Managing Terraform Open Source product status errors - Amazon Service Catalog
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Managing Terraform Open Source product status errors

Terraform Open Source ProvisionProduct failures are routed to the TAINTED state, allowing each provisioned product to proceed to UpdateProvisionedProduct. When this occurs:

  • UpdateProvisionedProduct does not make an attempt to update or correct tags, or to create or modify a resource group.

  • UpdateProvisionedProduct does not consider failures from previous provisioning operations when deciding if the provisioned product should be set to AVAILABLE or TAINTED.

Amazon Service Catalog only applies Tags during ProvisionProduct. Any failed tagging that results from a failure of the ProvisionProduct operation are not automatically resolved.

Status error examples

Example 1: Amazon Service Catalog does not create a resource group during ProvisionProduct

In the scenario below, you have a provisioned product in the AVAILABLE state even if there is not a supporting resource group, and without any tags applied to the resources.

  1. Your action initiates ProvisionProduct.

  2. The Terraform provisioning engine responds to ProvisionProduct with a workflow failure and does not provide a ResourceIdentifier.

  3. The ProvisionProduct workflow does not create a resource group, and then sets the provisioned product state to ERROR.

  4. You then initiate the UpdateProvisionedproduct operation.

  5. The Terraform provisioning engine responds indicating "success."

  6. As a result, the UpdateprovisionedProduct workflow sets the provisioned product state to AVAILABLE, but does not create a resource group, or attempt to apply any Tags.

Example 2: Amazon Service Catalog creates new resources during UpdateProvisionedProduct

In the scenario below, you have a provisioned product in the AVAILABLE state even if new resources do not have any tags applied.

  1. Your action initiates ProvisionProduct.

  2. The Terraform provisioning engine responds indicating "success" and provides a ResourceIdentifier.

  3. The ProvisionProduct workflow creates a resource group and applies tags to all of the identified resources.

  4. You initiate UpdateProvisionedProduct on a new artifact that creates new resources.

  5. The Terraform provisioning engine responds indicating "success."

  6. The UpdateProvisionedProduct workflow sets the provisioned product state to AVAILABLE but does not attempt to apply any additional tags to the new resources.

Status error solution

Amazon Service Catalog ensures that a resource group is created for all provisioned products set to TAINTED from ProvisionProduct. If the Terraform provisioning engine does not return a ResourceIdentifier, or if Amazon Service Catalog fails to create a resource group, then the provisioned product is set to the ERROR state, forcing you to terminate.