Automating Savings Plans with Amazon EventBridge - Savings Plans
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Automating Savings Plans with Amazon EventBridge

EventBridge helps you automate your Amazon services and respond automatically to system events such as application availability issues or resource changes. Events from Amazon services are delivered to EventBridge in near-real time. Events are emitted on a best-effort basis. Based on the rules you create, EventBridge calls one or more target actions when an event matches the values that you specify in a rule.

The actions that can be automatically triggered include the following:

  • Invoking an Amazon Lambda function

  • Invoking Amazon EC2 Run Command

  • Relaying the event to Amazon Kinesis Data Streams

  • Activating an Amazon Step Functions state machine

  • Notifying an Amazon SNS topic or an Amazon SMS queue

Some examples of using CloudWatch Events with Savings Plans include:

  • Activating a Lambda function when a Savings Plan retires.

  • Notifying an Amazon SNS topic when a Savings Plan is marked payment-failed or active.

For more information, see the Amazon CloudWatch Events User Guide.

Sample events from Savings Plans

This section includes example events from Savings Plans. Savings Plans generate two types of events. State change events that are triggered upon state changes, and state change alerts events that notify an upcoming state change that will occur in one or seven days.

Savings Plans state change event

Savings Plans state changes are generated when a Savings Plan transitions from one state to another. For example, payment-pending state changes to active, or an active state changes to retired.

{"version": "0", "id": "999cccaa-eaaa-0000-1111-123456789012", "detail-type": "Savings Plans State Change", "source": "aws.savingsplans", "account": "123456789012", "time": "2020-09-16T20:43:05Z", "region": "us-east-1", "resources": ["arn:aws:savingsplans::123456789012:savingsplan/07ec53ab-91c3-4ac5-bde6-79fd53192252"], "detail": { "severity": "INFO", "previousState" : "payment-pending", "currentState": "active", "message": "PaymentSuccessful" } }

The state change event contains fields for resources (Savings Plans ARNs), previous state, current state, severity, and message.

Possible values for state change events
previousState currentState severity message
queued payment-pending INFO


queued payment-failed ERROR




queued queued-deleted INFO


payment-pending active INFO


payment-pending payment-failed ERROR




active retired INFO


active pending-return INFO


pending-return returned INFO


pending-return active ERROR


Savings Plans state change alert event

Savings Plans state change alerts are generated when a Savings Plan transitions from the queued state to active, or active to retired in one or seven days. This is a proactive notification to alert you if any Savings Plan is retiring, or a queued state is fulfilled.

{"version": "0", "id": "999cccaa-eaaa-0000-1111-123456789012", "detail-type": "Savings Plans State Change Alert", "source": "aws.savingsplans", "account": "123456789012", "time": "2020-09-16T00:15:00Z", "region": "us-east-1", "resources": ["arn:aws:savingsplans::123456789012:savingsplan/07ec53ab-91c3-4ac5-bde6-79fd53192252", "arn:aws:savingsplans::123456789012:savingsplan/19a9fa12-911a-18ed-9aa1-3a2615149a14"], "detail": { "currentState" : "queued", "nextState": "active", "remainingdays" : "1", "nextStateChangeDate" : "2020-09-17", "message": "queued savings plans will go to active state on 2020-09-17" } }

The state change alert event contains fields for resources (Savings Plans ARNs), current state, next state, remaining days, next state change date, and message.

Possible values for state change alert events
currentState nextState remainingDays message




Queued Savings Plans will go to active state on YYYY-MM-DD.

queued active 7

Queued Savings Plans will go to active state on YYYY-MM-DD.

active retired 1

Active Savings Plans will go to retired state on YYYY-MM-DD.

active retired 7

Active Savings Plans will go to retired state on YYYY-MM-DD.