Amazon SES examples using SDK for Ruby - Amazon SDK for Ruby
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Amazon SES examples using SDK for Ruby

The following code examples show you how to perform actions and implement common scenarios by using the Amazon SDK for Ruby with Amazon SES.

Actions are code excerpts from larger programs and must be run in context. While actions show you how to call individual service functions, you can see actions in context in their related scenarios and cross-service examples.

Scenarios are code examples that show you how to accomplish a specific task by calling multiple functions within the same service.

Each example includes a link to GitHub, where you can find instructions on how to set up and run the code in context.



The following code example shows how to use GetIdentityVerificationAttributes.

SDK for Ruby

There's more on GitHub. Find the complete example and learn how to set up and run in the Amazon Code Examples Repository.

require "aws-sdk-ses" # v2: require 'aws-sdk' # Create client in us-west-2 region # Replace us-west-2 with the AWS Region you're using for Amazon SES. client = "us-west-2") # Get up to 1000 identities ids = client.list_identities({ identity_type: "EmailAddress" }) ids.identities.each do |email| attrs = client.get_identity_verification_attributes({ identities: [email] }) status = attrs.verification_attributes[email].verification_status # Display email addresses that have been verified if status == "Success" puts email end end

The following code example shows how to use ListIdentities.

SDK for Ruby

There's more on GitHub. Find the complete example and learn how to set up and run in the Amazon Code Examples Repository.

require "aws-sdk-ses" # v2: require 'aws-sdk' # Create client in us-west-2 region # Replace us-west-2 with the AWS Region you're using for Amazon SES. client = "us-west-2") # Get up to 1000 identities ids = client.list_identities({ identity_type: "EmailAddress" }) ids.identities.each do |email| attrs = client.get_identity_verification_attributes({ identities: [email] }) status = attrs.verification_attributes[email].verification_status # Display email addresses that have been verified if status == "Success" puts email end end
  • For API details, see ListIdentities in Amazon SDK for Ruby API Reference.

The following code example shows how to use SendEmail.

SDK for Ruby

There's more on GitHub. Find the complete example and learn how to set up and run in the Amazon Code Examples Repository.

require "aws-sdk-ses" # v2: require 'aws-sdk' # Replace with your "From" address. # This address must be verified with Amazon SES. sender = "" # Replace with a "To" address. If your account # is still in the sandbox, this address must be verified. recipient = "" # Specify a configuration set. To use a configuration # set, uncomment the next line and line 74. # configsetname = "ConfigSet" # The subject line for the email. subject = "Amazon SES test (AWS SDK for Ruby)" # The HTML body of the email. htmlbody = "<h1>Amazon SES test (AWS SDK for Ruby)</h1>"\ '<p>This email was sent with <a href="">'\ 'Amazon SES</a> using the <a href="">'\ "AWS SDK for Ruby</a>." # The email body for recipients with non-HTML email clients. textbody = "This email was sent with Amazon SES using the AWS SDK for Ruby." # Specify the text encoding scheme. encoding = "UTF-8" # Create a new SES client in the us-west-2 region. # Replace us-west-2 with the AWS Region you're using for Amazon SES. ses = "us-west-2") # Try to send the email. begin # Provide the contents of the email. ses.send_email( destination: { to_addresses: [ recipient ] }, message: { body: { html: { charset: encoding, data: htmlbody }, text: { charset: encoding, data: textbody } }, subject: { charset: encoding, data: subject } }, source: sender, # Uncomment the following line to use a configuration set. # configuration_set_name: configsetname, ) puts "Email sent to " + recipient # If something goes wrong, display an error message. rescue Aws::SES::Errors::ServiceError => error puts "Email not sent. Error message: #{error}" end
  • For API details, see SendEmail in Amazon SDK for Ruby API Reference.

The following code example shows how to use VerifyEmailIdentity.

SDK for Ruby

There's more on GitHub. Find the complete example and learn how to set up and run in the Amazon Code Examples Repository.

require "aws-sdk-ses" # v2: require 'aws-sdk' # Replace with a "To" address. recipient = "" # Create a new SES resource in the us-west-2 region. # Replace us-west-2 with the AWS Region you're using for Amazon SES. ses = "us-west-2") # Try to verify email address. begin ses.verify_email_identity({ email_address: recipient }) puts "Email sent to " + recipient # If something goes wrong, display an error message. rescue Aws::SES::Errors::ServiceError => error puts "Email not sent. Error message: #{error}" end