Viewing Savings Plans recommendation details
Savings Plans recommendation details offer visibility into the potential impact of a recommended Savings Plan on your hourly On-Demand cost, coverage, and utilization. Each recommendation is designed to maximize your savings, taking into account your chosen Recommendation parameters, your current Savings Plans inventory, and your On-Demand spend over the lookback period.
To view the details of a Savings Plan recommendation
Open the Amazon Cost Management console at
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In the navigation pane, under Savings Plans, choose Recommendations.
In the Recommended Savings Plans section on the Recommendations page, for a specific Savings Plan, choose View details.
The Recommendation details page shows three simulated charts that illustrate the impact of purchasing the recommended commitment:
On-Demand cost: Shows the current Savings Plan commitment, the recommended Savings Plan purchase, and the remaining On-Demand spend.
Coverage: Shows the coverage both before and after the recommended Savings Plan purchase.
Utilization: Shows the utilization of the recommended Savings Plan purchase.
You can also receive the details of recommended Savings Plans using the Amazon Cost Explorer API.