Stub client responses and errors - Amazon SDK for Ruby
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Stub client responses and errors

Learn how to stub client responses and client errors in an Amazon SDK for Ruby application.

Stubbing client responses

When you stub a response, the Amazon SDK for Ruby disables network traffic and the client returns stubbed (or fake) data. If you don’t supply stubbed data, the client returns:

  • Lists as empty arrays

  • Maps as empty hashes

  • Numeric values as zero

  • Dates as now

The following example returns stubbed names for the list of Amazon S3 buckets.

require 'aws-sdk' s3 = true) bucket_data = s3.stub_data(:list_buckets, :buckets => [{name:'aws-sdk'}, {name:'aws-sdk2'}]) s3.stub_responses(:list_buckets, bucket_data) bucket_names = # List each bucket by name bucket_names.each do |name| puts name end

Running this code displays the following.

aws-sdk aws-sdk2

After you supply any stubbed data, the default values no longer apply for any remaining instance attributes. This means that in the previous example, the remaining instance attribute, creation_date, is not now but nil.

The Amazon SDK for Ruby validates your stubbed data. If you pass in data of the wrong type, it raises an ArgumentError exception. For example, if instead of the previous assignment to bucket_data, you used the following:

bucket_data = s3.stub_data(:list_buckets, buckets:['aws-sdk', 'aws-sdk2'])

The Amazon SDK for Ruby raises two ArgumentError exceptions.

expected params[:buckets][0] to be a hash expected params[:buckets][1] to be a hash

Stubbing client errors

You can also stub errors that the Amazon SDK for Ruby raises for specific methods. The following example displays Caught Timeout::Error error calling head_bucket on aws-sdk.

require 'aws-sdk' s3 = true) s3.stub_responses(:head_bucket, Timeout::Error) begin s3.head_bucket({bucket: 'aws-sdk'}) rescue Exception => ex puts "Caught #{ex.class} error calling 'head_bucket' on 'aws-sdk'" end