Amazon S3 Encryption Client Migration - Amazon SDK for Ruby
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Amazon S3 Encryption Client Migration

This topic shows how to migrate your applications from Version 1 (V1) of the Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) encryption client to Version 2 (V2), and ensure application availability throughout the migration process.

Migration Overview

This migration happens in two phases:

1. Update existing clients to read new formats. First, deploy an updated version of the Amazon SDK for Ruby to your application. This will allow existing V1 encryption clients to decrypt objects written by the new V2 clients. If your application uses multiple Amazon SDKs, you must upgrade each SDK separately.

2. Migrate encryption and decryption clients to V2. Once all of your V1 encryption clients can read new formats, you can migrate your existing encryption and decryption clients to their respective V2 versions.

Update Existing Clients to Read New Formats

The V2 encryption client uses encryption algorithms that older versions of the client don’t support. The first step in the migration is to update your V1 decryption clients to the latest SDK release. After completing this step, your application’s V1 clients will be able to decrypt objects encrypted by V2 encryption clients. See details below for each major version of the Amazon SDK for Ruby.

Update Amazon SDK for Ruby Version 3

Version 3 is the latest version of the Amazon SDK For Ruby. To complete this migration, you need to use version 1.76.0 or later of the aws-sdk-s3 gem.

Installing from the Command Line

For projects that install the aws-sdk-s3 gem, use the version option to verify that the minimum version of 1.76.0 is installed.

gem install aws-sdk-s3 -v '>= 1.76.0'

Using Gemfiles

For projects that use a Gemfile to manage dependencies, set the minimum version of the aws-sdk-s3 gem to 1.76.0. For example:

gem 'aws-sdk-s3', '>= 1.76.0'
  1. Modify your Gemfile.

  2. Run bundle update aws-sdk-s3. To verify your version, run bundle info aws-sdk-s3.

Upgdate Amazon SDK for Ruby Version 2

Version 2 of the Amazon SDK for Ruby will enter maintenance mode on November 21st, 2021. To complete this migration, you need to use version 2.11.562 or later of the aws-sdk gem.

Installing from the Command Line

For projects that install the aws-sdk gem, from the command line, use the version option to verify that the minimum version of 2.11.562 is installed.

gem install aws-sdk -v '>= 2.11.562'

Using Gemfiles

For projects that use a Gemfile to manage dependencies, set the minimum version of the aws-sdk gem to 2.11.562. For example:

gem 'aws-sdk', '>= 2.11.562'
  1. Modify your Gemfile. If you have a Gemfile.lock file, delete or update it.

  2. Run bundle update aws-sdk. To verify your version, run bundle info aws-sdk.

Migrate Encryption and Decryption Clients to V2

After updating your clients to read the new encryption formats, you can update your applications to the V2 encryption and decryption clients. The following steps show you how to successfully migrate your code from V1 to V2.

Before updating your code to use the V2 encryption client, ensure that you have followed the preceding steps and are using the aws-sdk-s3 gem version 2.11.562 or later.


When decrypting with AES-GCM, read the entire object to the end before you start using the decrypted data. This is to verify that the object has not been modified since it was encrypted.

Configuring V2 Encryption Clients

The EncryptionV2::Client requires additional configuration. For detailed configuration information, see the EncryptionV2::Client documentation or the examples provided later in this topic.

1. The key wrap method and content encryption algorithm must be specified on client construction. When creating a new EncryptionV2::Client, you need to provide values for key_wrap_schema and content_encryption_schema.

key_wrap_schema - If you are using Amazon KMS, this must be set to :kms_context. If you are using a symmetric (AES) key, it must be set to :aes_gcm. If you are using an asymmetric (RSA) key, it must be set to :rsa_oaep_sha1.

content_encryption_schema - This must be set to :aes_gcm_no_padding.

2. security_profile must be specified on client construction. When creating a new EncryptionV2::Client, you need to provide a value for security_profile. The security_profile parameter determines the support for reading objects written using the older V1 Encryption::Client. There are two values: :v2 and :v2_and_legacy. To support migration, set the security_profile to :v2_and_legacy. Use :v2 only for new application development.

3. Amazon KMS key ID is enforced by default. In V1, Encryption::Client, the kms_key_id used to create the client was not provided to the Amazon KMS Decrypt call. Amazon KMS can get this information from metadata and add it to the symmetric ciphertext blob. In V2, E`ncryptionV2::Client`, the kms_key_id is passed to the Amazon KMS Decrypt call, and the call fails if it does not match the key used to encrypt the object. If your code previously relied on not setting a specific kms_key_id, either set kms_key_id: :kms_allow_decrypt_with_any_cmk on client creation or set kms_allow_decrypt_with_any_cmk: true on get_object calls.

Example: Using a Symmetric (AES) Key


client = aes_key) client.put_object(bucket: bucket, key: key, body: secret_data) resp = client.get_object(bucket: bucket, key: key)


client = encryption_key: rsa_key, key_wrap_schema: :rsa_oaep_sha1, # the key_wrap_schema must be rsa_oaep_sha1 for asymmetric keys content_encryption_schema: :aes_gcm_no_padding, security_profile: :v2_and_legacy # to allow reading/decrypting objects encrypted by the V1 encryption client ) client.put_object(bucket: bucket, key: key, body: secret_data) # No changes resp = client.get_object(bucket: bucket, key: key) # No changes

Example: Using Amazon KMS with kms_key_id


client = kms_key_id) client.put_object(bucket: bucket, key: key, body: secret_data) resp = client.get_object(bucket: bucket, key: key)


client = kms_key_id: kms_key_id, key_wrap_schema: :kms_context, # the key_wrap_schema must be kms_context for KMS keys content_encryption_schema: :aes_gcm_no_padding, security_profile: :v2_and_legacy # to allow reading/decrypting objects encrypted by the V1 encryption client ) client.put_object(bucket: bucket, key: key, body: secret_data) # No changes resp = client.get_object(bucket: bucket, key: key) # No change

Example: Using Amazon KMS without kms_key_id


client = kms_key_id) client.put_object(bucket: bucket, key: key, body: secret_data) resp = client.get_object(bucket: bucket, key: key)


client = kms_key_id: kms_key_id, key_wrap_schema: :kms_context, # the key_wrap_schema must be kms_context for KMS keys content_encryption_schema: :aes_gcm_no_padding, security_profile: :v2_and_legacy # to allow reading/decrypting objects encrypted by the V1 encryption client ) client.put_object(bucket: bucket, key: key, body: secret_data) # No changes resp = client.get_object(bucket: bucket, key: key, kms_allow_decrypt_with_any_cmk: true) # To allow decrypting with any cmk

Post-Migration Alternative

If you only read and decrypt (never write and encrypt) objects using the S2 encryption client, use this code.

client = kms_key_id: :kms_allow_decrypt_with_any_cmk, # set kms_key_id to allow all get_object requests to use any cmk key_wrap_schema: :kms_context, # the key_wrap_schema must be kms_context for KMS keys content_encryption_schema: :aes_gcm_no_padding, security_profile: :v2_and_legacy # to allow reading/decrypting objects encrypted by the V1 encryption client ) resp = client.get_object(bucket: bucket, key: key) # No change