Using the inventory - Savings Plans
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Using the inventory

The Savings Plans Inventory page shows a detailed overview of the Savings Plans that you own, or have queued for future purchase.

If you're a user in a member account of Amazon Organizations, you can view the Savings Plans owned by your specific member account. If you’re a user in the management account of an organization, you can either view Savings Plans that are owned only by the management account, or you can view Savings Plans that are owned by all accounts in your organization. You can change views by choosing Account inventory or Organization inventory.


You can see your recently purchased Savings Plans in your Account inventory shortly after purchase. It might take longer for Savings Plans to appear in your Organization inventory view.

Reviewing your Savings Plans inventory

You can use the Inventory page to review your purchased Savings Plans.

To view your Inventory page
  1. Open the Amazon Cost Management console at

  2. In the navigation pane, under Savings Plans, choose Inventory.

The Savings Plans table shows the following information for your purchased Savings Plans:

  • Savings Plan ID – The unique identifier for each individual Savings Plan.

  • Account ID – The account ID that owns the particular Savings Plan. This column only appears in the Organization inventory view.

  • Status – The status of each Savings Plan. For example, active, queued, etc.

  • Type – The type of Savings Plan.

  • Instance family – The instance family that your Savings Plan is committed to. This only applies to the EC2 Instance Savings Plans type.

  • Region – The Amazon Region that your Savings Plan is committed to. This applies to Compute Savings Plans and EC2 Instance Savings Plans types.

  • Commitment – The hourly committed spend for the particular Savings Plan.

  • MTD net savings – The actual savings amount compared to On-Demand, based on the usage of the particular Savings Plan commitment. This column only appears in the Organization inventory view.

  • Start date – The date when the Savings Plan commitment started.

  • End date – The date when the Savings Plan commitment ends.

Using queues to replace an expiring Savings Plan

If your active Savings Plans are nearing expiration, you can queue a purchase to start as soon as the active Savings Plans expire. This helps ensure that you have continuous Savings Plans coverage.

To queue a Savings Plan purchase to replace an expiring Savings Plan
  1. Open the Amazon Cost Management console at

  2. In the navigation pane, under Savings Plans, choose Inventory.

  3. Select the reference Savings Plan using the check box.

    You can only select one Savings Plan at a time. The selected Savings Plan must be in active status.

  4. Choose Actions.

  5. Choose Renew Savings Plan.

  6. (Alternative) Choose the reference Savings Plan.

    1. On the Savings Plan details page, choose Renew Savings Plan.


      Renew Savings Plan renews your plan with the same configuration, and fees are charged using the current Savings Plan rate. This automatically sets the new Savings Plan start date to be one second after the reference Savings Plan expiration.

      You might want to change your commitment amount depending on changes in your usage or Savings Plans rates from the time you purchased the reference Savings Plan.

  7. On the Cart page, choose Submit order.

To learn more about the Cart page, see Reviewing and finalizing purchases.

Deleting a queued Savings Plan

You can use queued Savings Plans to have continued coverage for your On-Demand usage. However, we understand that your preferences might change as the start date approaches. You can delete your queued purchased using the following process.

To delete a queued Savings Plan purchase
  1. Open the Amazon Cost Management console at

  2. On the navigation pane, choose Inventory under the Savings Plans section.

  3. Select the queued Savings Plans to delete.

    The status must be marked as Queued.

  4. Choose Actions.

  5. Choose Delete queued Savings Plans.

  6. (Alternative) Choose the queued Savings Plan.

    1. On the Savings Plan details page, choose Delete queued Savings Plan.

  7. In the pop-up window, choose Delete.

Downloading your Savings Plans rates

You can download a CSV file with detailed information for each Savings Plan you own. The file might take longer to download for Compute Savings Plans.

To download your Savings Plans rates file
  1. Open the Amazon Cost Management console at

  2. In the navigation pane, under Savings Plans, choose Inventory.

  3. In the Savings Plans section, choose Savings Plans ID.

  4. On the Savings Plans details page, choose Download Savings Plans Rates.

You can also download your Savings Plans rates using the Amazon Price List bulk API. For more information, see Using the bulk API in the Amazon Billing User Guide.

Downloading your Savings Plans inventory

You can download a CSV file with all of the detailed information for Savings Plans in your Savings Plans table.

To download your Savings Plans inventory file
  1. Open the Amazon Cost Management console at

  2. In the navigation pane, under Savings Plans, choose Inventory.

  3. In the Savings Plans section, choose Download CSV.

    You can download all Savings Plans on your Inventory page, or select any number of Savings Plans before downloading the CSV file.

Viewing your utilization report

You can see your Savings Plan utilization report to understand how your Savings Plans applied to your usage over the configured time period. For more information about how to understand your report, see Using the utilization report.

To view your utilization report
  1. Open the Amazon Cost Management console at

  2. In the navigation pane, under Savings Plans, choose Inventory.

  3. In the Savings Plans section, choose the relevant Savings Plan ID.

  4. In the Savings Plan details, choose View utilization report.