' and copies them to Amazon S3.

If a pre-built algorithm that does not support checkpointing is used in a managed spot training job, SageMaker does not allow a maximum wait time greater than an hour for the job in order to limit wasted training time from interrupts.

For custom training containers and other frameworks

If you are using your own training containers, training scripts, or other frameworks not listed in the previous section, you must properly set up your training script using callbacks or training APIs to save checkpoints to the local path ('/opt/ml/checkpoints') and load from the local path in your training script. SageMaker estimators can sync up with the local path and save the checkpoints to Amazon S3.

Enable checkpointing

After you enable checkpointing, SageMaker saves checkpoints to Amazon S3 and syncs your training job with the checkpoint S3 bucket. You can use either S3 general purpose or S3 directory buckets for your checkpoint S3 bucket.

Architecture diagram of writing checkpoints during training.

The following example shows how to configure checkpoint paths when you construct a SageMaker estimator. To enable checkpointing, add the checkpoint_s3_uri and checkpoint_local_path parameters to your estimator.

The following example template shows how to create a generic SageMaker estimator and enable checkpointing. You can use this template for the supported algorithms by specifying the image_uri parameter. To find Docker image URIs for algorithms with checkpointing supported by SageMaker, see Docker Registry Paths and Example Code. You can also replace estimator and Estimator with other SageMaker frameworks' estimator parent classes and estimator classes, such as TensorFlow, PyTorch, MXNet, HuggingFace and XGBoost.

import sagemaker from sagemaker.estimator import Estimator bucket=sagemaker.Session().default_bucket() base_job_name="sagemaker-checkpoint-test" checkpoint_in_bucket="checkpoints" # The S3 URI to store the checkpoints checkpoint_s3_bucket="s3://{}/{}/{}".format(bucket, base_job_name, checkpoint_in_bucket) # The local path where the model will save its checkpoints in the training container checkpoint_local_path="/opt/ml/checkpoints" estimator = Estimator( ... image_uri="<ecr_path>/<algorithm-name>:<tag>" # Specify to use built-in algorithms output_path=bucket, base_job_name=base_job_name, # Parameters required to enable checkpointing checkpoint_s3_uri=checkpoint_s3_bucket, checkpoint_local_path=checkpoint_local_path )

The following two parameters specify paths for checkpointing:

  • checkpoint_local_path – Specify the local path where the model saves the checkpoints periodically in a training container. The default path is set to '/opt/ml/checkpoints'. If you are using other frameworks or bringing your own training container, ensure that your training script's checkpoint configuration specifies the path to '/opt/ml/checkpoints'.


    We recommend specifying the local paths as '/opt/ml/checkpoints' to be consistent with the default SageMaker checkpoint settings. If you prefer to specify your own local path, make sure you match the checkpoint saving path in your training script and the checkpoint_local_path parameter of the SageMaker estimators.

  • checkpoint_s3_uri – The URI to an S3 bucket where the checkpoints are stored in real time. You can specify either an S3 general purpose or S3 directory bucket to store your checkpoints. For more information on S3 directory buckets, see Directory buckets in the Amazon Simple Storage Service User Guide.

To find a complete list of SageMaker estimator parameters, see the Estimator API in the Amazon SageMaker Python SDK documentation.

Browse checkpoint files

Locate checkpoint files using the SageMaker Python SDK and the Amazon S3 console.

To find the checkpoint files programmatically

To retrieve the S3 bucket URI where the checkpoints are saved, check the following estimator attribute:


This returns the S3 output path for checkpoints configured while requesting the CreateTrainingJob request. To find the saved checkpoint files using the S3 console, use the following procedure.

To find the checkpoint files from the S3 console
  1. Sign in to the Amazon Web Services Management Console and open the SageMaker console at

  2. In the left navigation pane, choose Training jobs.

  3. Choose the link to the training job with checkpointing enabled to open Job settings.

  4. On the Job settings page of the training job, locate the Checkpoint configuration section.

    Checkpoint configuration section in the Job settings page of a training job.
  5. Use the link to the S3 bucket to access the checkpoint files.

Resume training from a checkpoint

To resume a training job from a checkpoint, run a new estimator with the same checkpoint_s3_uri that you created in the Enable checkpointing section. Once the training has resumed, the checkpoints from this S3 bucket are restored to checkpoint_local_path in each instance of the new training job. Ensure that the S3 bucket is in the same Region as that of the current SageMaker session.

Architecture diagram of syncing checkpoints to resume training.

Cluster repairs for GPU errors

If you are running a training job that fails on a GPU, SageMaker will run a GPU health check to see whether the failure is related to a GPU issue. SageMaker takes the following actions based on the health check results:

  • If the error is recoverable, and can be fixed by rebooting the instance or resetting the GPU, SageMaker will reboot the instance.

  • If the error is not recoverable, and caused by a GPU that needs to be replaced, SageMaker will replace the instance.

The instance is either replaced or rebooted as part of a SageMaker cluster repair process. During this process, you will see the following message in your training job status:

Repairing training cluster due to hardware failure

SageMaker will attempt to repair the cluster up to 10 times. If the cluster repair is successful, SageMaker will automatically restart the training job from the previous checkpoint. If the cluster repair fails, the training job will also fail. You are not billed for the cluster repair process. Cluster repairs will not initiate unless your training job fails. If a GPU issue is detected for a warmpool cluster, the cluster will enter into repair mode to either reboot or replace the faulty instance. After repair, the cluster can still be used as a warmpool cluster.

The previously described cluster and instance repair process is depicted in the following diagram:

The cluster repair process checks for training errors and attempts to fix them if they are caused by a GPU.

Considerations for checkpointing

Consider the following when using checkpoints in SageMaker.

  • To avoid overwrites in distributed training with multiple instances, you must manually configure the checkpoint file names and paths in your training script. The high-level SageMaker checkpoint configuration specifies a single Amazon S3 location without additional suffixes or prefixes to tag checkpoints from multiple instances.

  • The SageMaker Python SDK does not support high-level configuration for checkpointing frequency. To control the checkpointing frequency, modify your training script using the framework's model save functions or checkpoint callbacks.

  • If you use SageMaker checkpoints with SageMaker Debugger and SageMaker distributed and are facing issues, see the following pages for troubleshooting and considerations.