What are Savings Plans? - Savings Plans
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What are Savings Plans?

Savings Plans offer a flexible pricing model that provides savings on Amazon usage. You can save up to 84 percent on your Amazon compute workloads. Compute Savings Plans provide lower prices on Amazon EC2 instance usage regardless of instance family, size, OS, or tenancy. This also applies to Amazon Fargate and Amazon Lambda usage.

Savings Plans provide savings beyond On-Demand rates in exchange for a commitment of using a specified amount of compute power (measured per hour) for a one or three year period.

  • One year: A year is defined as 365 days (31,536,000 seconds).

  • Three years: Three years is defined as 1,095 days (94,608,000 seconds).

You can manage your plans by using recommendations, performance reporting, and budget alerts in Amazon Cost Explorer.

When you sign up for Savings Plans, the prices you'll pay for usage stays the same through the plan term. You can pay for your commitment using All upfront, Partial upfront, or No upfront payment options.

To get started, use Amazon Cost Explorer to view your recommended Savings Plans commitment, refresh Savings Plans recommendations, purchase Savings Plans, manage your Savings Plans, and view your historical Amazon usage. These recommendations make it easy for you to know the optimal Savings Plans commitment level for you. You can customize the recommendation to meet your needs and then purchase your Savings Plan. To see a full list of Amazon services that are eligible for Savings Plans, see Working with supported services.

Plan types

  • Compute Savings Plans provide the most flexibility and help to reduce your costs by up to 84%. These plans automatically apply to your EC2 instance usage across all instance types in a given Region regardless of instance family, instance size, availability zone, operating system, or tenancy, and also apply to Fargate and Lambda usage. For example, with Compute Savings Plans, you can change from C4 instances to M5 instances, or move a workload from Amazon EC2 to Fargate or Lambda at any time, and automatically continue to pay the Savings Plans price.

  • EC2 Instance Savings Plans provide the lowest prices, offering savings up to 84% in exchange for commitment to usage of individual instance families in a region (for example, M5 usage in Beijing). This automatically reduces your cost on the selected instance family in that region regardless of availability zone, size, operating system, or tenancy. EC2 Instance Savings Plans give you the flexibility to change your usage between instances within a family in that Region. For example, you can move from c5.xlarge running Windows to c5.2xlarge running Linux and automatically benefit from the Savings Plans prices.

  • SageMaker Savings Plans provide savings up to 64 percent off of On-Demand rates. These plans automatically apply to your SageMaker instance usage regardless of instance family (for example, ml.m5, ml.c5, etc.), instance sizes (for example ml.c5.large, ml.c5.xlarge, etc.), Region (for example, us-east-1, us-east-2, etc.), and component (for example, Notebook, Training, etc.).

    With SageMaker Savings Plans, you can move a workload from ml.c5 to ml.m5, shift your usage from Europe (Ireland) to Europe (London), or migrate your usage from Training to Inference at any time and continue to receive benefits.


    Savings Plans provides low prices in exchange for commitment. The terms of the commitment can't be changed after purchase. As your usage changes, you can sign up for additional Savings Plans.

    Both Compute and EC2 Instance plan types apply to EC2 instances that are a part of Amazon EMR, Amazon EKS, and Amazon ECS clusters. Amazon EKS charges will not be covered by Savings Plans, but the underlying EC2 instances will be.

Compute Savings Plans and Reserved Instances

Compute Savings Plans are a flexible pricing model that offers low prices, just like Amazon EC2 Reserved Instances (RI), but with added flexibility. With Savings Plans, you can reduce your bill by committing to a consistent amount of compute usage (measured in CNY/hour), instead of specific instance configurations. Savings Plans give you the flexibility to use the compute option that best suits your needs at low prices, without having to perform exchanges or modifications.

Compute Savings Plans provide savings up to 84 percent off On-Demand, similar to Convertible RIs. Compute Savings Plans automatically reduce your cost on EC2 instance usage, Fargate, and Lambda. EC2 Instance Savings Plans offer savings up to 84 percent off of On-Demand, similar to Standard RIs. They also automatically save you money on any instance usage within a given EC2 instance family in your Region of choice. For more information, see Plan types.

Comparing Savings Plans and RIs
Compute Savings Plans EC2 Instance Savings Plans Convertible RIs* Standard RIs
Savings over On-Demand

Up to 84 percent

Up to 84 percent

Up to 72 percent Up to 72 percent
Lower price in exchange for monetary commitment
Automatically applies pricing to any instance family
Automatically applies pricing to any instance size —** —**
Automatically applies pricing to any Tenancy or OS
Automatically applies to Amazon ECS and Amazon EKS using Fargate
Automatically applies to Lambda
Automatically applies pricing across Amazon Regions

Term length options of 1 or 3 years

* Convertible RIs can be changed across instance families, sizes, OS, and tenancy, but requires you to manually perform exchanges.

** Regional convertible RIs and Regional standard RIs provide instance size flexibility.


Savings Plans doesn't provide capacity reservations, but you can allocate On-Demand Capacity Reservation (ODCR) for your needs and your Savings Plans will apply.

Savings Plans prices for instances running SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) are different compared to the corresponding RI price.

Savings Plans prices do not change based on the amount of hourly commitment.

Savings Plans doesn't apply to spot usage or usage covered by RIs.

Savings Plans offer lower prices compared to On-Demand pricing in exchange for a commitment, and can't be cancelled during the term.