Configure the Amazon SDK for Ruby - Amazon SDK for Ruby
Services or capabilities described in Amazon Web Services documentation might vary by Region. To see the differences applicable to the China Regions, see Getting Started with Amazon Web Services in China (PDF).

Configure the Amazon SDK for Ruby

Learn how to configure the Amazon SDK for Ruby. You must establish how your code authenticates with Amazon when you develop with Amazon Web Services. You must also set the Amazon Web Services Region you want to use.

Credential provider chain

All SDKs have a series of places (or sources) that they check in order to get valid credentials to use to make a request to an Amazon Web Service. After valid credentials are found, the search is stopped. This systematic search is called the default credential provider chain.

For each step in the chain, there are different ways to set the values. Setting values directly in code always takes precedence, followed by setting as environment variables, and then in the shared Amazon config file. For more information, see Precedence of settings in the Amazon SDKs and Tools Reference Guide.

The Amazon SDKs and Tools Reference Guide has information on SDK configuration settings used by all Amazon SDKs and the Amazon CLI. To learn more about how to configure the SDK through the shared Amazon config file, see Shared config and credentials files. To learn more about how to configure the SDK through setting environment variables, see Environment variables support.

To authenticate with Amazon, the Amazon SDK for Ruby checks the credential providers in the order listed in the following table.

Credential provider by precedence Amazon SDKs and Tools Reference Guide Amazon SDK for Ruby API Reference
Amazon access keys (temporary and long-term credentials) Amazon access keys



Web identity token from Amazon Security Token Service (Amazon STS) Assume role credential provider

Using role_arn, role_session_name, and web_identity_token_file

Amazon IAM Identity Center. In this guide, see SDK authentication with Amazon. IAM Identity Center credential provider Aws::SSOCredentials
Trusted entity provider (such as AWS_ROLE_ARN). In this guide, see Creating an Amazon STS access token. Assume role credential provider

Using role_arn and role_session_name

Process credential provider Process credential provider Aws::ProcessCredentials
Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) credentials Container credential provider Aws::ECSCredentials
Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance profile credentials (IMDS credential provider) IMDS credential provider Aws::InstanceProfileCredentials

If the Amazon SDK for Ruby environment variable AWS_SDK_CONFIG_OPT_OUT is set, the shared Amazon config file, typically at ~/.aws/config, will not be parsed for credentials.

If you followed the recommended approach for new users to get started, you set up Amazon IAM Identity Center authentication during SDK authentication with Amazon of the Getting started topic. Other authentication methods are useful for different situations. To avoid security risks, we recommend always using short-term credentials. For other authentication method procedures, see Authentication and access in the Amazon SDKs and Tools Reference Guide.

Creating an Amazon STS access token

Assuming a role involves using a set of temporary security credentials that you can use to access Amazon resources that you might not normally have access to. These temporary credentials consist of an access key ID, a secret access key, and a security token. You can use the Aws::AssumeRoleCredentials method to create an Amazon Security Token Service (Amazon STS) access token.

The following example uses an access token to create an Amazon S3 client object, where linked::account::arn is the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role to assume and session-name is an identifier for the assumed role session.

role_credentials = client:, role_arn: "linked::account::arn", role_session_name: "session-name" ) s3 = role_credentials)

For more information about setting role_arn or role_session_name, or about setting these using the shared Amazon config file instead, see Assume role credential provider in the Amazon SDKs and Tools Reference Guide.

Setting a Region

You need to set a Region when using most Amazon Web Services. The Amazon SDK for Ruby searches for a Region in the following order:

For more information on the region setting, see Amazon Web Services Region in the Amazon SDKs and Tools Reference Guide. The rest of this section describes how to set a Region, starting with the most common approach.

Setting the Region using the shared config file

Set the region by setting the region variable in the shared Amazon config file. For more information about the shared config file, see Shared config and credentials files in the Amazon SDKs and Tools Reference Guide.

Example of setting this value in the config file:

[default] region = us-west-2

The shared config file is not checked if the environment variable AWS_SDK_CONFIG_OPT_OUT is set.

Setting the Region using environment variables

Set the Region by setting the AWS_REGION environment variable.

Use the export command to set this variable on Unix-based systems, such as Linux or macOS. The following example sets the Region to us-west-2.

export AWS_REGION=us-west-2

To set this variable on Windows, use the set command. The following example sets the Region to us-west-2.

set AWS_REGION=us-west-2

Setting the Region with Aws.config

Set the Region by adding a region value to the Aws.config hash. The following example updates the Aws.config hash to use the us-west-1 Region.

Aws.config.update({region: 'us-west-1'})

Any clients or resources that you create later are bound to this Region.

Setting the Region in a client or resource object

Set the Region when you create an Amazon client or resource. The following example creates an Amazon S3 resource object in the us-west-1 Region. Choose the correct Region for your Amazon resources. A service client object is immutable, so you must create a new client for each service to which you make requests and for making requests to the same service using a different configuration.

s3 = 'us-west-1')

Setting a nonstandard endpoint

The region is used to construct an SSL endpoint to use for Amazon requests. If you need to use a nonstandard endpoint in the Region you’ve selected, add an endpoint entry to Aws.config. Alternatively, set the endpoint: when creating a service client or resource object. The following example creates an Amazon S3 resource object in the other_endpoint endpoint.

s3 = other_endpoint)

To use an endpoint of your choosing for API requests and to have that choice persist, see the Service-specific endpoints configuration option in the Amazon SDKs and Tools Reference Guide.