Actions, resources, and condition keys for Amazon Neptune - Service Authorization Reference
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Actions, resources, and condition keys for Amazon Neptune

Amazon Neptune (service prefix: neptune-db) provides the following service-specific resources, actions, and condition context keys for use in IAM permission policies.


Actions defined by Amazon Neptune

You can specify the following actions in the Action element of an IAM policy statement. Use policies to grant permissions to perform an operation in Amazon. When you use an action in a policy, you usually allow or deny access to the API operation or CLI command with the same name. However, in some cases, a single action controls access to more than one operation. Alternatively, some operations require several different actions.

The Resource types column of the Actions table indicates whether each action supports resource-level permissions. If there is no value for this column, you must specify all resources ("*") to which the policy applies in the Resource element of your policy statement. If the column includes a resource type, then you can specify an ARN of that type in a statement with that action. If the action has one or more required resources, the caller must have permission to use the action with those resources. Required resources are indicated in the table with an asterisk (*). If you limit resource access with the Resource element in an IAM policy, you must include an ARN or pattern for each required resource type. Some actions support multiple resource types. If the resource type is optional (not indicated as required), then you can choose to use one of the optional resource types.

The Condition keys column of the Actions table includes keys that you can specify in a policy statement's Condition element. For more information on the condition keys that are associated with resources for the service, see the Condition keys column of the Resource types table.


Resource condition keys are listed in the Resource types table. You can find a link to the resource type that applies to an action in the Resource types (*required) column of the Actions table. The resource type in the Resource types table includes the Condition keys column, which are the resource condition keys that apply to an action in the Actions table.

For details about the columns in the following table, see Actions table.

Actions Description Access level Resource types (*required) Condition keys Dependent actions
CancelLoaderJob Grants permission to cancel a loader job Write


CancelMLDataProcessingJob Grants permission to cancel an ML data processing job Write


CancelMLModelTrainingJob Grants permission to cancel an ML model training job Write


CancelMLModelTransformJob Grants permission to cancel an ML model transform job Write


CancelQuery Grants permission to cancel a query Write


CreateMLEndpoint Grants permission to create an ML endpoint Write


DeleteDataViaQuery Grants permission to run delete data via query APIs on database Write



DeleteMLEndpoint Grants permission to delete an ML endpoint Write


DeleteStatistics Grants permission to delete all the statistics in the database Write


GetEngineStatus Grants permission to check the status of the Neptune engine Read


GetGraphSummary Grants permission to get the graph summary from the database Read


GetLoaderJobStatus Grants permission to check the status of a loader job Read


GetMLDataProcessingJobStatus Grants permission to check the status of an ML data processing job Read


GetMLEndpointStatus Grants permission to check the status of an ML endpoint Read


GetMLModelTrainingJobStatus Grants permission to check the status of an ML model training job Read


GetMLModelTransformJobStatus Grants permission to check the status of an ML model transform job Read


GetQueryStatus Grants permission to check the status of all active queries Read



GetStatisticsStatus Grants permission to check the status of statistics of the database Read


GetStreamRecords Grants permission to fetch stream records from Neptune Read



ListLoaderJobs Grants permission to list all the loader jobs List


ListMLDataProcessingJobs Grants permission to list all the ML data processing jobs List


ListMLEndpoints Grants permission to list all the ML endpoints List


ListMLModelTrainingJobs Grants permission to list all the ML model training jobs List


ListMLModelTransformJobs Grants permission to list all the ML model transform jobs List


ManageStatistics Grants permission to manage statistics in the database Write


ReadDataViaQuery Grants permission to run read data via query APIs on database Read



ResetDatabase Grants permission to get the token needed for reset and resets the Neptune database Write


StartLoaderJob Grants permission to start a loader job Write


StartMLDataProcessingJob Grants permission to start an ML data processing job Write


StartMLModelTrainingJob Grants permission to start an ML model training job Write


StartMLModelTransformJob Grants permission to start an ML model transform job Write


WriteDataViaQuery Grants permission to run write data via query APIs on database Write



connect Grants permission to all data-access actions in engine versions prior to Write


Resource types defined by Amazon Neptune

The following resource types are defined by this service and can be used in the Resource element of IAM permission policy statements. Each action in the Actions table identifies the resource types that can be specified with that action. A resource type can also define which condition keys you can include in a policy. These keys are displayed in the last column of the Resource types table. For details about the columns in the following table, see Resource types table.

Resource types ARN Condition keys
database arn:${Partition}:neptune-db:${Region}:${Account}:${ClusterResourceId}/*

Condition keys for Amazon Neptune

Amazon Neptune defines the following condition keys that can be used in the Condition element of an IAM policy. You can use these keys to further refine the conditions under which the policy statement applies. For details about the columns in the following table, see Condition keys table.

To view the global condition keys that are available to all services, see Available global condition keys.

Condition keys Description Type
neptune-db:QueryLanguage Filters access by graph model String