Install the Amazon SDK for Ruby - Amazon SDK for Ruby
Services or capabilities described in Amazon Web Services documentation might vary by Region. To see the differences applicable to the China Regions, see Getting Started with Amazon Web Services in China (PDF).

Install the Amazon SDK for Ruby

This section includes prerequisites and installation instructions for the Amazon SDK for Ruby.


Before you use the Amazon SDK for Ruby, you must authenticate with Amazon. For information about setting up authentication, see SDK authentication with Amazon.

Installing the SDK

You can install the Amazon SDK for Ruby as you would any Ruby gem. The gems are available at RubyGems. The Amazon SDK for Ruby is designed to be modular and is separated by Amazon Web Service. Installing the entire aws-sdk gem is large and may take over an hour.

We recommend only installing the gems for the Amazon Web Services you use. These are named like aws-sdk-service_abbreviation and the complete list is found in the Supported Services table of the Amazon SDK for Ruby README file. For example, the gem for interfacing with the Amazon S3 service is directly available at aws-sdk-s3.

Ruby version manager

Instead of using system Ruby, we recommend using a Ruby version manager such as the following:

For example, if you are using an Amazon Linux 2 operating system, the following commands can be used to update RVM, list the available Ruby versions, then choose the version you want to use for development with the Amazon SDK for Ruby. The minimum required Ruby version is 2.3.

$ rvm get head $ rvm list known $ rvm install ruby-3.1.3 $ rvm --default use 3.1.3


If you use Bundler, the following commands install the Amazon SDK for Ruby gem for Amazon S3:

  1. Install Bundler and create the Gemfile:

    $ gem install bundler $ bundle init
  2. Open the created Gemfile and add a gem line for each Amazon service gem your code will use. To follow along with the Amazon S3 example, add the following line to the bottom of the file:

    gem "aws-sdk-s3"
  3. Save the Gemfile.

  4. Install the dependencies specified in your Gemfile:

    $ bundle install